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    • maybe you need a little quality recharge time. I know i find when im very tired i get restless in a nonproductive, cannot stick to anything way. I end up flitting from one thing to another and get nothing done. (Endless scrolling is the worst. So tempting, yet so draining) Be kind to yourself. Autumn is definitely making me go into hibernation mode right now. Everyone here seems to be having the “clear out the cave for winter” instinct. Sometimes the turning seasons throws everything out of whack.    Ive had this when trying new layouts. Sometimes they just don't work for my head or when i am low energy. worst case scenario you could always tip in a half page or something    https://www.archerandolive.com/en-gb/blogs/news/tip-ins-101-the-what-why-how-of-adding-tip-ins-to-your-journal#:~:text=A tip in is a,or any other flat object.    
    • I don't know what causes this feeling of overwhelm and disengagement, but I get it a lot. I assumed it was due to the fatigue but if it happens in other people with different conditions, then maybe not. Maybe there are many paths to the mini burnouts. Be kind to yourself and I hope we will feel better soon.    
    • I hope you recover swiftly and smoothly. 🍵
    • So great that you are posting your journey to inspire us too! I have been meditating every morning, short journal, andworking on trying to get some kind of movement practice every day. Gym on tuesday and Thursday works well, but I think I have too many choices for the other days. Trying to dial it back in the small habits approach so 5 minutes of 'play' is a win.
    • It's amazing how many of the world's problems could be solved by rest and tea. May they have a restorative effect on you!
    • It's been a week. There isn't much to report, other than everything remains on track.  I'm nearly two weeks into hybrid calisthenics. Progress is as it should be: slow and steady, safe, but also very evident progress is happening. My posture is improved. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect anything to be noticeable this early in the game. It's a good reminder to keep moving. Moving is good.    On the taijiquan front, apparently there is an exam coming up in December. News to me. I didn't know we did rank exams in taijiquan. I guess this particular organization does.   To be perfectly honest, the idea of a rank exam doesn't exite me. I never really enjoyed the process in my karate days, even though I usually did well with them. If I had my way, I would just train in the art, no ranks, colored belts, or titles  (except for the teacher of course). One's status in the group would simply be a matter of years in training and evident in their skill in the art. But that's just me. I do like this taijiquan group, and the art they practice, so I'll play ball. One must compromise. 
    • I have some plans for getting back on track.  First, I'm going to measure myself tomorrow morning (because I haven't had time before work) to finish putting together my new baseline.   I am going to give The Flat Belly Diet a go again.  Or as close to it as I can, because the book is a bit dated and I don't know if all the brands they recommend are available anymore.  I'm sure I can find things that will work, it's just probably going to take a bit more effort.  It's not a crazy crash diet, it's essentially a rebrand of the mediterranean diet, though I think it has a bit more emphasis on MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids).  With any luck, I'll be able to follow it without too much trouble and actually make some progress.  I suspect once I am back to playing derby I'm going to need to add some more protein in, because it looked a bit light on that when I was just glancing over the meals.  We'll see.  Assuming I can get to the grocery store, I plan to start on Sunday.   I have also decided that regardless of other exercise, I'm going to try to sneak in some additional movement to my day by going to the bathroom that's farther away from my desk, and also taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  The stairs thing is also largely motivated by the fact that one of the elevators has started acting weird and I don't want to get stuck in there! 🤪  The stairs by the door I usually come in were easy to find.  I know there's also a stairwell near the cafeteria, but I haven't been able to figure out where that one is yet.  But I'll find it!
    • Hoping for healing rest for you.
    • Week 4 Thursday Took the day off work to hang out with SAR friends and play patient for some training. I also got to sleep in because the first training scenario was cancelled. It was good. Did candles and teeth for a short rest.   Turkey: 3 hp Short Rests: 21 Week 4: 30 xp
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