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LGBTQA and Ally Safe Space

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I'm going to disagree on a small detail: serial killers, or psychopaths, are not so much evil as they are insane. Their brain does not function like a 'normal' person's, for lack of a better word.


Sociopaths, on the other hand, could qualify because their defining characteristic is an inability to empathise. They literally (proper usage!) cannot take other peoples' feelings into account. Lack of empathy, aka selfishness, is what leads to 'evil' acts most of the time. If you look at the criminal mind it's amazing how many of them are monstrously selfish. They don't care about the damage they cause because they are suffering and they want stuff. Ordinary people exhibit this trait too, albeit to a lesser extent.


It's similar with bigotry. Bigots tend to justify their attitudes with the 'me and my own' mentality. Basically, someone who is different is making them uncomfortable for various reasons, therefore they are justified in their abuse because this person 'attacked' them first and they are only 'defending' themselves. They are completely unable\unwilling to take the other person's feelings into account.


And I don't think I need to mention the amount of anti-gay politicians who were flung out of the closet...

Not disagreeing, just curious, bc in my head serial killers=sociopathic behavior to the extreme, which to me = insanity, so am I hair splitting or totally off base, or did I just word that so badly that it didnt make sense? (all three in combination might be true too..lol)

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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and on an entirely different topic, bc I need to not be here all day long! lol!

Is anyone planning to come to Camp Nerd Fitness in GA in September???

I am jointly planning a carpool so anyone who is in/around Tampa or can get there easily that wants to carpool (or wants to fly in just to ride up there with me :P) the more the merrier...if there are enough of us, it might be feasible to rent a van for the trip.

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Rahhh I want to comment on the psychopath/sociopath thing but my brain is completely failing me right now.

I would love to go to Camp NF but if there is a god out there I will be in either Europe or Asia come September. :(

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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Not disagreeing, just curious, bc in my head serial killers=sociopathic behavior to the extreme, which to me = insanity, so am I hair splitting or totally off base, or did I just word that so badly that it didnt make sense? (all three in combination might be true too..lol)


Wha... What did I do?


Sociopath to me is someone doesn't care if they hurt others with their actions whereas serial killers actively look for others to hurt...


That's how I understand it anyway.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

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My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Rahhh I want to comment on the psychopath/sociopath thing but my brain is completely failing me right now.

I would love to go to Camp NF but if there is a god out there I will be in either Europe or Asia come September. :(


There is a European Nerd meetup thread and some of my favorite Nerds are there and I wish I could do both!

Wha... What did I do?


Sociopath to me is someone doesn't care if they hurt others with their actions whereas serial killers actively look for others to hurt...


That's how I understand it anyway.


hah you did nothing, I'm the one who was confused and had no idea if what I said was coherent to anyone but me :P

Makes sense, and that is a pretty big distinction...so in my comment, sociopaths would be more appropriate than serial killers for the context I was shooting for then :) See told you it was my screw up :)


I would like to go but it depends on pricing and how they handle food allergies.  Makes travel difficult :-/  It would be so awesome to meet other NF people though!  This is seriously the nicest forum I've ever seen.

Eh I'm just not going to eat for a week if they don't cater to allergens, but with there being a definite Paleo heavy following among the nerds, the likelihood of there being copious Paleo food is high, so my big ones are already covered (gluten, dairy, peanuts) so I will probably just bring lots of benadryl and an Epi Pen for any problems, and let it go at that. Money, well I worked out a solution for that an hour or so ago ;)

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Here's a website that gives a brief explanation of psychopathy vs sociopathy.

*tells self "I will not hijack thread after this post I swear! LOL!"*

"Another belief among some professionals is that the etiology of the disorders is different. According to David Lykken, a behavioral geneticist known for his studies on twins, psychopathy stems from a physiological defect in the brain that results in the underdevelopment of the part of the brain responsible for impulse control and emotions. Sociopathy is more the product of childhood traumas and abuse. According to this model, some professionals believe that sociopaths are capable of empathy, but only in specific contexts."

uhm, they say that ADHD and Autism may have similar neurological causes too, so I tend to think there is quite a bit they just dont freaking understand on the whole....and you can add me in that group too...lol. Either way, both scare me and make me sad :( 

*tells self "okay thats it, you swore!"*   :) 

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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I know change comes hard, it still astounds me, though.  I understand the concept of hate, but I don't comprehend the why of it.  It's something that has always baffled me.  

Hatred in my experience comes about from fear and ignorance. People hate Muslims, for example, because of Muslim radicalism and things like Iran and then Islamic terrorism, with 9/11 bringing it to a head, people are afraid all muslims are crazy and want them dead, and the hate comes out. More commonly, it is about being different, and also having something to look down upon. A lot of the people who hate gays, do so because they have never known one, and believe the cartoonish, vile caractitures that have been the stock and trade of both religious groups and society as  a whole (not unlike the charactitures of Jews in Europe).....sometimes hate is internal hate thrown outward, many of those who hate gays either are fighting internal battles over their sexuality, or in some ways are jealous of gays, thinking that gays are all these upper income, well off people, while they themselves aren't doing so well (obviously, it is an idiotic stereotype, lots of struggling GLBT people, and among T people, well, economic deprivation is not unknown...).  It is also hard to admit that what you have been led to believe for a long time is wrong, the Christian idiots who spread the idea that being gay was a mortal sin and such have gotten to the point that like the leaders of the RC, they have backed themselves into a corner, the Bishops have turned the Catholic Church teachings into being anti gay (and anti abortion), and they are afraid to back down, because they think it will lessen their credibility (note to Bishops: Your credibility is already shot to hell, what little you had was lost with the priestly abuse scandal, and where you de facto supported politicians who were anti abortion who also were demonizing poor people and cutting social programs, like Paul Ryan). 



It amazes me how fast the changes are occurring, I never thought I would have seen this. Fatso, our rapidly not so popular governor (and I would not use the term, except he is an arrogant bully and deserves it), knew he had lost it, that the state supreme court was going to find NJ law unconstitutional under the state constitution, and despite threatening to try and replace the judges on the court, caved in. I think it is 16 states now, or 17, and it looks like Virginia's AG is supporting the side fighting to get rid of their same sex marriage ban, Oklahoma had theirs overturned by a judge as violating the 14th amendment, and Utah as well. I think if enough states legalize it, there is no way states can deny it any longer, otherwise face retaliation on their straight marriages. Even with the die hard Catholics on the court like Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts who have no problem with religious law as civil law, the other 5 judges, including Kennedy who has been pretty gay friendly, will probably rule that the full faith and credit clause requires states to accept same sex marriages of other states; if not on those grounds, then the 14th, that the states can show no cause why same sex marriages should be illegal (when prop 8 came up to SCOTUS, the proponents admitted all they had was religious belief), like with Loving, they will rule it cannot be made illegal if straight marriage is legal. 


Other than evangelical Christians, who keep up their trend of being a bunch of knuckle dragging bigots, almost every other group, religious and non, now support same sex marriage..among Catholics, it is 60%, in contrast to their leaders. 

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10th amendment.

That is the amendment that leaves powers to the states not given to the Federal government, which marriage is one of those (it is why DOMA was illegal, they had no right to deny federal benefits to legally married people in their states). However, those powers are subject to federal court review, that I believe was a later amendment, extending the US constitution to the states, and as such, the 10th is tempered by other things, specifically the 14th. When the court decided loving in 1967, the 14th amendment was cited as to why states could not ban interracial marriages, and it will probably be the same way with same sex marriage. Jerry Brown fouled up with Prop 8, had California supported it in Scotus, it is likely that it would have been struck down for violating the 14th amendment, rather then that the people bringing it to the court had no standing.

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Pizza topping superiority.  :)

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Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

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Pizza topping superiority. :)

Pineapple forever! *waves banner*

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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Where's the political thread because that's what this thread is turning into lol

I stopped 10 posts ago :P

quote name="JittersThe.Clown" post="872525" timestamp="1390585967"]Pizza topping superiority.  :)

Veggies (except olives....ewww) *puts on broccoli costume for the impending rally*

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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and since I was on the forums for going on 6 hours last night, I read the entire thread and have been pondering the celebrity crush topic...and I think it was She Ra, but as far as a human....I always had that "I want to be her" that morphed into "I want to have her as a toy to play with in my room" (long story but I promise I'm not a psychopath) then as I got older it became sexualized, but I can't remember exactly a specific celebrity crush....It was never anything that I thought was "different" so I never paid attention to it's development really...I had my first sexual experience with a girl at 15, but at the time I thought all girls did that at some point, and I was sexually attracted to everyone by that point anyways (I had no idea there was a term for no gender preference and that it wasn't a typical thing until eh....last year) so yeah thats that...but now Being more aware, I have developed celebrity crushes bc J and I talk about different girls on tv and movies and such. My favorite at the moment is Annet Mahendru


Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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and since I was on the forums for going on 6 hours last night, I read the entire thread and have been pondering the celebrity crush topic...and I think it was She Ra, but as far as a human....I always had that "I want to be her" that morphed into "I want to have her as a toy to play with in my room" (long story but I promise I'm not a psychopath) then as I got older it became sexualized, but I can't remember exactly a specific celebrity crush....It was never anything that I thought was "different" so I never paid attention to it's development really...I had my first sexual experience with a girl at 15, but at the time I thought all girls did that at some point, and I was sexually attracted to everyone by that point anyways (I had no idea there was a term for no gender preference and that it wasn't a typical thing until eh....last year) so yeah thats that...but now Being more aware, I have developed celebrity crushes bc J and I talk about different girls on tv and movies and such. My favorite at the moment is Annet Mahendru


Based off of looks alone, You get a thumbs up from me... :-D


I'm not even sure of my current, I don't really watch much TV though Kari Byron or Gina Carano might fit that part.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

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My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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and since I was on the forums for going on 6 hours last night, I read the entire thread and have been pondering the celebrity crush topic...and I think it was She Ra, but as far as a human....I always had that "I want to be her" that morphed into "I want to have her as a toy to play with in my room" (long story but I promise I'm not a psychopath) then as I got older it became sexualized, but I can't remember exactly a specific celebrity crush....It was never anything that I thought was "different" so I never paid attention to it's development really...I had my first sexual experience with a girl at 15, but at the time I thought all girls did that at some point, and I was sexually attracted to everyone by that point anyways (I had no idea there was a term for no gender preference and that it wasn't a typical thing until eh....last year) so yeah thats that...but now Being more aware, I have developed celebrity crushes bc J and I talk about different girls on tv and movies and such. My favorite at the moment is Annet Mahendru


Beautiful, most definitely. I'm not sure how early\late it manifested, but I remember an incident when I was fifteen. My whole family was on vacation trekking across Canada, and we had stopped at a picnic spot near a lake. At the same spot there were a couple of guys and a girl, all in their mid\late twenties.


The lady was swimming topless and the guys were taking pictures (I don't know.) Everyone kept sneaking glances except me, and my brother teased me for it, calling me a prude and all that. I wanted to look, but not with them around. That was such an awkward moment for me. I was beet red, but not from prudery. *images in my head*

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I think an attraction on some level to the same sex is normal even for us straight folk. I find some men to be attractive in a way but I don't want to do anything about it. Women say all the time that they find certain girls attractive even if they aren't attracted in a sexual way. It's hard to explain but basically attractiveness is universal regardless of orientation. In my opinion at least.

"I like you just the way you are" - Mr. Rogers


In Br0din's name we gain.

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