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    • Hey, Sal! How was your weekend?
    • Yes mine also takes six hours. I hope the diffuser works well-let us know!     I think of it this way: I have a weak curl pattern that forms in curl clumps when it's absolutely dripping wet. When it's wet, the curl pattern and curl clumps are very susceptible to disruption with towels, brushing, or any touching. I pat on gel to support both the pattern and the clumps. When it's completely dry, brushing will separate the clumps and weaken the pattern somewhat, but not as badly as when it's wet--and it also doesn't cause frizz because the short hairs have already dried in the right shape. Frizz is just a short hair that curls outside of a curl clump. If it dries within a curl clump, it won't stand out. So maintaining curl pattern and clumping with gel and non-touching is important to avoid frizz. For me anyway.
    • Yeah mine takes ages to dry too. Even not its much shorter.  best thing ive found it to put it up in a microfibre hair wrap for 5 mins or less before air drying it. Then scrunch it when i take it off. Works best if its still damp when i take the hair wrap off Hair dryers and i are a non starter. It is like pouring petrol of a fire as far as the frizz is concerned for me. 
    • Thanks!  Yeah, the teaching life is actually quite nice.  The pay isn't nearly what I was seeing when I was doing bankong but the work life balance is far more sustainable     ------------------------------------------   Well, the weekend didn't go as sell as the weekdays preceeding it, having eaten more than a few sugary snacks over the course of the two days.  Food was generally good, but I did stuff the last few dumplings down my gullet even though I was full just because I didn't want to waste them.  Sunk Cost Fallacy wins this round...   That said, I am back on track now that the new week is starting and Monday has been off to a really good start.
    • Right, this may well be the longest post I've ever made here, so I'll put most of it behind spoilers.   It's a month overdue, but here's my finished review of the 3-day Alcatraz Festival... 😁   Well, actually, there's a fourth day (day "zero") as well, but that's just tribute bands. Although calling them "just" tribute bands does them a disservice. Headliner that Thursday was "Bulls on Parade", which is a Rage Against the Machine tribute band with great musicians and a singer that is a FAR better singer than Zack de la Rocha (but who has a more traditional gravelly metal voice which gives a different vibe than de la Rocha). Anyway, I didn't go on Thursday. 😇 Friday:   Saturday:   Sunday:     And because this post wouldn't be complete without yet another wall of text, here's what I've been up to in the TE4 game:   Full career so far.  
    • Acceptance of what we can't change isn't an easy state to achieve, congrats on that. There's certainly enough emotional affects in your past weeks to warrant the general feeling, I would not worry about it. I'd say you're doing exactly what needs to be done by acknowledging it and just letting it pass.     That is true but I notice there's also a lot of power in simply visibly sharing the same space, which makes it easier to interact afterwards. When I was using the bus a lot, I would consider the people I met at the stop complete strangers the first time I saw them there. The second time, without having had any actual interaction other than seeing them, I would start to consider them part of my world and smile, the smile becoming more warm as more times passed. As St.-Ex wrote in The Little Prince, befriending someone is a matter of habits. Being regularly close to the same people at the same place is a step toward that (that then needs to be followed up by engaging conversation and bringing things further if one so wishes).
    • Friday: 30 seconds clench / unclench - 🐝  (did 60s)   Sunday: 30 seconds march jacks - 🐝  (did 60s) 40 balance low turning kicks - 🐝  (20 left, 20 right)
    • I think I have figured out the root of my self-sabotage. I just want some time to myself and to relax. Because I'm so busy, and also stressed out (because apparently I am just not going to get a break, and every time something changes that seems like it should makes things better it never works out), I keep finding myself in the position of having to choose between exercising, (attempting to) relax, or sleep. If I'm lucky, I get to pick two, but usually it's only one.   I have no idea how to fix this. But at least I know what's going on, I guess?
    • Well, I didn't manage to get any of the planned exercise in this week, but I did make it to the roller rink to try out my new skates. They still need some breaking in, but I think they'll do.   We got a bunch more boxes unpacked. Still have a lot to do, but we're getting there.   Little Bug needed his name on the front of his gym shirts, and since I found my Cricut machine and materials while unpacking, I was able to make his shirts all fancy for him. That's the biggest project I've done so far!   Things continue to be weird at work. A bunch of people are on furlough, including my manager this week. And, a very high level executive got fired on Friday. Not one of the ones I would have expected, but I don't think I will ever get any info about why. Some of the papers are speculating he's just the first of many because the new CEO wants to pick his own people. I guess we'll see?   I am going to try real hard to get to the gym at least once this week, but I make no promises.
    • Glad things got easier for you! I had the opposite - the first couple sets of mountain climbers I was like “why did I think this exercise was so hard?” The next day I could only do half as many, and less still on day 3. I will see whether I can bust out another strong set after a few days’ rest, though. 
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