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    • Dinner yesterday was delicious, as advertised. There's enough leftover for dinner tonight, which is always a bonus. My work load isn't too heinous today. I might be able to get a quick set of lifts in before heading to the vet, but we'll see. If the garage is super hot/humid, it may be more polite to wait until after people-ing to go sweat a bunch. Weather tomorrow looks good, so we'll probably head down to the park. Thinking about what is in my closet currently, that may mean I need to run a load of laundry today so I can be seen in public tomorrow. Saturday I'd like to get some weeding done as well as A Day lifts. Yard work has been a bit desultory lately as it's been so rainy. The next week or so looks clear, though, so I should get out and tidy up while I can. I'd also like to get my truck washed and waxed. We're seriously considering replacing it, since it's 8 years old. There's nothing wrong with it, but it is starting to show its age and has a few quirks. TBD.   I found a really interesting vintage (1963) Kenmore sewing machine on FB Marketplace yesterday and was trying to set up a time to go see the thing when the seller just ghosted. (After "I really want to sell it TODAY since I won't be available Thursday or Friday"--okay, I want to come see it. Is it plugged in so I can test it? Then, crickets.) Sigh. Such is the nature of the FBooks.
    • Yes you got the reason first go. Small and delicate makes it hard. The design is very similar to a hip replacement. The hard part is making the socket stable (rather than the ball attached to a stem). In the hip the socket goes into your pelvis bone, which is relatively huge when compared to the tiny trapezium bone in your hand which is like 1cm deep.   It wasn't available in Australia because all the previous attempts did well for 1-3 years, then failed spectacularly after 3-5 years. And no one really started to take notice of this one until it was showing decent 10y prosthesis survival rates. Then the usual red tape got in the way. There still is some left over red tape that is being fought as we speak.   Wed - rest day   Thurs Push (80kg bench) 5,7,9,14 (true max, ie failed when trying to go rep 15)
    • Probably cause it's nothing super exciting lol I'm just a few provinces over for work. 
    • It is a lot and really unnecessary now.     She does have surgical precision on such things.  Too bad they don’t let dogs be doctors.     I have been in a full energy deficit this week. My eating is all over the board, sleep is sucky and I just ache overall. Work is also mentally exhausting. Refusing to do things and outright asking others to pick up the slack is helping, but even this morning after a full night of fitful sleep, I am incredibly fatigued. I need some extended time off to recharge.  I am not sure one day is going to cut it or even a long weekend. The other side of that coin is also taking time off from things at home.  In the past that has meant taking a vacation alone to just get away, but money is tight with two kids in college and with only one full income and some extra that comes in when the hubs has work,   I did decide to step away from GM’ing our biweekly Eberron sessions until Jan 2025. I am burnt out in this space after running the table for almost 2.5 years.  The group was cool with this and it sounds like a few of them will pick up an either a prior campaign or some one-shots to run.  I may or may not join them. I want to, but I also want to recharge. I also want to play other things rather than D&D.  Considering things like Daggerheart, Pathfinder or maybe City of Mists. I want to expand my horizons and game play. Right now the only game commitment I have while on break is our biweekly Scum and Villainy sessions.   Lastly I am really just looking forward to some downtime and today I am going to look at my work calendar and see where I can squeeze several short recharges in.     I hope today you also find time to recharge 🥰    
    • 😅 Well, the smoothie I got was okay. I usually go for a lighter flavor, but I got one that enveloped my mouth with an unusual flavor. Haven't decided if I enjoyed it or not.  
    • Welcome!😎         I got into bed too late on Tuesday. I blame Luca Brecel. There was no need for him to go to a deciding frame in his English Open match against Anthony Hamilton. He had plenty of opportunities to finish it sooner. And I wasn't exactly going to stop watching once it reached a final frame... 😅 Totally his fault, not mine. 😇   Yesterday was good food-wise. Kept it under 2K calories. Had to do something as I'd broken fast early. Often unavoidable on a Wednesday. Dinner was late on Tuesdays due to TimovieSon's rugby practice, and the kids are home at noon on Wednesdays... There hadn't been a lunch break walk, so I went on an evening walk to get my step count up for the day...   And then it all went to heck*. I have no explanation and no excuse. When my workout alarm rang, I had just started a Tennis Elbow 4 match. I alt-tabbed out of the game... and wound up doomscrolling until WAY past my bedtime... Result: my curfew is red for two days in a row, my weekly sleep average is shot to heck*, I didn't get a workout in - although the DailyDare was a no-go with my wrist - and I even forgot to do a second set of wrist exercises. No. Just... no.   * "heck" is where people go who don't believe in "gosh" 😁     Week 2   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Coffee consumption               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 5h40 Steps               Avg. steps 12.7K Distance 15.94 km Wrist mobility               Workouts 2 Days with (mini-)workouts 0.4   On the plus side: I'll have a 23-hour fast today. Could've been a 28-hour fast, but there's "ice cream for charity" at work, and there are treats. I'll probably go over my preferred calorie intake for the day, but hey, it's for charity, right? 😇       Making some progress on my "top 2000" list. Halfway through 'E' at the moment. And then it dawned on me that I've never posted a song by this excellent artist before: Elton John. The man is a great singer and an even better pianist, and he's often hilarious in interviews (at least on "good days" as I think he can be a bit of a grump on "bad" ones). And this is my favourite song of his: I'm Still Standing. I lump it in the same category as Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" for being a song that has only gotten better over time...   Elton John - I'm Still Standing
    • Thanks!! It was a super successful day, I’m happy 😊 So much love to you and I’m envious of your weight lifting class today! I gotta get back to lifting heavy (got temporarily derailed with surgery).   LOL my science is very niche! We have a dataset showing that birds choose mates who are more similar to them at a type of immune gene than we’d expect by chance. Now the paper reviewers want us to rule out the possibility that the birds just choose mates who are their close relatives (in which case a pair of mates being similar at the immune gene is fairly trivial). So I tracked down some old neutral gene data we had (junk genes that don’t do anything) for the same individual birds, and got my student to use it to calculate how similar the birds are to their mates, vs to non-mates, at those neutral/junk genes. Now running the simulations to see whether the birds are also more similar to their mates than we’d expect under random mating at these junk genes; if yes, they’re probably just inbreeding, but if no, there’s something cool going on at this immune gene as regards mate choice. 
    • (((Sal))) I hope you feel better soon! Trying hard to relax is such an oxymoron, but it sounds like you are doing all the right things (sleep, healthy food, and good to hear the o’night oats have protein too)   I have a great feeling about your weight lifting class today.  Please check in after and tell us how it went!
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