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    • Happy belated birthday!   Have a Gollum Sméagol gif:
    • Tuned in and very happy to hear this ❤️     
    • Update on Litter Robot. It seems they weights aren't necessarily "too close" between Saxo and Lilly. Lilly has apparently been peeing\pooping in hubby's office and he JUST noticed yesterday. So getting that clean has been "fun". I woke up with a migraine and I guess I need to get one of the old litter boxes out for a bit and hope she will eventually transition over the next few days (or ugh, weeks). The entire point is to not have to clean a gd manual box. Just ARGH. Hopefully she didn't just find "somewhere else" last night. I did close up what I could in hopes she wouldn't just go ANYWHERE. I've been bad about walking this week. I got in my steps yesterday though. I woke up with a migraine this morning so meds are on board. First in a couple of months and not "praying to the porcelain gods" bad so it's probably being around cleaning up cat urine and poop last night..... Anyway - happy birthday American Experiment. Hopefully it lasts past 1/20/2025.
    • Happy Independence Day! Down with the Monarchy!    I ordered an AC, it'll be here Sunday.    I've got a major work project over this Holiday Weekend. We're replacing a giant water tank that's part of our chilled water system. Need to do it when production isn't running, so about to head into work.  Today: drain old tank, disconnect and prep for moving Tomorrow (with help from warehouse guys), pull out old tank, place new tank, start connecting Saturday: finish connections and test Sunday: buffer, hopefully don't need it.
    • I like this for you.   It’s a holiday in the US, and Wednesday was full of pre-vacation weirdness, and tomorrow will be filled with post-holiday extra-day vacations which curiously both stymie the regular work rhythm and simultaneously allow Actual Work to get done.
    • Stopped at the beach on the way home from dropping Mr. R off. I was inspired by everyone's adventure photos. The sun was quite intense.     
    • So the fireworks show ended up being on Tuesday and we were left with both dogs, then they left yesterday and won't be back until Saturday (funeral, I get that it was unexpected) and left one dog with us. I can't wrap my brain around how you planned this visit and it's just ended up us having to accommodate your changes in plans. I am glad D ended up not having to work because that would not work for me with this extra dog in the house!  
    • I'll continue in a "hybrid" manner. Focus on the given main and side quests, but if they take me to places I haven't fully explored yet, then I'll do the exploration at that moment, without going overboard and clearing the entire map in one go. Feels like that will give me the best balance. Especially now that I've pretty much completed all there is to do (for now) in both Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, and am thus running out of "wholesome, safe, battle-free exploration"... 😅       "Just one more quest" is still in effect, and this game is making me forsake the "sleep" part of my current challenge... 😱   This week so far:   Week 3   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 5h27 Steps               Avg. steps 11.9K Distance 17.93 Workouts 0.0 Days with (mini-)workouts 0 ALL THE THINGS!                     Here's a Belgian band that I'll be checking out at the Alcatraz Festival: The Killbots. Stoner rock band that was active from 2002 to 2008 but who've reformed last year. I won't see their entire gig (because there's overlap with Orden Ogan and those are WAY higher on my list of band priorities), but will check out their first half. This should be their opener:   The Killbots - The Second Barrage  
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