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    • Hey all, I hope you had a good day! And for my American friends, happy 4th of July     Today was another "nothing" day but it was a nice day. I finally got my laundry folded and put away. I did a brief inventory of my "camping bin" for my camping trip this weekend. I then met up with the girls for lunch, afterwards we went for a swim at my parents house.  Eventually we headed back to H's house to hang out until the guys got back from work and had dinner... I had ramen. It was restful. 
    • I feel the pressure of my age because I think I am 35 this year 😮 so tick tock. Realistically it will take me a year minimum to lose the weight and who knows how long it would take to conceive if that is the route we go. But yah I can't imagine adding more weight (and babeh) plus all the side effects of (high risk) pregnancy to this body. And I also can't imagine bringing a little into our lives when we don't have our "life" habits under control.    Oh yah that list isn't a tackle all at once thing. It's kind of the end goal. I think it is doable and stuff I am able to start small and build on whilst still making progress. I have already been working on some things like the meal planning, home cooking and hydrating.  The "staple" meal ideas are do-able right now because it's summer so its very appealing to just fire up the BBQ for me (which I have already been doing) and I already started adding more random veggies and salads into our meals. The 10k km steps is a doozy and with my feet I will need to lose weight before I can up my steps consistently.  Admittedly though I am still struggling with being consistent for any amount of time.    I do have binge tendencies but I haven't necessarily had them for a long while. I am a grazer and boredom eater though. Again not necessarily binging at this point but portions are not in check. I know I need calorie counting now to keep me accountable but getting myself to do it is another story lol I have had such an aversion to it for the past 2 years or so. I don't think I am self sabotaging but more just lacking mindfulness and impulse control. I am the type of person where if I have an itch... I have to scratch it. Too bad I can't use that for good  lol   I love hearing you say all this. I had previous challenges that literally focused around NEAT calories but I didn't know it had a word. It definitely all adds up. I had my horseback riding before which was my "set exercise" but included a lot of just random movement. I would use it as motivation to do my chores or just somehow add random movement without specifically doing workouts. This works great for me. I do eventually want to get back to weight training and of course do more mobility work but that is because I genuinely liked weight training when I followed the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and I want a functional body that can do all the things.    No need to apologize. Rambles are totally welcome and appreciated here ❤️  You reinforced and reminded me of certain things. Its encouraging to have someone reinforce things that I have learnt over the years.     This means a lot friend ❤️ thank you. I love my NF family.
    • So these aren't new but I realized awhile back that I like doing random hand close ups. I have a few other painting ideas involving hands and my dogs paws.. but for now I'll share these.    This was my first ever painted hand. The hand took the longest for me to figure out because I don't paint people lol. I'm really proud of how it turned out in the end because people are a struggle for me.    This is my second hand painting but first ever hand close up hand painting. I made it for a coworker who lost her sister. Her sister loved blue butterflies and it's kind of their symbol for her.    This is actually a different painting from the first. I was asked to repaint it for my co-workers niece who lost her mom. The hands turned out more refined in this one but I prefer the brightness of the butterfly from the first one.    This was actually born from an inktober sketch. I love it mostly but the random background I don't love.  I particularly really love the darkness (with stars) dropping through the fingers.    This is the above painting but before I added the starry darkness. I really loved it and love the rawness. I'm not necessarily sad I changed it but I definitely love both equally.    I'm feeling motivated to start on my next hand painting thanks to this challenge! 
    • Today was an unexpected adventure. I was dragged to rural Quebec (3 hours each way) so that my son could check out a car that he was pretty sure he wanted. (The seller spoke poor English, and my son speaks weak French.) They actually would have done fine without me in the end. But I did come in handy when we went to the SAAQ to do the ownership transfer and registration. Perhaps because he had an Ontario licence, they wanted a second piece of ID. We didn't have one. The lady was super nice and trying very hard to make it work, asking if there was anyone at home who could send a picture of his passport and stuff like that. I was searching my phone and not expecting to find anything, but the search for "card" coincidentally turned up the application form that I submitted to the school after we moved. Because my son was born abroad, we had to prove citizenship. And so, scrolling back to that date, I found a photo of his citizenship card. Huzzah! I passed it over to the agent and she burst out laughing and showed it to the other agent working. The photo on the card was done when my son was two, and he was ADORABLE. So we all had a good laugh about that, and the rest of the paperwork was completed with no problems. And my son is now the happy owner of a 2012 Subaru Forester.   I was rather desperate for work time today, so I took a box of books I needed to check for a program tomorrow, and circles I needed to cut out. So. Many. Circles. Not even just circles - donut shapes. And they were traced onto cereal box weight cardboard. I cut out 180 of them over the last week or so. I have a numb spot on my thumb now from the scissors. I have sunk so much time into this program - it will probably be about 12 hours by the time it is all done. So learn from my mistake - if you ever get the idea to do a program for children in which you make multiple sizes of pompom, RECONSIDER. But the cutting is done now (unless my count comes up short). The long car ride forced me to get it done.
    • Loaded up on meds and was able to get some shizzle done today. I still have a headache, I just did stuff on kind of a schedule and took lots of beaks. Got in all my steps running around the house. 6 loads of laundry (lots of t-shirts I hadn't folded I basically re-washed). 5 loads of clothes - all washed, folded and put away and a random comforter that needed to be washed. That's in the dryer (have to keep unfolding it in bits to get it all dry *sigh*) but it's all of the clothes that were "near" the floor that would tempt a kitty to use it for a litter box out of the way.  I went ahead and pulled one of the old litter boxes out and we'll try again to get ALL of the cats using the correct box and not hubby's office. I think both my boys now prefer the new box - and if that's the case keeping the other fairly clean shouldn't be too much of a problem - hopefully she'll move on to the other one because it will always be clean.   Tomorrow I'm going to try to clean up my office and take some measurements and see about some book shelves. I have too much shizzle "stacked" on flat surfaces so I need to change that and consider a different configuration so I'm less likely to do that in the future. Lastly, I need to redo cables for my computer\desk area and pop open my machine and swap memory (16 GB isn't enough and scored a deal on 64 GB so maybe I can play Diablo IV with like a browser running) and also redo cables for the BedJet and power for the adjustable bed so I can run Rosie the Robot in our bedroom again. I'm keeping an eye on finances and we may be able to bring someone in every few weeks to keep the place a bit cleaner if I can just get my basic automation going to keep up with all of the cat hair LOL. Oh - and for dinner since we have a refreshed supply of Shrimp, Mom made her famous fried shrimp and I made Crispy Tater Tots (Convection oven and the right pan\rack makes a HUGE difference there), Cheesy Garlic Bread and a salad - and Mom made her cocktail sauce. Yummy and a good reminder of the good times growing up. Everything is clean (have I mentioned how much I LOVE my new dishwasher?) and now going to relax and get to bed at a decent hour and hope the rest of this headache clears.
    • Ah, shame. Love compass roses, so pretty
    • Yes, that's a male domherre. The females are not nearly as colorful... similar to the peacock concept where the males get all the bling and colors and no one can ever remember what the females look like.    Not really.   The female is the classy understated one on the right:          Health Bar (physical health) Wednesday: No Thursday: Daily Dare Wall Sit   Stamina Bar (Resilience/Emotional Energy) Wednesday: Went out to dinner with a funny and smart man with eyes like the sea after a storm. H enjoyed being the one asked out, instead of being the one asking, so making note of this for future reference.  Thursday: Still only mid-afternoon... may paint nails or play with makeup later though.
    • It was A&O's big summer theme. All my colours and squid made it hard to pass up! There was a journal with a gorgeous compass rose on it, too, but it was vegan leather which I dislike the texture of so I passed on it. 
    • Famous last words   I've had a lot of stress and pressing deadlines at work. At the same time, I had even more stress with some visa complications. Also, the synergies between the two: my attention was split, my mental and emotional reserves drained at double the speed and  I had to perform at work while thinking about the visa but also without showing it.   That said, I tried to find a middle ground. I couldn't stick 100% to my goal performance, but this was also no excuse to go completely off the rails. Thus, I decided to just be kind to myself and do the best I can, given the circumstances.   No extensive update, but here's a spreadsheet instead!   Tuesday, July 2nd Wednesday, July 3rd Thursday, July 4th Weight 96,8kg (+0,5kg) 96,7kg (0,1kg) 95,8kg (-0,9kg) Fasting 16 hours 11 hours 11 hours Calories Too many Too many Too many Water 8 glasses (2L) 5 glasses (1,25L) 5 glasses (1,25L) Steps 7.129 11.489 15.830 Distance 6km 9,6km 13,3km Sleep 5,5 5,5 5,5   Weight has been fluctuating but kinda steady in the long run, despite the calories being in the red every day. I'd made two pork legs in the oven last weekend and working my way through them, fat and skin included. Few days I was starved despite this and grabbed a morning snack on the road, which explains the reduced fasting hours. Water has also suffered, due to increased coffee consumption. As for the steps, a lot of it is having to do work stuff outside the office. Walking tallies up to almost 279km total, bringing me to the first campsite since Frodo got stabbed at Weathertop.
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