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    • Sorry about the internet woes. That’s hard to deal with! I’m glad your landlord is somewhat on top of it.    I love your painting and the photo of your beautiful flowers alongside your rad floral shirt is making me super happy! I hope you had a great time at paint class. 
    • That is a beautiful painting! Wow!   Also, I really like your shirt! 
    • Ooh, sounds good.    i have the added joy of sensitive skin to add to the mix. So minimal crud in the bottle is kind of a must sadly.  makes trying new stuff a complete nightmare/very stressful
    • I have to fiddle with it a bit as my hair is very light and fly away and i live in a very windy area of the uk. But thw finger combing only things is very worth trying. Also suspected i would end up looking like a belatrix clone (especially as my fair is too fine to use gel with) but it was actually ok. 
    • I mean it totally kicked my ass, but in a good way. Really smooth but (intentionally) heavy. After a few minutes of that I was breaking a sweat and it definitely fired up the lower body! Weirdly looking forward to getting to do it again at physio next week.
    • Internet isn't working right at home, so having trouble posting/following. If it doesn't self correct, landlord will call ISP on Monday. Can't blame him for not wanting to deal with them.   Painted today, it was good. Wanted to have it done tosay, so teacher spent a bit of time finishing it for me.  
    • Program for next week:   I will take that week easy with very few specific tasks. The background habits remain to be followed.   Points of interest: * I have an alumni meeting with old classmates on Sunday. That counts as social activity. * Taking account of the weather forcasts, hiking should happen on Wednesday. The day may change depending on the actual weather.   Day   Week   Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday     09/22 09/23 09/24 09/25 09/26 09/27 09/28                       Success%                                           Walk                     Breakfast                     Hygiene routine                     Workout                     Cleaning                     Batch cooking                     Financial accounting                     Alumni meeting                     Hike                     To bed by 10 pm                    
    • Thank you! I'm  excited about the boundaries. I'm gonna build a FORTRESS OF BOUNDARIES. OKay, no. That's overdoing it. But I'm excited all the same        Thank you!   My aunt was definitely a character!   She met my friend Jeff once and I went upstairs for two minutes to grab my bags for our trip and left him alone with her. When we we're driving away, he said in this funny high pitched voice "I know so much about your aunt now! You weren't even gone that long! I know about her dead husband where she lives and that she likes rainbows and I know about her current boyfriend and oh my gosh she covered a lot in a couple minutes! How does she DO THAT?"  I said "You're lucky, you might've been her next boyfriend if you weren't careful!" and he just started to laugh. Now I know when he talks in that tone, he's done and I need to take charge. 🤣    
    • Not if you stop running after about a mile and then walk around for an hour or so and then go home early it's not! 
    • After the disappointment of my taste buds last time, I needed to go for something reliably delicious for my batch cooking. I went for a couscous (video in French), replacing the various meats by a whole chicken:  
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