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    • Wandering into the  Giant's Joint Inn, Elastigirl  notices the bright shiny mirrors. She peers into the mirror, and is surprised to see her future self. Some of what she sees makes her happy; she still is the person who values her friends and family, she loves exercising and just being active, most of the time she eats to nourish her body.  She consistently still reads her Bible and spends time in prayer. Some things bother her; the things she was procrastinating five years ago and promising herself she would do some day, still have not been accomplished, she is still wasting too much time on the internet instead of pursuing other more worthwhile task.   Stepping back from the mirror, Elastigirl ponders what she saw.  She wants to continue her habits that keep her on the path she wants to go. But, she also wants to  change her future path  toward being more creative and using her time with more wisdom. She quietly walks  back to her room to ponder these things.   I like the concept of the Dayyear mirror, and pondering what my future self will look like. And realizing that it is about the small steps that either take us in the direction we want to go, or away from it. So, this challenge is about those small habits and steps I want to take.   Goal #1 Track calories: Right now I'm in maintenance mode. I may switch to deficit before challenge end, I'm still deciding. But, I will decide, and keep to that goal. Exceptions: Saturday was my birthday, and there is still some cake, if I go over calories  (somewhat, not crazy)the next few days, that's fine, it's birthday magic, but I will track the calories. Also, we are going to church family camp 4th of July weekend and I won't track calories then.    Also: I will keep practicing the skills that help me;  delay before seconds and unplanned snacks walking working out noticing when full being thankful for my food, and eating with joy eating slowly     Goal #2 Drink water, at least 50 oz I tracked last challenge, and did fairly well. I wasn't going to track this challenge, but the weeks I didn't track, I didn't drink water as much. I've lowered the goal from last challenge. Sometimes, I felt like I was drinking beyond what was necessary, and I didn't see any real tangible beniifts.  Obviously, it its' hot and I need more, I will drink more.   Goal #3 Delay before picking up my phone I have the habit of picking up my phone whenever I have a moment of down time. I'm going to delay by 2 minutes. Just enough time for me to actually stop and make a conscious decision about it. Same tactic that I used to  cut down on the snacking   Goal #4 Spend time being Creative This is the thing where I looked into the mirror , and really didn't see much improvement. Though, I may be being a bit tough on myself. There has been some improvement, but nothing consistent. I've struggled, because any time I make a goal on creativity,  the fun project I was working on becomes a chore, but without a goal,I just choose screen time over being creative.  Honestly, I'm not sure how to improve this. Right now, I think I will think about it, and try a few ideas and see what works. One thing is, I would like this to be a several challenges goal. I think part of the issue is that I make a goal. work on it for 4 weeks and then drop it. But, in order for it to be a consistent habit, I need to keep at it.    
    • Lm sumo squat to RDL bar+40kg 8x3 Band ring dips 7,7,6 Band chin ups 3x5, 4,3 Close grip ez bar curls bar+25kg 3x6 / laterals 3x20 lm press bar15kg 3x8 /  rear delt 3x20 Band low to high rows 3x10   Dropped 2.5kg on legs but got 8 sets. Got 1 rep extra on ring dips. I’d guesstimate doing body weight (no band) by end of year. Got an extra rep on band chin ups. Added weight in curls Got 3 sets on rear delts.   So Ive got fat. Need to do more cardio. I’ll do a hard hike at the weekend 💀
    • Such a thoughtful challenge!  Congrats on your milestone! 
    • Week 0 update.    Tracked half of week 0 for this challenge.  I managed to hit half of the goals.    DDG and I got out for a walk on Friday.  It was a very hot day and we're still getting our walking mojo back so it was absolutely brutal.  My goal was to walk a mile and then turn around and walk a mile back.   I caved at 3/4 mile but then we walked to the next bench and rested before turning around so it was actually 0.9 miles.  So close.  But distance doesn't really matter.  We got out there.     No gymming over the weekend but Peach and I did attempt it earlier in week 0.  Once I got there I realized my gym bag had no pants so no gymming happened, and also no stretching.     Deficit was pretty consistent over the weekend.  It was helped as Sat and Sun were set up as high calorie days.  I had no real plans for Saturday but I usually set 2 high days so I just picked Saturday.   I barely used any of the extra calories.  I did whip up a pasta dish with grape tomatoes, cream, and fresh parmesan for dinner.  I had with a salad and didn't make any garlic bread.  👿 Sunday was a Father's Day breakfast.  2 of DDGs kids came over and Peach hadn't gone to her dad's yet.  It was a lovely menu (sausage gravy and biscuits, mini banana pancakes, cinnamon roll sticks, sausage links and bacon) and I had a little bit (or more) of everything.  Then all the carby stuff expanded for the next few hours an I was miserable.   Luckily it was earlier than I normally eat so I had time to work it off during the day with shopping and other activities.  😉  I even had room for an afternoon snack - an orange and a couple more cinnamon roll sticks.  For our batch cooked dinner we grilled some burgers and some chicken brats for the week.  We each had a burger patty wrapped in a low carb tortilla with bacon and cheese and then had salads on the side.      I did use up some of the extra calories but stayed under budget and managed a half pound loss over the weekend.    
    • I'm rather enjoying learning about tarot from you and @Sea-to-sky. Thanks for sharing this part of your journey!
    • Exciting news! Also annoying news, because it woulda been nice to find a smoking gun explaining your symptoms.     This is so real. It's supposed to be a handy red flag for fitness/wellness products, when they advertise "Detox" without quantifying wtf they actually mean. Smart Harriet is smart.
    • Smashing commencing!     Thank you!     It is never a bad idea.  
    • Shello usually sneaks in using the side door and lurks in a corner but the news of the giant's mirrors has piqued her interest.  She boldly walks in and asks for a key to a room, scanning the room for an open table to return to.   Anxious for a view of her future self that has long been a fuzzy ideal, slowly defining over time, she gets to her room and there she is... beautiful, healthy, agile, retired from the daily grind and loving an active life, absolutely unstoppable!      
    • Starting Weight (6/14) 252.8 Does today start as week 1?   or week 0?  Whatever  today is, recorded weight 252.3    Half a pound in the half week since I logged to the spreadsheet.  I'll take it.  Had a huge Father's Day breakfast yesterday but luckily it didn't cause a big fuss on the scale.   This week will be difficult with a work potluck Wednesday, dinner poolside at family on Thursday, and then a Summer Sunday brunch again on Sunday (naturally).    I feel like I start every week thinking this week will be difficult for various reasons.  I've come to the realization that this is the normal and it's just a question of addressing each week's particular difficulty.  Also yes, I can be a slow learner.  
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