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    • Thanks for this. I appreciate it, I do.   That is good because I simply was not able.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For yesterday:   1. & 2. Done.   3. Did not do, thought about it in the middle of the day and then forgot.   4. Very long walk taken.   5. Darn it, I meant to and didn't.   Both Wednesday and Thursday were full days of work, one with extra hours due to staff illness/vacation. I didn't really get a chance to get as much sleep as I needed to or feel things until Thursday night. Sleep helps so much.   On Friday I mostly hung out and did nothing in particular, which was exactly what I needed to do.
    • How did you like the push sled?  I kind of want one because I feel like it would be easier on my knees, but I've never tried it before.
    • Congrats on the weight loss and setting boundaries!
    • On the contrary, running when you aren't feeling it is great mental training, especially for pushing past The Wall that generally hits around mile 20.
    • Week 2 Friday Went bouldering (+3 xp) and did one new V3 (+2 xp). I also did a bunch of new easier routes and tried a couple of V4s. Those were hard. On one, I couldn't even start the route. I think I need to watch some people do them, but the gym was pretty quiet (not too unusual for a Friday night) so there weren't that many people to watch and they weren't climbing the specific routes I was interested in, at least not while I was watching. The quiet was kind of nice. It has been pretty busy this week. I guess summer is over and everyone is back in the gym. Also did candles and teeth for a short rest.   Needle Blight 3: 7 hp Short Rests: 10 Week 2: 88 xp
    • At first, the warrior struggled with all the herb gathering. It's not exactly his thing and what's worse, he could bear the hiking but not the squatting and bending in his armor. After a while though, he seems to have a mental switch. Almost as if rehearsing combat scenarios and maneuvers in his head, he begins to move around with much more grace, his moves seeming to flow from one another as he picks up the herbs and tosses them into his pouch.   So I had a few super busy days and fell behind. Caught up today doing three sets of 10s. Then while I was at it, now that finally the weather seems to have cooled down a bit, carried on to do a full on workout circuit like I used to do before the summer 3 month long heatwave.
    • Gym Garnet: 3 Sauna Star Sapphire: 3 Paint Pearl: 3 Mindfulness Moonbar: 10 ***** Diamond: 6   I'm adding a tiny gym garnet from my tiny workout. Yes, tiny workouts count. One set of lunges.  Nothing else much today. Very tired and demotivated. 
    • Downside, of LlamaLife is 100% its pay only have 3 days. But has been worth it so far compared to other apps.    It might not happen this weekend as I realized I'm seeing my acupuncturist tomorrow and my energy was snatched... Have to focus on one thing at a time.  Hehe, understand on the caffeine front. If it wasn't for how much pain it causes I would miss it so much more. 
    • The wasps are gone? I looked out today and they're not there anymore. Maybe they were like "this place sucks, let's fly!" Either way... I'll check again later, but that would be amazing luck.     It's time for a weekly review!   Saturated fat: My average this week was 17g according to Lose it! But I was hitting 20g of saturated fat most days, and had two days that were like 9g that kinda offset it.  The days I am over, I'm eating chocolate, so I can start cutting back on that a little bit.  Fiber: average was 23g according to the app. that feels accurate.  Strength training sessions: I continued with doing one set for 5 days this week. It's not making as big an impact so I think it's time to build up my mini-routine.  Fun activities: I did the sword workout for west marches a few times, which is pretty dang fun.  I also did some dancing/muppet flailing this week and that was a lot of fun too!    Things I’m not going to do. Brooding - This happened a few times this week. I wasn't really taking charge of my time, and the result was feeling overextended and prone to brooding. With my aunt dying and my uncle having just left, my folks were not okay this week, and I had a lot more work on my plate. I'm glad to have a quiet weekend.  Not weighing in: I did this one too, after I got my cholesterol score back. I've lost 7 pounds since I've started these goals three weeks ago. What this lets me know is that this diet and these exercises are working, and I can continue to ignore the scale, and trust my numbers will keep going down over the next few months before I get bloodwork again. No perfect weeks: Amen. This week was messy, and full of personal growth opportunities. I learned a lot from this week.    What I loved about last week: I loved the West Marches challenges. It's so creative and fun! I liked reading other people's challenges. Everyone is so inspiring!  I said "no" to doing a favor for my brother because he didnt' give me enough notice. YES THAT IS HUGE. I also really enjoyed feeling well, my digestive tract is really feeling better than it has in years, and it's just having a huge impact on everything. I love it!
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