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13 hours ago, Laghail said:

Really enjoying your studies of those wild carrots (??) and the impromtu bus trip sounds like such a freeing experience. Huge win on that retro shop too! Fingers crossed you slept off all the post-vaccine crud, I'm due for 'rona booster this week

The boots are apparently vintage mens Terry dehaviland’s (whose name i cannot spell) from the 70’s (when mens shoes were clearly cooler).


the crunchy wild carrot (and various other flora) are always fun to go see. Nice to photograph them this year. 
still pretty wished from the jab. Spent yesterday dozing. Probubly be fine in a few days. Hope your corona booster goes well

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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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Well, where did the last challenge go? It just evaporated. What the hell happened? 
since the end of this kind of ambushed me it looks like its wrap up time again.


so, mando practice and drawing practice didn't go…at all. Mostly due to having to have my foot up alot (which is, it transpires, a very bad angle for doing most of anything in). 

Clearing the room is progressing, but i didn't manage to get as much done as id have liked (again due to ankle ? getting in the way). Stuff did get culled from my wardrobe and generally cleared of the top surfaces though, so that is progress. 

Appreciating the season went well. Much enjoying of pretty leaves and mushrooms and nice autumn days. Pretty sunsets and the starlings collecting on the telephone wires like the quirky little critters they are. 
making a point of having more tea outside would have been good, but i feel i did pretty well if we factor in the ankle.


witching the wardrobe has also gone well. Tried on many different styles and concluded i do not like cardigans or things with high necks. Blouses are still in probation, but the one i tried i was not enthusiastic about (though it may have been the pattern). 
wore many pieces of clothing and jewellery day to day i would usually save for tidier things. Wearing nicer stuff isn't always possible due to where i live (and the level of mud that is constant at this time of year) but it was a good experience and  made me feel both more positive about my appearance and improved my mood generally. 

obviously getting walks in has been difficult, but I've managed not to gain any weight, which was the goal. Good sleep habits seem to have stuck too, which is very encouraging considering how hard that one was to instate. 

I still have no idea about the next challenge, other than i will be rehabbing the ankle still. Hopefully swimming will resume soon, though its going to be so bloomin’ cold since i haven't been in for several months ?.

hopefully i will have a bit more energy now as the couple of times ive tried with the sketching this last few weeks my brain has kind of short circuited and returned the human version of an Error 101 message. 
Even the bujo is still a work in progress in most places (thus why i havent posted any pics)


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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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I'm glad you wore some of your nicer stuff and felt good ❤️ Best wishes for the continuing ankle repair.

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  • Thanks 1

Let cheese and oxen and mead crowd out our secret desires for power and domination - Harriet the Viking

Just be bold, fluid and unapologetic, not small, hairy and indecisive - Harriet the Artist

You can absorb me! - Harriet the Contextless Guru

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1 hour ago, Harriet said:

I'm glad you wore some of your nicer stuff and felt good ❤️ Best wishes for the continuing ankle repair.

Thanks harriet. Hopefully the ankle will sort itself soon ???

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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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I am caught up! I really love reading about your life. The way you write is very charming and your photos and sketches really add to that. ❤️ 

  • Thanks 1

Past Challenges: #1, #2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16

Current Challenge: #17


“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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43 minutes ago, Sovalis said:

up! I really love reading about your life. The way you write is very charming and your photos and sketches really add to that. ❤️

Thank you. This month has been a tad messed up plan wise due to the ankle, so i felt like i didn't really have much to write about at various points. Glad you enjoyed it though ?

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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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Have finally got round to digging into my book pile and for no particular reason decided it was a good idea to start with one the size of a doorstop. (Yes, i am also questioning my common sense). 
360ish pages in (which is about halfway) and it is just not doing it for me to be honest. The plot is glacial (in the bad, why is this scene here, kind of way) and the main character is kind of annoying me. 




so far have ticked room tidying and hair washing off the list. i had planned to make soup today but am pretty tired so think i will leave the sharp knives + tough squash for tomorrow, when chances of loosing fingers are lower. 

the weather is beautiful today. Clear blue skies and i feel kind of guilty for not being out in it. Must get a walk in or something, 

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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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On 10/15/2024 at 8:44 AM, Sea-to-sky said:

Wearing nicer stuff isn't always possible due to where i live (and the level of mud that is constant at this time of year)

We might live in twinning areas! I have clothes for going out and then my everyday clothes that get messy.


3 hours ago, Sea-to-sky said:

the weather is beautiful today. Clear blue skies and i feel kind of guilty for not being out in it. Must get a walk in or something, 

Definitely twinning areas.


3 hours ago, Sea-to-sky said:

The plot is glacial (in the bad, why is this scene here, kind of way) and the main character is kind of annoying me. 

Sounds like a future library donation to me! It’s rough when the main character is annoying. I’ve found that with some books where I was low-key hoping they’d fall in a bog or something. 

  • Haha 3



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1 hour ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

I’ve found that with some books where I was low-key hoping they’d fall in a bog or something.

Yeah, i am kind of there at the moment. Starting to internally debate whether this book is worth my time, but i am stubborn.

the plot is all over the place though

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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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2 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

Sounds like a future library donation to me! It’s rough when the main character is annoying. I’ve found that with some books where I was low-key hoping they’d fall in a bog or something. 


I felt like that about virtually every character in Wheel of Time.  I wanted so much to like that series, but so much did not.

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Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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1 hour ago, Sea-to-sky said:

Starting to internally debate whether this book is worth my time

Life is too short! Drop that book! I just put one down for similar reasons (MC was unlikeable in the most boring, irritating way, and the plot was not nearly as interesting as it had been represented) and the contrast when I picked up something I liked made the next book even more delicious. 

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6 minutes ago, Radost said:

Life is too short! Drop that book! I just put one down for similar reasons (MC was unlikeable in the most boring, irritating way, and the plot was not nearly as interesting as it had been represented) and the contrast when I picked up something I liked made the next book even more delicious

Yeah, i flicked forward. It did not get better. It is now in the charity box. Someone else can have a go at it

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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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2 hours ago, Everstorm said:



I felt like that about virtually every character in Wheel of Time.  I wanted so much to like that series, but so much did not.

I started reading the books when I was a teen and was 32 when the final book came out. I don’t regret reading the series, but I wouldn’t recommend it either. I am very critical of how much nothing happens in several books.  It is also the reason I abandoned Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives after reading an entire chapter dedicated to Adolin’s clothes and why I ask “how many books in the series and it is completed yet?” 


1 hour ago, Sea-to-sky said:

Yeah, i flicked forward. It did not get better. It is now in the charity box. Someone else can have a go at it

YES!! Good for you!!!

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15 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

It is also the reason I abandoned Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives after reading an entire chapter dedicated to Adolin’s clothes and why I ask “how many books in the series and it is completed yet?” 

Overly descriptive only works in certain specific situations.


Bret Easton Ellis' "American Psycho" comes to mind. Entire pages dedicated to Bateman's hygiene routine, entire pages dedicated to his wardrobe, etc.

While it makes the point that this is one vain and detached main character, it made the book hard to read.

And then you get to the murdery parts and they're just as detailed, which makes them all the more horrific and disturbing... ?

That's when it clicked.


Spoiler - NSFW warning:


I mean, Bateman stabs a hobo in the eye with a pocket knife, and you have a full page describing the eye popping and leaking across his face... ?


TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

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back from a quiet pootle round town and then a nice walk. Got off he bus at the beach and sat with my linch and a book before walking up through the village. Almost got 10k steps in ? which is a real rarity for me. It was all paved and pretty flat though so it was a nice excuse to stretch my ankle. Took it in chunks as there are lots of benches and it was sunny so it went really well. 

got some popcorn in yesterday ready for my Halloween movie marathon. Now i just need to rootle through the films and pick something to watch. Maybe the alien films as there’s a new one out. Can always fit a bit of adams family or pet shop of horrors in too on another day.


I swore to myself this year that i would actually go out and do social things more often. because human interaction etc etc. plans fell through on friday but there are quite a few music things around right now so i just need to pick some. I find doing these kind of evening things on your own really hard but Hopefully that will improve with practice? 

Still havent done the new challenge yet, but its coming along

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the creative spelling comes as standard. Enjoy! 
A journey of thousand miles, begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

Challenge: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8

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