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    • It never does get normal.    Things are still progressing well. I'm still keeping on top of daily meditation, which is the cornerstone of all this. It's really about overall wellness, rather than peak performance. To that end, I'm still staying active each day. Some days that only means a walk, but most days it means more.
    • I didn't manage to add any gems today. I read the applications and went for a walk. My chest hurts a fair bit, and my neck feels like it is being squeezed. I am reasonably sure it's inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs and the sternum and not a heart problem. But it's a little difficult not to be nervous about it. I feel uncertain about how to proceed with the exercise. How can I be so frail??? Why do I always get sick or injured and have to take time off so I never make progress? What can I actually do that will work? 
    • What do you do when you dance for fun? I've thought it might be fun to do, but I'm not quite sure how. I haven't done much dancing since I stopped ballet after middle school. Except line dancing at some weddings. That's loads of fun, but it kind of requires a bunch of people and more space than I have in my house.
    • It's a slow start, but Guglug grins a toothy grin as parts of the map start coming together. Satisfied that he's finished in one area, he moves to the next, carefully cross referencing his translations, and Niko's, with the terrain features of the map.   I didn't see this in time to start working on it on Monday, but got mini painting done Tuesday and Wednesday, so 2 hexes down. I've also finished a wizard mini (admittedly I'm a little behind) and put a base coat on a little gnome figure.
    • Thank you! I also find, if you know the language but aren't super proficient, it's quite good to watch the show with subtitles in the original language. Something about being able to see the words at the same time as hearing them makes it easier to follow.
    • I've seen all the advice, of course. Sigh. 
    • Date: 19/09/24   All is solved by walking Total min exercise     Walk 30-60 min             The strong anvil 5 min Hindu pushup     5 min Hindu squat     5 min  bridge             Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man Jacket and tie     A nice close shave             Dawn is friend to the muses Kept 8-10 schedule   N Kept 10-12 schedule   N Kept 12-2 schedule   N Kept 2-4 schedule   N Kept 4-6 schedule     Sleep issue. I see. 0   Rest is the best medicine 6-8 hours of sleep     In bed by midnight   N AM writing exercise   N AM meditation   N PM writing exercise     PM meditation     Interoception meditation            
    • I may have forgotten to bring my swimsuit today, but I did get a lot done this morning, and also I remembered to do my bingo card update for Tuesday, and I got the first bingo for this challenge! Sweet!   Gonna stop at the store on the way home for a couple things. Not sure what I want to do tonight, though. We're no longer caught up on CR, and we've got a few episodes of Madoka Magica left. Those both sound like fun things to have on in different ways.
    • Today I walked for 30 minutes and danced just for fun for ten minutes.  I killed a few spiders. I also got in my one set of strongs for the day. My patience is low this week, and the one set a day is working well.    I got my blood work back. My cholesterol numbers have gone down about 20 points but it’s still kinda high. My doctor is happy with my progress; she said it’s not high enough to warrant medication yet and thanked me for taking care of my health. The unspoken thing was “Keep going.”  That’s my purpose right now, to keep going. Sigh. I’m doing this for 86 year old Snarky, so I feel good and active. Yes indeed!
    • Plan! Being intentional with every day...  I'm using a new app "Llama Life." Time management app that tweaks into, "you think its going to take this long? Cool, I'll show when you start and the time it finishes."  For some reason something clicked on why things always feel  "TIGHT". It's because my to do list is too long and now time tells me "no!".  Using it in my daily life, I finally see the time budget (something that finally clicked for my actually money budget).    So rest of this challenge is to move toward the goals.  Try to get to bed before 8 pm (or 9 pm).  Make sure I put time for buying and making food. Daily I will ask myself and not here: Was I intentional with my current level of skills?    Remind myself to give myself, rest but currently I have a lot of back order items.    --- Anti-Inflammatory Diet, I don't see the nutritionist  until October but I started reading information. When I finally found information that said "there is a lot of different directions, but the best is what works for you?" One of the tips is doing an elimination test. Remove foods, and reintroduce them in 30 days. I know from my reaction to Pork or certain restaurants I know what symptoms to look for.  I have attempted many elimination diets, but consistency and validation were 2 things I was missing.   Right now removing caffeine, and going to come up with a list to start off with. 
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