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    • My big achievement this weekend was getting caught up in my log book after getting more than two weeks behind. It was one of the casualties of the dunnawannas I had at the time. I hate looking back and having no idea what I did. Even if what I did was start a load of laundry and read a book. Good thing I left some notes here.   I went to aikido both Saturday and Sunday. That went fine. I know I really need to work on strength and aerobic capacity. Soon, I hope. I am doing a bit better on sleep. My zen teacher gave us an encouraging lecture about not getting discouraged that it takes a long time to climb a mountain, and to enjoy the scenery along the way. That ties right in with my current expectation that it is supposed to suck. The path goes through swamps and briars and there is no easy way around. Brains are difficult.   As proof of that, my brain came up with a bunch of stress dreams last night. Trying to find the right place to catch a bus, traveling to a destination in a small boat with the channel being blocked, that sort of thing. Yes brain, there are lots of things I need to do. I will be home after work tonight to do them.   I should be able to get a lot done if I don't open A Practical Guide to Evil. I started reading it on Friday at @Scaly Freak's suggestion and I'm enjoying the snark immensely. I also just got two books from the library. They are the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which I got halfway through before I had to return it, and A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories by Terry Pratchett. Wish me luck.      
    • The Challenge of Noontide Sun!    Rejuvenate (Sleep Hygiene) ✅🔲🔲🔲 🔲🔲 🔲  Fortify (5x5 Accessory Sets)  ✅🔲🔲🔲  Learn (3d Modeling)  ✅🔲🔲🔲 🔲   Tasks! Hobbies Duolingo Sprint - 40/40 ✅63 Lessons Left Life Updates Successful kayak adventure on Saturday  for Liam's Birthday. Just paddled from Harbor View to Lakefront Brewery along the Milwaukee river, but the weather was sunny and the river traffic was dense with party boats and other small crafts. The river itself was calm, just had to fight wakes from the larger tour boats and such, but the bay had some decent chop coming in from Lake Michigan. Did I capsize immediately after launching? Maybe. Was I efficient to get that out of the way within an arms length of the dock and then relaunch? Yes, I am the best. Probs reveals something about us as a couple that Liam loves kayaks for their independence and I prefer canoes for their codependence efficiency and stability.   Duolingo sprint is done, changed the tracker over to countdown units remaining in the course, and that will continue through the next challenge. Before you nominate me for Mayor of Duolingo, remember that Norwegian units are half the length of the Spanish units. IDK. Trying to frame holiday dietary choices as a brag instead of a confession - there was so much delicious food this weekend and I'm not sorry about any of it, just dietary stuff feels hyper-sensitive, even while I'm making steady progress. Sorta magical thinking along the lines of "I ate the BAD foods and it might cancel the GOOD progresses. Meanwhile I wanna just be delighted by Hmong sushi, food truck bulgogi, 4th wave lattes, and cold brew ice cream. And because my life is written in hackneyed tropes, of course I was low on laundry this morning and had a surprise NSV with a pre-pandemic pair of shorts that fit me again after all these years. Le sigh. Drumpf is in Milwaukee today so I'm making Liam stay home from BJJ while the entire downtown is locked down with security. Not that there have been any events in the news or anything, no sir. Avoiding jokes and memes out of an abundance of caution, but goodness. Interesting times.      Gate to Sovngarde (GtS) is up and running. Had to cull the modlist for known troublemakers, but the graphics apparently weren't the problem.  GtS Char #1 - Finnr the Cowardly Werebear - formerly a bard and brewer in Solitude, our gentle hero was caught up in the Thalmor crackdowns due to his frequent gigs as Talos shrine chanter. Escaping the Thalmor chain-gang due to a timely raid by a band of Forsworn skin-changers, our hero fled to neutral Whiterun with only his flute and the clothes on his back (also pesky case of lycanthropy as a souvenir from the skin-changers captors/would-be-murders). He's been hiding among the Companions in neutral Whiterun and trying to get a mead brewing operation going, but this pesky lycanthropy curse has him eating bandits every night and inadvertently accruing fame as a local hero. There might be some smoldering rage at the Thalmor and the Empire, but poor Finnr had always interpreted Talos' edicts towards lawfulness as a lazy form of pacifism. Confronted with a gordian knot of vengeance and laziness, of bloodlust and pacifism; Finnr mostly just wants to tend his bees. Oh, and a random note, Finnr heard there is top-notch mountain lavender growing outside that old barrow across the White River from Riverwood. Lavender would really set his mead apart from the local Honningbrew swill, and he's planning to check it out soon. Can't possibly cause any geo-political ruckus by a simple day trip to Bleak Falls Barrow. 
    • It's pretty spot on for me right now!  I'll make a pretty dress just 'cause you said that.  Any excuse for a project
    • I moved on to plan B, and got an external enclosure for the laptop drive; after a few attempts, it seems like the drive I wanted to swap it with isn't going to come out without damaging things. So I'm going to try to boot off USB. (Plan C is clone it onto an SSD, which I still have an open slot for in the machine. Plan D is a fresh install onto SSD and try to pull data off this one. I don't think I encrypted the user directory, which is unusual for me; I just hadn't got around to figuring out the new workflow.)
    • Congrats on surviving to your new life! May the transformations continue to come!   Sorry if this one is off the mark... but I mean who doesn't love a new pretty dress for a new life?    Maybe a different change? 
    • Holy 🐄 🐮   two weeks slipped right on by!  But I had a good reason for it.     My divorce finalized today!  No more alcoholic attached to me!    New life loading .....
    • Sea-to-sky, I think I would just take that as a sign to rest for a few days, or simply walk.   high knees 🐝 as part of run warm up plank leg raises 🐝
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