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    • anyone got any idea which ones on these wont involve back muscles? Overworked a muscle in my back so letting rest for a week
    • I DO know that but it's hard to convince myself that that is correct 😅 Thanks, it'll be interesting to get feedback either way and will be good to know.  Funnily a friend just had her assessment today which was totally different in structure - they had to submit a whole bunch of questionnaires and have her family do them too, and the face to face (online) assessment was much much shorter than mine. She also got given her diagnosis straight away 🤷‍♀️    ---   Just did darebee and also finally got my resistance band out to do 50 bicep curls and 50 whatever that upward motion with elbow out exercise thing is I do with it (someone gave me the name but I can't remember!) Going to do physio now before dinner and have done at least half an hour walking.
    • Plank leg raises done 🐝 
    • I'm not having a good day. Other people are bothering me extraordinarily. (And possibly vice versa, but I'm not contributing very much to that, so my sympathy is limited. Not nonexistent, though, because some of the dickishness being directed at me for bad reasons is similar to some of the dickishness I've been directing at myself for better reasons. Which is not that helpful, when the most useful thing is probably a lack of dickishness being directed anywhere. But basically, I do not have the emotional reserves to manage other people's shortfalls of emotional reserves today. I will be fortunate to manage my own.)   This has not been a spectacular week for good days this past week, and the "it's a passing phase" approach, while initially promising, is looking like it's not gonna pay off. Or at least, is not going to survive contact with the real world. This is a thing I usually know, because of, I dunno, laws of inertia or something, but always have to try first, because of, like, not overreacting and respecting seasonality and whatever.   I think this is what wizards are for. Quiet, good-natured wizards who keep their head down and steadily do the work. That's probably the best way to handle this, even though I don't wanna.   (I am being informed that the laws of inertia are in fact Newtonian laws, and one could do worse than use them as a mental model, as a mind at rest does tend to remain at rest and a mind in motion does tend to remain constantly in motion, until acted upon by an outside force. It's a little more complicated to say two minds have an equal but opposite impact on each other, as there's some polarity involved in the forces exerted, but it's a good rule of thumb. And, unfortunately, the net force on the mind is related to the rate at which its momentum changes with time. Unfortunately, because strong forces on the mind caused by a sharp acceleration of brain speed tend to be pretty harmful. I'm informed there's a treatise in the library somewhere, and it's not really his field. In conclusion, Newtonian occultists had too much time on their hands.)     Training Performance Report   Officer: Sara Kingdom Date: 16/7/24 Department: Special Assessment Unit     Swim with the Rivers     Alt: Yoga         Score:       Enhance Hotness   Body oil ° Moisturizer ° Perfume Skincare ° Sunscreen ° Wore makeup Extra mouth care ° Extra foot care ° Extra hair care Styled my fit ° Wore accessories Extra foot care. Perfume.   Feet are important. Well done. Score:  0.5       Recovery   6-8 hours sleep ° In bed by midnight          I will not be taking arguments on this.   Watch your sleep deficit. You're still in the clear, but it's creeping back up. Score: 0       Energy Magic   Mindfulness ° Metta ° Yoga nidra 4-7-8 breathing Cast a magical circle ° Ground energy       Score:       Writing and Study   Make a daily plan ° Do a daily review Next three things ° Interstitial journaling Weekly review ° Monthly review Projects requiring writing Sorta. Don't know. Don't care.   I see we shall have to work on this today. Score: 0       Clubbing   Add more music Fancy drinks ° Spicy food Hydration ° Meds ° Electrolytes ° Vitamins       Score:       Space reserved for office use   Date rec'd: Initialed by:   Form ID: Zulu Foxtrot 18.C.68-v2-Jun-1977 (ZF.18.C.68/1977.06) (Supercedes form 64B from Nov 1932) For internal use only. Sensitive records. Not to leave the Folly.     Next 3 Things  
    • Makes a huge difference!    I set a goal last year to declutter 1 item per day during the year in preparation for my inevitable move.  I can't imagine how much more difficult my move would be with all that stuff still around!     This is valid logic.  
    • SW: 170 6/17: 169.6 (-0.4) 6/24: - 7/01: - 7/08: 173.4 (+3.4) 7/15: 171.8 (+1.8)   Down a little from last week's weigh-in, but still up from my starting weight this challenge. My goal is to be back under that starting weight before we leave for the beach in two weeks (where I'll probably gain it all back 😂).
    • Oh, thank you. I have had a little practice drawing different figures from reference, and they vary in shape, so that helps. 
    • Woops, gave wrong link. Here is the one with all the runners up in the different sections for 2023
    • Stil v. Tired. Generally took it slow today and recharged. Did some scribbles in the bujo and napped. It is raining heavily and freezing today (i kid you not , i seriously considered making porridge for breakfast) it feels like October out there. Think we sadly might have had all our summer.   Rewatching warehouse 13 again (for the gazillionth time) it is very good for low energy moments and had a surprisngly long run series wise so i can just jam it on autoplay and chill out to it. Eureka is my new go to as well, but i am stuck half way through series 4 as they changed the formula (small town police drama with added scifi) and it all got a bit complicated. Need to pick it back up.    Weather looks decent (aka dry) tomorrow and as i have the house to myself might go out with the sketchbook. Will see how i go. 
    • Yay! That's exciting! How has the self-care been in the last 2 weeks? 
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