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    • EWWWW IT LOOKS SUPER DISGUSTING IT IS ALL PUFFY AND BLISTERY.   This fucker better not scar, guys.
    • I understand this. My property is not in the lahar path of the nearest volcano (which hasn't had a significant eruption in several hundred years). Yes, I checked before I bought it. I'm glad you're in a good place.
    • I got a steam burn from the kettle yesterday that, annoyingly, blistered up last night. It doesn't hurt anymore (yesterday it hurt like crap), but I think bubbly skin that I have to be careful of is a reason to feel very put upon and mope around. (I have put in a whole grocery order just to get bandaids the right size to cover it, because my gauze options are inferior. I mean, more veg variety doesn't hurt, but it's basically for the bandaids.)   It has made me very unproductive today. I'm gonna blame that. (But you don't understand! It's a very irritating location! Forearms get used more than you think.)     I also had a bit of a hydration slump that my sinuses have been hating, and I'm getting it back on track. They are almost hydrated enough. But basically, I need to hydrate tons and tons.   I don't think A Certain Wizard is very happy with me this week. I have not made sufficient effort or something.
    • First off - I'm alive. Things got (and in some ways still are) crazy. I'm mostly chiming in to let folks know that I'm still among the living but probably won't really participate in the rest of this challenge either. I'm busy and exhausted and not in the right headspace. I'm ok health-wise (no scares there either). Still employed (in the same job). Things went sideways with the side gig (I'll have to go and see where we were in THAT saga I'm pretty sure I'd mentioned at least part of that) and we're regrouping there. We were somewhat in Helene's path - but we're fine where we are. We chose this property carefully with even the occasional rogue hurricane in mind. Mine and hubby's minds are a strange place to be. Trust me - but we've probably thought of 8 problems and 20 solutions you never even considered for so many things. It explains alot though (like the headaches LOL). I'm busy and have been thinking of y'all, just haven't been able to put a few words together. I get on our friend that suffers from depression when we pester him to at least raise a flag that you're ok. Just a simple "I'm alive but want to be left alone" will do - but we worry. So in that vain - I'm alive I'm just muddling through and don't have the spoons to post here at the moment. I'm not even really backsliding on stuff (just still can't get up and walk in the AM  and need to do a bit of house cleaning).  
    • Hey all, I'm looking for songs that would be fun to sing/memorize, in particular, ones that sound good acapella so I can just randomly sing them at home or in the car without needing musical instruments, soundtracks, etc.   Here are a few that I like (spoiler because they take up a lot of space):  
    • I am glad that you were able to go out and get food and supplies before the storm hit.   I'm so sorry that the air pressure changes reek havoc with your head. You are doing all the right things, and it sucks that you have to do that. I hope that the storm passes without too much damage and disruption to things you care about.
    • I love the ideas. The artist is regrouping to render a half dissolved house with the words emerging in the empty space. Fingers crossed, and I loved the artistic integrity in taking a week to remix designs when her flawlessly executed original drafts just left us cold.  
    • I hear you on getting caught in a book. Also on making the decision to get some more sleep and zoom out the door for work.   You are making good progress on improving your habits. Walking in the dark can be very peaceful. Likewise walking in the rain, provided you have the right gear.
    • Could go deer or other animal skull if you want to not do human. if you want a feeling of a broken vessel you could maybe try something like a broken vase or something with the fungi growing from it. The fungi make a really cool tattoo image, but i am incredibly biased as i love floral, fungal  and other nature tattoos.  the bee and skeletal hand is a cool idea. Bee in the palm would be cool too. Nice to see the whole hand + insect with such a fun twist.    i agree the clip art kills me visually too. 
    • Another member of the Read All Night Book Club!! Yay! Zzzzzz….   I  appreciate clarity!
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