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    • Well, there aren't any intermediate steps between V3 and V4, so I guess in theory it's a bit harder. But in reality, routes can contain a variety of types of holds and  require very different types of movement and there's quite a bit of variation within grades, let alone between them. One route might have nice holds that are easy to grab, but requires a big dynamic move. Another route might have tiny holds that you can barely get your fingers on, but you can move slowly and deliberately. Other routes require you to get your feet in just the right spot or you fall three inches and land on your butt (yes, I'm talking about you, yellow route that was replaced last week).   I did a V4 a while back where the hand holds were great, but the feet weren't. It's the only V4 I've finished (though I haven't tried very many). There are V3s that I can do fairly easily. There are V3s that have been replaced by new routes before I could figure out how to complete them. I can usually do V2s, but there's the occasional one that I struggle with. There are routes where I think the grade is higher than it should be because it's so easy to me, but maybe other people really struggle with those particular moves. I struggle with big dynamic moves that really require you to commit.   Also, there's variation between gyms, simply because they have different route setters who have different styles. I visited another gym once and was basically climbing a grade lower than what I would normally do in my gym. As much as they try to keep grades consistent across the sport, I think it's always going to be a bit subjective. For me, it's just helpful to know that at my gym, I can do most V2s, V3s might require some work and I may or may not finish them, and V4+ I probably won't finish, but they're still worth trying to practice doing harder moves.
    • Oh god, I just checked the cat flap to see if the batteries were ok, but now am worried I've reset it so she won't be able to get in while I'm out this eve. GAHHHH
    • I love that no one is able to read my posts properly. It's like I'm mumbling in text form   Jeebus the days are frikkin disappearing and I'm not getting ANYTHING done. Also the cat is being 'not eaty' but I have no idea if sulking or what but I DO know that I'm in the office tomorrow, have singing coaching all day Saturday and out all day Sunday so my level of underlying anxiety is going to be through the roof... It's just been today, and could be ANY number of other things but I'm just like, pleeeeeeeeease don't make me have to take you to the vet, I litch cannot cope.   Bleh   Tuesday office and work drinks after which the team kinda insisted on (I skipped singing for it as it's our last team on site day before I leave) and then they all left at like 8:30pm! One person was left so I messaged the fwb who was in the area and apol'd to the remaining person  no scrolling but no physio. Yesterday I did physio but did scroll. Today I've not had chance to physio so might quickly do it now before I head to the movies (Beetlejuice!)   Tuesday: 1pts Yesterday: 1pts Total: 18pts   It occurs to me I've had two days in a row wfh with no evening plans yester so this may be affecting my stress around the cat-ness...
    • Besides the super powers?😀 My goal for water is half my weight , plus about  a glass of water to account for my activity levels.  A lot of people recommend this for health reasons. So partly, I am just doing it to see what difference, if any it makes. One area I'm hoping to see  is  less stiffness in my joints.  I had my 59th(!) birthday this summer, and I'm starting to feel the stiffness when I get up after sitting, and other times. So, I was seeing if that helped.
    • Went to mounts bay beach today. Got some lunch and sat on the beach with my sketch book whilst everyone went for a walk.  trying a different type of sketching with the pencils and fine liners. More descriptional than photographic. needs more work, but it was cloudless and intensely sunny.  wind kept it bearable but after a while i just had to go find some shade.  sadly i forgot to take a picture, but its one of the most photographed spots in the uk so if you havent seen it yet. Google will spit out 10x10to the power of infinity images.    i have been craving sweet potato fires so much. Must come here for lunch more often, they do amazing ones.    the cherry tree has lost so many leaves on the windward side. They all seemed to have gone all at once.     
    • Yeah, having to go outside a set routine and make it up on the fly is hard. Getting the flexibility right without tanking your energy takes much practice. I still screw up sometimes doing it. You just have to try and be really aware of your energy levels and call things before you hit empty. So tricky.   I wish i had answers for you. Thats the thing, i really don't know. The lack of answers as to cause currently on it means everyone is very much on a trial error type scenario.  theres some m.e. Charity's out there that are very good info resources for alot of info on managing it and they are definitely worth checking out.   
    • Day 09/15 09/16 09/17 09/18 09/19 Success% 57% 63% 89% 71% 63% Walk Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Body measurements     Yes     Breakfast     Yes Yes   Hygiene routine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Form checks           Workout Yes   Yes   Yes Progress pictures           Taxes Yes         Decluttering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Batch cooking Yes         Architect contact Yes         Engineering practice           Financial accounting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Contacts database           Financial spreadsheet consolidation           Professional files consolidation           To bed by 10 pm   Yes Yes    
    • RIGHT?!?   #DruidApproved.  
    • Oh, thank goodness someone else said it. Sometimes I think I should give goats another shot, but then I lie down in a quiet room until it goes away.   I recall them coming up in my research as a really nice breed. This is giving me the itch to dive back into it. Somedays, cows, someday.   I would have been very surprised if it had not. Thanks for confirming.   . . . I take back everything I said about not putting the burden of change on consumers.
    • I don't really have a concept of how bouldering grades go. Is a V4 slightly harder than V3, or significantly harder? 
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