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    • Botanical gardens sounds nice. Also, did you know Berlin has the biggest dinosaur skeleton ever? It's very big. Awe inspiring. A spiritual experience ❤️    ETA oh, looks like it's only the biggest *mounted* dinosaur skeleton. Bigger ones have been found.
    • Sunday 7   Training: outing to museum, glute activation, walk Chores: no Study: no Mindbiscuits: no   Yeah, so an outing and rest day. The birds were great! Some of them were really old and ratty. I think taxidermy has improved over the years. But there were some awesome birds. Great bustards were a surprise. I also loved the various pheasants and other game birds—so round and abundant. There was a pocket sized owl, a kiwi and a new zealand ground parrot, along with several Australian parrots like cockatoos, galahs, lorikeets.   I also agreed to work through the exercises in a book that is meant to help people make the decision to have children or not. Mr Harriet reminded me that we agreed to read a chapter, do the exercises and check in each Sunday, so I have done the exercise for the first chapter with a hideous spike of anxiety. I should be grateful: acute stress acutely raises inflammation and oxidative stress, killing pathogens and activating pathways to lower inflammation and oxidation down in the long term. We’re built to deal with spikes.
    • Well that backfired spectacularly on me...she ended up driving Friday - Saturday and got home around 11pm last night. The "friends" will be back today sometime and are leaving tomorrow, so are the mama's, thank all the gods and goddesses I finally get my house back and can work in peace!    Goals are a mixed bag this week, not beating myself up over it because with the chaos it could have been a lot worse. Next week should be more on track.   All SET - Week 3 ( S )leep -⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️🌈 ( E )xercise - ⛈️⛈️🌈🌈⛈️🌈🌈 ( T )rack - ⛈️🌈🌈⛈️⛈️🌈⛈️
    • Saturday July 6   I work Saturdays so most of the day was working from home. Then in the evening we decided to run some errands and got dinner out. I kept it reasonably healthy with a shrimp rice bowl.    My weight came back down after the convenience takeout during storm cleanup. My weekly average is actually down about 2lbs from last weeks, which is awesome!    The other exciting part of the day was my mom, youngest sibling and I decided on our dates for our Norway trip. We're doing a 6 day guided hiking tour in May. The tour (which includes hotel) is booked so now I just have to get my flights.    Steps - 6006 Calories - 1675 Weight - 208.4
    • Have a gorgeous and safe trip ❤️ xx
    • Ahhhh thank you for your purchase, how lovely!!!!!   My stress levels were crazy last night hahaha xx
    • Camping day! Winnie was extra pumped up since last night cause she knows something is happening and extra cuddly this morning as if to say "don't forget me❤️".     I still have a good amount to do packing wise but camping gear is already in the car. 
    • done a bit more to the bujo. Today is a quiet day so generally chilling and reading. Going to get a walk in later but pretty tired so taking it as is comes.    need to do some cooking. Getting some healthy snacks and lunch picks in the fridge is needed. 
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