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    • So, Hand Bells come in a huge range of sizes. I believe that C5 is the largest (and deepest) bell normally made from brass. C5 is the C note, underneath the bottom of the base clef. I am very large and fairly strong, I can play both the C5 and D5 with one in each hand, but a fair chunk of the ladies in my bell choir struggle to just pick up the C5. Often, I end up leaving the biggest bells on the table, and have at times covered the full lowest octave by playing the bells with a mallet.    As for one in each hand; the deep base is often rung with one in two hands. High bells are sometimes played "four in hand" with two bells in each hand, positioned so you can play, one, the other, or both, depending on how you move.    I can't tell is what bells she's playing, but she's several bells up from C5. Probably between G5 and C4 (the most dangerous bell of all) You can see the size difference between her bells and just a little higher up. The size difference increase fast! C, C# and D5 fill our largest bell case. D#, E, F and F# fit in a case the same size. G, G#, A, A# and B fit in a smaller case.     Oh, the clanging of the bells! Scariest moment I've had playing was when I was trying to do 4 in hand, and one bell slipped. Pure grace that I managed to catch it.
    • I've played handbells, and I can't say that I ever played heavy ones, but I do know that my soul melted every time the adolescents let two bells clash from bad form, because it ruins the tone over time.
    • I like that your hands look different lol all mine are chubby hands. I'm not sure how to make them more delicate! 
    • The weekend is here! And the big kids are sick. 😬 Buddy (6yo) put himself to bed half an hour early. Busy Bee (3yo) got sent home from preschool  with a fever. They let her bring home her pizza lunch though, so she was happy about that.   It was a low key evening. We played Pokemon and Buddy helped me beat a tera raid boss. He was so excited to win, especially since it added a new pokemon to our Pokedex. ❤️ My kids are really good at reminding me to appreciate the little things.   There will be a workout or run tomorrow. ☺️ And a shopping trip for a swimsuit and a few other odds and ends. 
    • You can use one in each hand, but since different sizes have different tones, you wouldn't necessarily have the same weight in each hand.  And you wouldn't swing them full body like a kettle bell.  The movement is mostly in the arms.  Here's a video if anyone is curious.  You can see the girl on the end with the largest bells is working pretty hard to support the weight.
    • You're probably not alone there. For once thing, rumor is he's very old. For another, in addition to being very old, he's kind of the last of a long line of deeply amoral weird occultists and has clearly seen (and occasionally done) some pretty hardcore shit. It's bizarre he's as wholesome as he is, to be honest. He probably should unnerve more people.   (Yet more proof that Alexander Seawoll is much smarter than he looks.)
    • Went to check today's darebee. Burpees can get in the sea.
    • Wowza! Does one ring it like you swing a kettlebell? 'Hand'bell suggests you need one for each hand!
    • I could probably deal with the exploding apples, but I'm not sure I'm qualified for that kind of work. And honestly, something about him unnerves me a bit. (Though please don't tell him that, because he seems like a decent person and I feel kind of bad about it.)     Oh, I was definitely the snooze button masher. I almost relapsed this morning, but thankfully managed to avoid it.      I have tried this with my Fitbit, but I sleep through it.      Ah yes, One of the very few negatives with cats.   When I lived alone with a cat I managed to train him to wait for me to wake up. The trick is to let the cat do their thing to wake up for as long as they want to, without giving them a single visible reaction back. No, no negative ones either. Just let them consistently, morning after morning, try and fail to rouse you and they will eventually accept that this isn't working, and learn to wait for you to wake up instead. The trade-off of course was that if I had to feed him immediately when I woke up, to show my appreciation for his patience. So if I went anywhere other than straight to feeing him when I woke up (including lingering in bed), firm and loud protests were made.  
    • I always told my ex (who really wanted to be a dad) that I was undecided about kids*. When I said I was leaning towards wanting a kid a few years ago he was like 'this is out of nowhere wtf omg I'd convinced myself I was never going to have them bcuz YOU didn't want them and now I don't know if I ever do' Obv not the same situ but why are people surprised that others carry on with thought processes while they don't talk about a partic thing? Also, having a kid to counter loneliness - who even knows if the kid will want to hang out with him? 🙃 I'd 100% get the nanny to look after me in my old age than raise my child for me...   *I have infinite kinda jealousy for people who know for sure they do or don't
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