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    • I have questions. What even is that? Im assuming food of some sort, but food on sticks isnt really our forte in Cornwall. 
    • Yeah, same. Good quality art supplies are so nice, but very pricey. I have been buying my brushpen feltips one or two at a time for months now. 
    • Challenge Wrap Up.    Well it seems pretty silly to be doing a challenge wrap up when I have barely done a challenge and yet here I am closing the circle. I was very shocked to see that my challenge wasn't yet on the last page despite me allowing it to completely wither and die without updates but I guess there were people worse at updating that I am which would be great if I was grading myself on a curve.    My only hard line here was to track my food every day and I definitely didn't do that, but despite this my weight has held steady which is a good thing because my wedding dress is already on the loose side so I don't have much room for manoeuvre there. Working out has not been happening but since my fiance moved in a few weeks ago, there has been lots of non traditional cardio.    And on that, the wedding planning is coming along nicely - everything is booked including the mini honeymoon after, we picked up the wedding rings last Saturday, the car insurance is sorted so D_R can actually drive us to Scotland (this was a lot harder than it should have been) and all I have left to sort out is my bouquet which will be done tomorrow with my bestie.    Living with D_R is a dream, it's so so easy and fun. We have been eating too many desserts though, we're being extremely decadent. Also, last week Jarric and his lovely girlfriend visited us and it was so nice to meet them both, WW really is wonderful too!    I will try to be a bit better next challenge, but I dunno - something is missing here for me. I think I need the power of The Doodlies, there has been talk of resuscitating them in the new year and it may be just what I need. 
    • I postponed these for a bit, mainly because I was fearing the dragon push-ups with my left wrist injury. Now that physio is no longer necessary, I'm still careful - so no burpees - but push-ups should not be a problem, especially ones that are not too hard on the wrists. Built up a backlog, but I intend to get to it. Did "part 1" last night:   10 dragon push-ups - 🐝 30 seconds high knees - 🐝 20 bridge taps - 🐝 30 seconds squat hold - 🐝 30 twists - 🐝
    • Heidi smiles as Radost makes her way into the Inn, her heart warmed by seeing all of those who stumbled into each other just a few weeks ago. She sets the shepherd’s pie on the side board with a server and some plates. “Help yourselves,” she calls to the group. The chicken and dumplings is now half gone, and it’s always a good time to make another pot of tea. “Radost, the oven’s still warm and all yours. As long as we keep the kitchen clean enough that Avolen doesn’t have to sand-blast her way through, I’m sure we’re welcome to it.”  Heidi pours a steaming cup of tea and settles into a large chair by the others. It has been a good journey, and she’s looking forward to hearing the tales of the group before they all set off on other adventures.      
    • Thanks for all you add — it’s always a pleasure to drop into your thread or to get a wave from you in mine.  Love you, too.   What a nice write up! The vacation was certainly good for you. I’m glad you’re settling back in and that you have a good medical report. Nicely done with the macros balance, even with a pizza. Good things are good, actually.       
    • Radost arrived at the broad path that would lead her to the inn. Just at that moment, a farmer was passing by with a cartload of fresh vegetables. The broad-shouldered woman waved cheerfully.  “That squash looks delicious,“ Radost called.  “I hope some of it is going to the Emberwood!”  “That’s my next stop! Want a lift?”  “Thanks, but I think I’ll walk today. I might buy some apples, though, they smell divine!” Minutes later, Radost crouched at the side of the path shuffling things in her pack to make room for a dozen fragrant, purple-red apples. “Oh no, my water!” she cried and turned back the way she’d come. Several hundred metres back up the game trail, the water skin was still set up to collect dew from one of the great spider webs. By now, it was completely refilled! “That will be handy for the walk back…oh, my tea!” The tea she’d made when pausing here with the other adventurers still sat at the base of a tree in her small, thick-walled mug with its cork-lined lid. “Still warm! Wonderful!” Heavy apples in her pack, water skin in one hand and tea in the other, Radost walked towards the inn.    By the time Radost could see the golden flicker of lamplight and smell the savoury scent of shepherd’s pie browning in the inn’s big oven, she was trudging heavily, stopping every hundred metres to pull at the straps of her pack where they cut into her shoulders. Laughter rang out from the common room as she approached, and she could hear the warm rumble of Ursina’s voice. She entered, raising a hand in greeting to Shava, Grewinn, Evanna, Kaja, and Ursina, and turning a broad, tired smile on the adventurers she hadn’t met yet.  “Whoof, I need to sit for a bit. But I have these apples, I’ll get up in a bit and make a crisp, if there’s room in the oven. Nothing like a bit of sweet to end the day!”   I know we’re on pause but I wrote my piece already. I had a tough time fitting in a walk this week but I did get Mr. Radost to drop me off at the mall for some errands on Saturday, and I walked home. With eight or nine litres of fluid in my backpack, it was HEAVY. 😅   It’s been fun here in the Emberwood, folks! Fingers crossed that the forum migration goes smoothly. I hope you all have a restful and creative zero week.   
    • Thank you, Snarky   Unfortunately, my brain melted   I'm nearly fully recovered just in time to go to bed, sleep, and wake up to try again. XD
    • My heart is singing! I am so glad you are here! you add so much to the forums with your compassion and cheer💜
    • Thanks. Last week I had my first go at trying to pull up higher. I was going into it tired, so not ideal. I don't think it changed my pull up height at all, but it made my arms real tired real fast--surprisingly so.  So I've got a long road.    Also, you have a surprising number of adorable animal-based exercise memes. Hopefully someday I can muscle up with as much ease as this fluffy little red panda. 💪
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