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    • 1. & 2. Done. I've done these morning after the last few days, which isn't ideal, but at least it's happening. I haven't needed to vent feelings at night anyway, which is probably a good thing.   3. Ehhhh, no.   4. Yup, I was dragged out for Pokemon collection. It is still lovely and sunny, but I can see the wind picking up and I know it won't last much longer.   5. I don't think I did.   I'm using my weekend time to go through some of the books in my library pile, which has once again grown beyond what a sane and reasonable person should be keeping in their house. Man, I need to make more time to read.
    • Thanks so much!!   It's exciting! I am looking forward to Thursday already   It makes me want to improve and to work on what I am eating etc even more and its nice that the trainer is so encouraging xx  
    • I've been following along and putting off replies for a couple of weeks, cuz, ugh, you are too epic for me, Everstorm. I can't cope.     (But the side benefit is that I reviewed the curly hair discussion my ADHD ass totally forgot about.)
    • A sonnet! I've always found that to be the most intimidating of the poetry forms for some reason, so nicely done (for all, not just the sonnet, I like reading poetry but can't write it well, so I'm thoroughly impressed by those who can). Also, is a flame throated warbler a thing? Because if it is, I need to see one.
    • Kickboxing today, 2/130
    • Got bored of the exam route and drove to another city instead. Got to try outdoor bouldering for the first time while I was there.
    • Hey lovelies, I forgot to upload my pictures, so instead I'm going to do a quick poetry dump. Creating art every day is important to me, but I need to remember that it isn't always necessary to go on to a visual medium. Without further ado, some poetry   DAY 2: DISCOVER  Come with me, beloved one Walk through the dirt Towards the sun Away from hurt And through the trees Come discover Life with me.      DAY 3: BOOTS (a haiku) Knee high riding boots Slide into saddle stirrups The lawman comes home.   DAY 4: EXOTIC (a sonnet) Guava fruit with strawberries Pineapple fresh, a juicy treat Honey made by special bees For all the world is ours, my sweet   Avocados ripe and green Soft and decadent and fresh. A world of taste remains unseen Flavor waiting to enmesh.   Star fruit and rambutan with rice Njera, pita, crepes, and naan Halo-Halo packed with ice Breakfast served at break of dawn.   Through cakes and pies and rich fondue I would give the world to you   DAY 5: Binoculars I sat for hours waiting for a flame throated warbler to land. I sat for hours waiting With binoculars in hand.  I sat for hours waiting For that last call from you. I won't spend hours waiting For love that isn't true. 
    • 😮   I never managed that, even after two years of consistently training it. You are indeed starting with awesome strength--just think how it could improve with time!
    • WEEK 2 REBOOT: So! I was trying to do week two, got too busy, and forgot what I was supposed to be doing that week. Instead of posting the breakdowns of the each day, I'll just give the highlights   THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY THE GOOD I was actually mindful about my smoking! I noticed the patterns and whatnot and how I was feeling/thinking each time I went for the hookah. So, for this challenge, I feel comfortable going on to the next week of the challenge.    I also will be modifying the requirements for the exercise challenge because I have ben going to the Y all by my lonesome, but I like doing exercise classes and there's nothing wrong with that. I exercised six out of the seven days last week, but five of those days were taking classes (one day I even took TWO classes in one day.) I feel comfortable going on to the next challenge, but modifying it so that it will also include doing classes. I go because I want to go now, not because I feel obligated to go.    The water? Hehehe, let's get to the next section. THE BAD GUESS WHO FORGOT TO HYDRATE ALL WEEK? My initial thought was that I would drink more if I drank out of my big water bottle so I knew I'd get 50oz out of it and would only need to drink 16 ounces to get to being over my goal. Whelp, guess what? That didn't work. I just straight up didn't drink the water. So, I'm transitioning back to my small bottle and my clear bottles (which happen to be cashed soda bottles) so I can see exactly how much water I've been drinking. I'm not moving on to the next challenge for water, because I didn't hit my goals - much less trying to move on to raw water.  THE UGLY I am anxious as all get out when I go to the pool now. Why, might you ask? Because my swimsuit is too stretched out and I'm convinced I'm gonna pop a boob out every time I jump. I don't have the cash right now to buy a new, non-stretched-out swimsuit, but I did get some clearance trunks so I'm not worried about losing my bottoms anymore. I'm gonna be wearing a sports bra until my top situation gets resolved. 
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