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    • You're right. Sometimes when I feel this way, working out feels better, like empowering. But lately, I just feel tired and things hurt.  Like just now...No.. You are right.
    • Oh, I can do un-assisted squats now! Surprised myself and my physio guy with that one, knocked off 3 sets of 10. Just bodyweight obvs but still!   beautiful, classic October day here. Did some science I wanted to do, some other stuff I had to do, did physio, rode around on my bike. Now getting ready for choir rehearsal (long one tonight and I’m not super motivated to go, but eh, I’m committed).
    • I dunno man, a big part of strength training is managing CNS fatigue. If you're finding you need to do some fatigue management atm (getting some fukcing rest) that certainly is part of the process.
    • I'm back to tracking saturated fat and fiber and it feels pretty good. I'm back to aiming for under 20 grams of saturated fat and over 20 grams of fiber instead of going for 12 grams of saturated fat and 28 grams of fiber.  I read that 12 grams of saturated fat is heart healthy which is awesome, but I am working really hard to kinda stay under 20 right now, and I'm accepting that I'm not ready to level up yet. I'm taking sundays off too, so I'm never going to build up a 200 day streak, but I think that's important for me and my wellness at this point in time.     I'm walking a lot, but strength training hasn't happened yet. I don't know why. My brain is just like screaming and holding onto the door frame every time I think "I should workout." I'm really tired.  I think this is my JUST DO IT thing for the West Marches campaign. It's starting to chew holes through my to-do lists.  I spent two hours looking at fitness tracking charts yesterday instead of actually fitnessing. Ugh... I'll be back. I can HEAR some of you saying "Today isn't over, go get it done"   grumble grumble. I'll be back to tell you it's done. grumble grumble. 
    • Thanks! They put temporary waterproofing up that doesn't look pretty, but the leak is finally drying out in the house, and we're really excited about that. Of course, looking at the state of things in the southern states, our little leak feels pretty insignificant, but I'm pretty sure no one is keeping score.      I'm sorry that it leaked before it got replaced.  I honestly find homes very stressful, but then again, being a renter is very stressful too. We got our roof replaced last year? Two years? We were getting mice in the attic which is like a deeeeeeep phobia of my mom's.  They were chewing through rotted wood. We were basically one bad storm away from watery disaster. I think that's why this leak was so stressful, because we were like "The roof shouldn't be doing this." and now that we know it's the side of the house, it gives us more confidence in the roof.  
    • Thank you!  The boost to my Conficence stat is tremendous.      Agreed 😊     Long sweet curls are one of those things I think I will like -- because I like them on other people -- but I don't like them on myself.  Or at least I don't for where I am in my villain journey.  At another time they would be fine.     Thanks!  Inertia is everything right now.     The road to epic-ness is definitely paved with doing the the thing when you don't want to do the thing.   I finally got caught up on sleep last night.  That makes such a huge difference in my day.  I am seeing a direct correlation between sleep and calories.  This is a thing I have known intellectually for a long time, but I am really starting to understand it.  I have also noticed that having a long quiet period in the morning does worlds for my anxiety levels throughout the day.  What does this mean?  This night owl needs to become an early bird 🙈   Goals are going well today and I am so happy that my mums are blooming and the critters don't eat them.  
    • Today at lunchtime, I made crackers, spicy ranch chips, and pumpkin-shaped ginger snaps.  (I had a bag of almond flour and two cookie cutters, and I went to town.) It took forrrrrever. But now I have crackers for a lunch cheese board, and cookies and coffee for dessert.     (Oh, look, a seasonal cheese board.)
    • Thanks, It is getting there. Camera phone is very cheap and the camera part is not the greatest for landscapes. Decent ish for plants and people and closeish things.  it is what i have though, so i am just glad it takes nice plant picks
    • Alrighty, possibly my final post before we leave. I cannot guarantee I'll be able to hop on tomorrow. We're trying to leave as soon as The Man and I are off work (about 430) which means I have to pack any last minute items (things like meds and my journal) after I take/use them which also means I'll be trying to pack and get things sorted while trying to finish off everything for work. Work is sure to be hectic since we're so far behind on things already. On top of that I have to drop the dogs off at our vet for boarding. It's a sad sad trip. I hate to leave them and it is the ONE thing I'm dreading the most about leaving. I love my babies so much and it hurts to leave them. Fortunately this trip is only scheduled for a couple days longer than our beach trips and we've done a couple of those and they've been okay. I just hate not being with them so much.   Gym so far as been good this week. Since I combined leg days on Monday, I'm going to stick with my usual Thursday Les Mills class. It's a full body intense-fest and it'll be great way to end this week and start off vacation. I'll likely have plenty of walking and swimming while gone, but no dedicated workouts so I want to finish strong. Nothing kicks my behind quite like that Les Mills class haha!   Food is okay, not perfect. We didn't meal prep this week due to not being here for the full week -- dinner will be at hotel or on way to hotel tomorrow and meal prepping for 3 days for 2 people was more trouble than it's worth. Yesterday I got distracted and didn't end up meeting my fiber and carb goal. Oops. I realized once I was in bed that I didn't eat my afternoon snack as planned which would've gotten me to goal. I did manage to get water in, though, and hit my fat and protein. Today I'm on track for hitting all my goals so long as I can continue to get up and move around to get my steps. Coach has me at 8-10k (I requested the goal be put back because I was averaging about 5-6k due to work) and yesterday I only missed it by about 250 steps. I just didn't think about it until I was already in bed with lights off and such. I couldn't disturb the Man trying to fall asleep for 250 goals. I'll suck it up as a learning experience. Plus my watch was nearly dead and I needed it to charge as long as possible while I read so I could be sure it wouldn't die before waking me up this morning (it's my silent alarm).   Spiritually, I did my New Moon Tarot this morning. Yesterday I did my weekly tarot a day behind as I got distracted and lost track of my days. I also did blow cinnamon (sorry, @Sovalis I totally forgot to hop on and remind you! Here it is for you a tad bit late) for abundance, prosperity, and wealth in all areas. I've stirred in my daily gratefulness and intentions in my coffee as usual. I also did Greet the Day on my walk with the pups this morning.   The Man's homework for the week is completely done as of last night - he had a 1-2 page paper and 2 discussion boards (each one requiring his post and him replying to 2 additional people). Now we don't have to worry about his school work until Oct 14th with his new classes! Whew. Perfect timing.   I'm not sure what else to note on so if I don't get a chance to pop on tomorrow, happy Challenge-End and I hope you had a fantastic round. I'll see you on the next one once I return! ❤️ 
    • I missed this post last week and I just have to say, goddamn on this photography!!
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