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    • Yeah, it's certainly a nice way to earn myself a free ticket for next year.     It doesn't always work, but I try and bear it in mind because that's definitely a real chunk of money at the end of the year.
    • I don't think it's so much teeth on this one, as poor alignment of moments when I think of it, and moments when I'm in a position to do it not aligning. I brought it to work with me, I'm hoping to remember to do it on my lunch break.   But, reflecting on your advice here is part of why I adjusted the other goals, so thank you.
    • Didn't work Monday, mostly stayed in bed.  Did make it to work yesterday (Tuesday). It was really hard to get up and almost called out again but was fine once I got moving.  Internet is still being a pest. Sometimes fine, often says connected but nothing will load. Landlord contacted the ISP, someone should be out tomorrow. One of the annoying aspects of this is that it messes up my normal wake up lights. Bedroom has "smart bulbs", I need to be able to turn them off with the app, not the switch at night, so that they turn themselves on properly in the morning. I haven't been able to do that, so the switch gets turned off and I don't get my gradual lighting. Was able to turn them off with the app last night, and it was really nice to have my "sunrise" this morning.    Had a nice proper shower and shave this morning and feeling much better inside my own skin.  Got some trash out for trash day, but ended up running late this morning, which brings me to the changes I'm making to my challenge.   I was running late this morning and hadn't brushed my teeth. If my goal was "AM & PM brush and floss", I would have done nothing. But the goal is "oral hygiene", so I quickly swished some mouthwash and achieved "more than nothing". The 30 minutes goals and the 2 lessons goals is mostly resulting in nothing, so I'm dropping that part. Any level of engagement is better than none, so any level gets me the check mark.    Daily tasks Take meds Morning constitutional AM & PM prayers AM & PM oral hygiene AM & PM Spanish Cleaning / sorting Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect. Growth reading. Fun reading Ed to Go   Specific goals Cook food Renew driver's license
    • Aw, hedgehogs would be so cute!  We do get gray foxes around here, and potentially black bear, although I've never seen one at the house.     We own about 1.5 acres (or 6000 square meters), with about 2/3 of that cleared for lawn and gardens.  The rest is wooded and said woods eventually leads into a university-owned research forest, which is why we get so many wild visitors.
    • I'm sorry, Sal. When I'm having an overwhelming day, I make a list of 3 things that are top priority, and then don't worry so much if I don't get to the rest.
    • Hey all.    Todays been a little difficult mood wise. I am desperate to do nothing. To have a relaxing bath, a lie down, a rest....to read and drink tea.    I have. ALOT to do     I need to clean the kitchen and spare room (Jackson's litter and food station) and do laundry. etc etc   It is 2.30pm. I could possibly do the cleaning till 3.15, then have a day bath and a read whilst drying off, cream on, do hair. Then at 4.30, nip out for milk, loo roll and something for dinner. Then just do some work until 6.30pm then RELAX.   But but but. Lots of voices in my head today. Making things hard     Im so tired xx
    • I love this so much ❤️ 
    • So glad to hear you had a good trip and that you've clarified things with D some.
    • Ok, took yesterday pretty easy. Stayed in on my lunch break, lay down for a bit before going over to my sister's for dinner, had an early bedtime when I got home.    Slept in the guest room last night; I don't really like that bed, but it's my best option at the moment. Back is still sore, but on the mend, I think. Sleep improves everything. Got a Light point this morning, but forgot about an early work meeting, so ended up skipping Morning Prayer, which means the Shadow will get to attack. If it's not raining on my lunch break, I'll go run some errands, otherwise I'll stay in and do some class reading. I'll be at least one workout short this week, so the Vampirate will get an attack, but I'm going to give them disadvantage. I don't want to completely skip their attack since that seems like a slippery slope, but I'm also not skipping workouts just for the hell of it, so disadvantage it is.   Salary board meets...right about now, actually, so should get official word on the job in about an hour. Was going to tell my supervisor at this morning's meeting, but she forgot about it and didn't show, so the rest of my department knows but she doesn't yet.   Helping my neighbor after work, so I'll get Bless points for that. Need to start making some progress again if I'm going to stay on track.
    • Hooray for peaceful full moon nights, good trips, and healthy boundary setting!! 💜
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