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    • It is purfect for rainy days   Thanks. Need to remember to use a few different pencils. Keep forgetting i packed some soft B’s and using the H only
    • No, nope, that's not it. 😁     Yeah he's not skilled. Caring, but not skilled. I figured we could watch tv after dinner. He's never seen the mandolorian so that's the plan.      Oh goddess that's horrific.      Cheers. I keep trying. 🥹     Weed? As in Marijuana? I don't think I need to introduce that variable just now. Family history of psychosis. But colouring in sounds very soothing. I also love jigsaw puzzles but they get done in a couple of days and then it's over and my neck hurts and I have to buy another one.
    • 86 year old Snarky will thank you for your service.    Love this!   I hope you find something amazing to do this week.  
    • Wow, that is a weekend and a half. Hope the week is less stressful for you. 
    • Week 2 Workouts and runs went well.  Stretching 4 out of 7... not the greatest Vanity stuff is intermittent. Retooling. It was a rough week. MrMezzo's dad has some health stuff happening and it's almost definitely cancer and possibly terminal (still waiting for all test results to come back).  It's hit MrMezzo pretty hard. I need to figure out how to talk about it with my kids (6 yo and 4 yo) and prepare for lots of travel back and forth in the coming months.    In light of all that, the vanity thing seems pretty frivolous. I'm not going to stop, but it's fallen down the priorities list. Instead of testing lots of different braids/hairstyles as originally planned, I'm going to focus on a couple an get really good at them. Same with skincare/makeup routine.  I want to get an everyday look together and make it my go-to. That way I feel put together instead of frazzled and messy. I'll pin all the fancy/complicated ones and come back to them later.   I will also being soft launching some new routines around cooking and cleaning this challenge. I've been mulling over what this looks like for a little while but I wasn't going to be serious about it until next challenge.    This week I'm implementing 15-minute zone cleaning (concept stolen from the flylady, who was recommended to me years ago on the forum ). The kids have a mini verison to do while I'm tackling bigger things. Today for example they will wipe the tables and chairs while I clean the stove and microwave. They are excited because MrMezzo is bribing them with a pack of Pokemon cards a week if they do their chores. 🤦‍♀️   New week, let's go.    
    • If I lived nearer you I would hunny p do some lil fitting in to whatever size you are for the wedding tbh - might be worth seeing if you know any cosplayers who are good with a needle and thread... I wouldn't intentionally maintain as I'd be likely to go the other way  
    • Oh gosh, sorry about all the stresses :(((( I hope tomorrow is a better one.
    • Sounds like a LOT. I hope this week is a relief and not a burden.
    • Sounds like a rough weekend. Hope this week is better.
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