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Snarkyfishguts Thought a Challenge was a Good Idea

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Bert leaves tomorrow for Fall Break, and won't be returning until Tuesday night. I'm ready for a break. He's a good kid, but he just makes more work for me. It's just so much more cleaning and having to double check everything because he forgot to close the garage door again when he left the house and he doesn't lock the side door when he takes the trash out. And I'm like "Thanks for taking out the trash, but you gotta lock the door."  


And he and my dad are very similar so it's just like between the two of them, I have to hear explanations about every thing. EVERYTHING. "Hahahahah! I laughed because I thought that was funny" 




 "I'm going to eat something because I'm a bit hungry".  NOW THERE ARE TWO OF THEM. 


The other day I was a part of ten minute conversation about the pros and cons of soup.

joe wright film GIF


meanwhile I am a impatient grouch.Oscar The Grouch Idk GIF by Sesame Street


Actually it's really silly, isn't it? When I read back on this, I'm like "OMG this is just silly. Why am I getting so grouchy over this?"


let that shit go, snarky. just let it go. but check all the locks before bed.





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19 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

Bert leaves tomorrow for Fall Break, and won't be returning until Tuesday night. I'm ready for a break. He's a good kid, but he just makes more work for me. It's just so much more cleaning and having to double check everything because he forgot to close the garage door again when he left the house and he doesn't lock the side door when he takes the trash out. And I'm like "Thanks for taking out the trash, but you gotta lock the door."  


And he and my dad are very similar so it's just like between the two of them, I have to hear explanations about every thing. EVERYTHING. "Hahahahah! I laughed because I thought that was funny" 




 "I'm going to eat something because I'm a bit hungry".  NOW THERE ARE TWO OF THEM. 


I reacted to this post with a like because I liked it.  

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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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Today Mom and I walked through a trail at a local park.  It’s a beautiful, hilly trail in the woods. the path covered in acorns. It was so fantastic to get out of the house and away from the daily routine. Now we’re back and everything is usual but it doesn't seem so overwhelming. it was her idea, and what a good one! 


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It’s time for a Weekly Review!

Saturated Fat: I’ve been hitting 18 grams most days this week, but today I got 28. We had giant ice cream cones! Worth it!

Fiber: approximately 20 grams a day this week. I’m pretty happy with this, because I didn’t use any supplements this week. 

Strength training sessions:  I got one good one in this week. I’m not stressing about it because I’ve done a lot of heavy lifting around the house for fall cleaning. 



Brooding- Oof, I was MOODY this week. I blame hormones and not spending enough time on self-care. 

Not weighing in- RIGHT ON

No Perfect weeks: I forget this, and then I remember when I review the week. I need to put this on a post-it on my bedroom door so I see it when I face the day


What I loved about the past week:

I got a LOT done this week. We’re getting a lot cleaned up and starting to see some of that streamlining we keep talking about doing


What I’m looking forward to next week: 

I’m really looking forward to finishing an art piece and finding out if my high school reunion is canceled or not. I’m kinda hoping it is. The weather is cooling off too, which makes me SUPER HAPPY!


Turns out we definitely have two leaks. One is coming from the outside, which will be fixed. One is coming from the dishwasher, which hopefully is also an easier fix. Sigh. I’m not thrilled but here we are. Calling the plumber tomorrow!

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Great job this week! I liked how most the time you managed your fat, but also made room for ice cream.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Today was wonderful. Nothing much happened. I did get some things done on my to-do list, but it wasn't hard. It all felt good. I went for a walk with Mom and we talked about fun stuff, and it went by quickly. I got some chores done on my list and it went really well. I also sat on my rear end a lot, and I listened to podcasts, drew a silly spooky comic based on a conversation I had with my Mom...

A four panel comic. Panel one shows a little boy and his mom handing him a plate of food. She says “ you need some meat on your bones!” Panel 2: He is a young man now and a young woman hands him a plate of food and says “ you need some meat on your bones!”. Panel 3: he is an old man and a young person hands him a plate of food and says “ you need some meat on your bones!”  Panel 4: he is a skeletal zombie shuffling towards people running away in terror and he says “NEED MEAT ON BONES”

I feel relaxed for the first time in a while. Not tired, not exhausted. Relaxed. It's really lovely! :D 

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On 10/3/2024 at 11:51 PM, Snarkyfishguts said:

And he and my dad are very similar so it's just like between the two of them, I have to hear explanations about every thing. EVERYTHING. "Hahahahah! I laughed because I thought that was funny" 




 "I'm going to eat something because I'm a bit hungry".  NOW THERE ARE TWO OF THEM. 


The other day I was a part of ten minute conversation about the pros and cons of soup.


meanwhile I am a impatient grouch.


Actually it's really silly, isn't it? When I read back on this, I'm like "OMG this is just silly. Why am I getting so grouchy over this?"


I had some thoughts about why we might get so quickly annoyed at excess chatter. I think it's because we're surrounded, nay, overwhelmed by information now on the internet, and the main skill we need is not finding information (there's too much) but sorting through loads of low quality information to quickly get to what matters before we're totally exhausted by all the input. This is different from when e.g. my dad was young and there wasn't a lot of information everywhere--you had to go to the library and find it--so sharing little bits of information you picked up had a different context. Today, being gifted pieces of information, especially if they feel irrelevant or low quality is... not appreciated. It just adds to the burden of excess information we're all labouring under.


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Let cheese and oxen and mead crowd out our secret desires for power and domination - Harriet the Viking

Just be bold, fluid and unapologetic, not small, hairy and indecisive - Harriet the Artist

You can absorb me! - Harriet the Contextless Guru

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2 hours ago, Harriet said:


I had some thoughts about why we might get so quickly annoyed at excess chatter. I think it's because we're surrounded, nay, overwhelmed by information now on the internet, and the main skill we need is not finding information (there's too much) but sorting through loads of low quality information to quickly get to what matters before we're totally exhausted by all the input. This is different from when e.g. my dad was young and there wasn't a lot of information everywhere--you had to go to the library and find it--so sharing little bits of information you picked up had a different context. Today, being gifted pieces of information, especially if they feel irrelevant or low quality is... not appreciated. It just adds to the burden of excess information we're all labouring under.


YES you are absolutely right! It's just too much information and it's also a lot of disruptions with notifications. I have enough on my plate, I can't add the whole internet's dilemmas to it! 


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I bought a journal for tracking my goals, and it arrived today! It's so clean and bright! I almost hate...to....use...it...Snl No GIF by Saturday Night Live


:D :D :D 


I'm not going to my 25th reunion. I have bad vibes, y'all. There's a group of really creepy guys going, that are really into drugs and then there's a lot of talk that it's going to be a wild night of drinking and partying, and y'all...this sounds like a Mid-Life Crisis Party, and maybe I'm wrong, but maybe...I'm absolutely right. I'm not a wild party person. I'm barely a party person.  Also I'm really hormonal right now and I'm just kinda having ALL  the feelings, so  let's avoid broooding... I think I'm going to make a cup of tea, and look at templates for tracking goals and get some ideas. And I'm going to make some colorful marks on the first page or so that it doesn't feel too perfect anymore. 


Ginger peach green tea or herbal mint? Decisions, decisions..




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37 minutes ago, Everstorm said:

Skipping the reuinion was the right call.


Neither tea is the wrong call.


I see nothing but good choices here.


Thank you for the reassurance on both counts. After some tea, I feel more confident in my decision about the reunion. And I chose the ginger peach! It's very quieting for me, and I have a lot of happy memories with it. I think I'll have mint for breakfast. I dont' want it to feel left out :D 

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On 10/7/2024 at 9:06 PM, Snarkyfishguts said:

Today was wonderful. Nothing much happened. I did get some things done on my to-do list, but it wasn't hard. It all felt good. I went for a walk with Mom and we talked about fun stuff, and it went by quickly. I got some chores done on my list and it went really well. I also sat on my rear end a lot, and I listened to podcasts, drew a silly spooky comic based on a conversation I had with my Mom...

A four panel comic. Panel one shows a little boy and his mom handing him a plate of food. She says “ you need some meat on your bones!” Panel 2: He is a young man now and a young woman hands him a plate of food and says “ you need some meat on your bones!”. Panel 3: he is an old man and a young person hands him a plate of food and says “ you need some meat on your bones!”  Panel 4: he is a skeletal zombie shuffling towards people running away in terror and he says “NEED MEAT ON BONES”

Love this!  



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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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19 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

I'm not going to my 25th reunion. I have bad vibes, y'all. There's a group of really creepy guys going, that are really into drugs and then there's a lot of talk that it's going to be a wild night of drinking and partying, and y'all...this sounds like a Mid-Life Crisis Party, and maybe I'm wrong, but maybe...I'm absolutely right. I'm not a wild party person. I'm barely a party person.  Also I'm really hormonal right now and I'm just kinda having ALL  the feelings, so  let's avoid broooding... I think I'm going to make a cup of tea, and look at templates for tracking goals and get some ideas. And I'm going to make some colorful marks on the first page or so that it doesn't feel too perfect anymore. 


Do you know who woke up this morning with a hangover, regretting the decisions from last night that they remember, and dreading making amends this morning?

IDK but not you. ?

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Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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10 minutes ago, Laghail said:


Do you know who woke up this morning with a hangover, regretting the decisions from last night that they remember, and dreading making amends this morning?

IDK but not you. ?

Thank you!! The reunion isn't until Saturday but I will be hearing about it. I'm feeling good about my decision today.  My friend who loves parties texted me and said she wasn't going because she felt like it was gonna get ugly. and I told her I felt the same way! I hope I'm wrong, honestly. But I also remember our 20th reunion and it got messy. No. It's gonna be messy. :D   


Thank you. ❤️ 

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This month the hormone-driven anxiety is more severe than it has been in a while. I’ve had more sugar, and I’ve been really worked up about this reunion.  My whole body feels like an itchy sweater, and my mind feels wrong. I’m going to feel better in a few days, so I’m just calling the next few days a Bonus Round where basically anything I do is great and helps me, but data will not be collected at this time. 


I think that’s a big takeaway from this challenge. Even within the five weeks, I can stop when I need to and keep going. That 5 days a week for 5 weeks is better than two perfect weeks and then dropping out. Heck, even 3-4 days a week is better than two perfect weeks and dropping out. I can ease up on myself a little bit, and still get results if I am working consistently, and I think I’m going to keep that in mind when I edit my next challenge 



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Thursday night I went outside and figured out how to do night mode on my camera and got a picture of the northern lights!



IMG_1226.thumb.jpeg.7e7fbabb0a8889e8aa07e7d185e5c959.jpeg  IMG_1251.thumb.jpeg.12ddc6a7f482dda3afa9daf123040710.jpeg


I was really happy when the colors showed up. On the way back into the house I saw a shooting star! I didn’t make a wish. 


Yesterday, Mom and I went for a drive up and down the west side of the state.  We’re going out again next weekend, I think. There were some pretty leaves, but we were a little too early. We’ll try again to see more colors. It was a wonderful day though. We just stopped in different towns and walked around and we weren’t going to run any errand until we decided we should check out dishwashers while the sales were on. And that wasn’t too bad. All in all, a good day.


Today we’re going to do some yard work.It’s time to cut down the hostas, not even the deer want to snack on them anymore, so they’re done. It’ll be good. We’ve got a good list to keep us busy for a few days and Bert is going to help out too. 


Later on I’ll post a weekly review and challenge wrap up. 

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