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What she said. Love the "OMG, take my money!" reply. So not going to happen!

I suppose, in her mind, I was no longer a customer. A very shortsighted view as I have friends who ask me about my gym all the time... and I also have the ability to leave reviews on Yelp... and Google... and...


Level X Mutant

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My wife and I had a baby six weeks ago, and needless to say, life with a newborn is hard (much harder than I expected) and I've had to give up a lot. One of the biggest things I've let go is my gym membership. I no longer have time to get to the gym and home again, and the lack of sleep is killer. It just seems like a waste to keep paying for something when I'm not using it.

Sooo... I go into the gym to cancel my membership. The owner of the gym just happens to be at the front desk. When I approach the counter she asks me if she can help me. I tell her that I need to cancel my membership. She asks why. I tell her that my wife and I just had a baby and that I'm not getting to the gym at all and money is tight and I think that the responsible thing to do is to stop spending money I don't have on something that I'm not going to be able to use for a long time. I've really enjoyed the gym, I say. It's gonna be hard working out from home, but I think I can do it, I tell her.

Her response?

"Well, I guess you're not interested in teaching your son good health habits."


don't even sweat it bro... she's probably struggling to keep her business afloat in this sh!tty economy, and salespeople are douchy sometimes, like everyone else, when times are tough... doesn't excuse her, but it seems like she's in a "i can't afford to lose any business" mode and she's trying to make a sale by any means necessary. she provided a service for you while you needed it, and now that you don't just say sayonara and good luck... and let karma take care of her douchiness... congrats on the baby... :)

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing. I had quite the epiphany while reading, and I think I may have just discovered WHEN I'm gonna be able to work out!

I think the point in the article about bodyweight training is just as important. Focusing your training towards bodyweight exercises may be a great option that lets you get your training in while still tending to your baby. Things like pushups, bodyweight squats, etc. can be done whenever you have a couple minutes free, and don't necessarily require driving to the gym, changing clothes, etc.

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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congrats on the baby... :)


I think the point in the article about bodyweight training is just as important. Focusing your training towards bodyweight exercises may be a great option that lets you get your training in while still tending to your baby. Things like pushups, bodyweight squats, etc. can be done whenever you have a couple minutes free, and don't necessarily require driving to the gym, changing clothes, etc.

Would it still be "bodyweight" if I workout with my son strapped to me? Maybe "babyweight" instead? ;)


Level X Mutant

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Congrats on the baby!!!

That woman is soo.... (I'm no going to say what I'm thinking) :ambivalence:


Yes, she certainly acted incredibly poorly... but I guess I'll just have to prove her wrong and reach demigod status on my own, from home, using bodyweight exercises! :)


Level X Mutant

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Jeez, what is wrong with people who work for gyms? I've heard so much of this "Hey, I have a really great idea! Let's insult the customer and call them fat to their faces and accuse them of not caring about their health!" garbage lately. Admittedly, I'm not a salesperson so it could be that being an asshole to your customers in fact causes people to be like "OMG TAKE MY MONEY" and I just don't know it, but somehow I kind of doubt it.

Could be to shame you into staying with the gym, whether or not they expect you to keep showing up. That would at least make some sense.

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Could be to shame you into staying with the gym, whether or not they expect you to keep showing up. That would at least make some sense.

Yeah, that was probably her reasoning.

It really is a shame, though, because I like the facility, the people who are in the gym working out when I go, and the early morning desk guy, but the staff (owner, member services, trainers) are all rude or incompetent and I won't be rejoining (and I will eventually get back into a gym, I love it too much not to do so!) because of it.


Level X Mutant

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Wow. Just...wow.

See, I would be tempted to ratchet the sarcasm up to Ludicrous Speed, just to screw with her. "Yup, you're right. I'm not going to teach him healthy habits. In fact, I'm going to train him to sit on the couch and watch TV all day long, stuffing his face with pizza, Cheetos, and Mountain Dew, and generally being a drain on society. We've already replaced his breast milk with vanilla-flavored milkshakes. We're starting early."

Yes, I have gotten in trouble for my sarcastic replies before.

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When I was visiting my sister I did a few body weight exercises with my six month old niece. Squats, crunches, etc I also did overhead lifts and arm extensions. Slowly and carefully of course. I was mostly messing with my sister about her workout habits. Which gave me the idea to start a youtube channel doing workouts with a baby. Talk about progressive strength building.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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When I was visiting my sister I did a few body weight exercises with my six month old niece. Squats, crunches, etc I also did overhead lifts and arm extensions. Slowly and carefully of course. I was mostly messing with my sister about her workout habits. Which gave me the idea to start a youtube channel doing workouts with a baby. Talk about progressive strength building.

I'm just biding my time until Jr. has head control... :)


Level X Mutant

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"Well, I guess you're not interested in teaching your son good health habits."

Yeah, because a newborn goes to the gym with you. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she is certainly a tool.

Anyway, you are better off at home doing body weight exercises which your son can imitate when they are older. Also, an infant is a great medicine ball. ;-)

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"No.  Try not.  Do... or do not.  There is no try." -- Yoda | "We are what we repeatedly do."  -- Aristotle


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World 6 Level 4 Stats: STR 150.0 | DEX 160.75 | STA 151.0 | CON 152.0 | WIS 158.0 | CHA 150.0

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“If you are willing to be terrible at something for a short period of time, you can be great at anything.” -- Sinbad (Stand-Up Comedian)

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