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    • Told my father last night that Wednesday's therapy appointment was rescheduled for today at 3. At 3:15 he knocks on my door and I'm caught off guard so I say "I'm in therapy, go away." Now he's butthurt because I said "go away." Which in turn makes me upset because ptsd and not liking when people are mad at me etc. I didn't apologize and I'm not going to because I'm a petty bitch but uggggggh fucking really?    took FK for his monthly vet appointment last week and feel justified in wimping out of the walking goal; it was a very short walk from the car to the office but goddamn did it irritate my awesome laser burns. Reading is happening, although nothing worth sharing. Doing two things a day is happening but true to form I'm not satisfied with just meeting the goal, I'm mad that it hasn't snowballed into totally clearing out my to do list and turning my entire life around. Tracking food is also happening and I hate it but it is what it is.    I still have to post screenshots of my library checkouts like I said I would do two weeks ago but I'm lazy. I also still have to reply to posts here and catch up with people but I'm too pissed off at my father's existence to do so. 
    • It's a puzzle game using a logic grid to detemine whodunnit. It's like Clue!  I really enjoy it. You can play it online too MURDLE: Daily mystery puzzles by G. T. Karber I like them a lot!    It's weird for sure. My current general practioner is amazing but it took me years to find her. I feel like we really work well together.  I've had some bad experiences.  My goal in life now is to just stay out of the doctors office as much as possible  My mom was friends with a woman who lived to be 97 and was a nurse and my mom said "What advice do you have for a long life?" and she said "Stay the hell away from doctors."   So it's not a new situation fer sure. But there are some good ones who aren't completely burned out after Covid.   
    • I'm having a day, so we're all going out to the coffee shop together. For this afternoon, this thread is a nice coffee shop. This is Rivers of London, so it's a London one. Let's try this one:     Sure, that looks seasonably chilly.   You can take a coffee break or settle in and study. What are your drinking? How's your afternoon going? What are your evening plans? Let's catch up.    
    • This one? What's it about?    The spreadsheets are this months attempt to passively observe some tasks, and enforce rigor/daily compliance for other tasks. WIP for sure!     Dude, what the fuck is up with the medical industry and your people?? These doctors and nurses, who mean the best and train extensively in client care, they put on a white coat and they suddenly aren't capable of hearing when a woman talks??     Sylph, that's lovely and sad!      Just lovely. Feels almost like it could be sung in a round, if it had a decent refrain.
    • I'm definitely much more chill about them than I was a few years ago. We're so central that the likelihood of ACTUALLY getting hit very hard here is very low. If we lived in Cedar Key/the Big Bend area, however, it would be a different story.      Yeah, back in MI, there was definitely the panic buy of milk and bread. I don't see much pre-storm panic buying where I am, but usually it's water that's low if anything.
    • Take care of yourself, we will still be here
    • A bit late with this week's villainy, but I shall make no apologies, because that's just how villainous I am!   This week's song is Something Bad, which is admittedly not one of my favorites, but a pivotal moment in Elphaba's villain arc and, if we are to make true progress, in our own.   Synopsis Elphaba learns that animals are facing discrimination in Oz as there is a conspiracy to force them to stop speaking. She promises Dr. Dillamond, the only animal professor at Shiz, that she will report what is happening to the Wizard so that he can put a stop to it.   Applied Villainy Face the Facts People are often uncomfortable admitting that something bad is happening. They want to believe that "it couldn't happen here in Oz." Whether that's not wanting to admit that a relationship has run its course, you have outgrown your current job, or you need to develop healthier habits before more severe consequences develop, most people are more comfortable maintaining the status quo than trying to enact change. If we are someday to rule our own glorious villain empires, we first have to be realistic about our current situations and what needs to be addressed to let us be our true selves.   Trust Your Instincts Hand in glove with people not wanting to acknowledge problems, they won't want you acknowledging them either. They might deliberately try to convince you that you are overreacting, or their staunch denial might just make you question your own convictions. Stand firm. You are not like other mere mortals. You are burdened with glorious destiny, you need only follow that which you know to be true.
    • Your spreadsheet reminds me of Murdle. Which is a fun logic game.    I agree with you that everyone needs a medical professional they can talk to without judgment. I personally feel that should be ALL medical professionals. I'm a cis-het  white woman and I have to advocate so hard for basic care, so I can imagine that it's at least three times as hard for anyone else who doesn't share one or all of the those first three identifiers.   
    • I remember walking into a grocery store once, right before a snowstorm, and being stunned at shelves that were empty of things like bread and milk. I was just picking up a few fresh fruits and veggies to supplement the staples that I keep fairly well stocked at home. For some reason, no one was panic-buying onions.
    • He's pretty wee! I zoomed in a bit trying not to scare him anymore than I already did. But then...I've never really seen a toad before! This one was about two inches long. Is that big? My phone says it's an American Toad. Do you think he sings patriotic songs at night? I'm gonna google Toad size. OH It says they grow to be about two inches. So he's a grown toad. I thought he was wee!     
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