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Tired of starting over....I want to suceed.

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I have been lurking for a few months now.  I have been struggling with my weight since I was a teenager.  It started with not wanting to take my shorts off at the beach/pool, to now I don't even were shorts.  I won't leave my house without long pants on.  I have always started a diet or a exercise routine with the best intentions.  But after a few weeks I loose my passion.  I once actually lost 30lbs, but once I made my goal I quit.  And in the last 3 years have put all of it back on and more.  My weight is part of a self esteem issue and I battle with depression (which I finally started therapy a month ago for).


I weighed myself at 204 lbs at the beginning of the year (I am 5' 6").  I again tried the new years resolution idea of trying to motivate myself to loose weight.  I lost 12 lbs over the corse of 4 months, when I lost steam again and put 10 lbs back on in 2 months.  I am tired of starting over all the time.


I have been reading articles here and started reading peoples threads on the message boards.  I know what I have been doing is not right (all cardio, starving myself, etc) and I want to get healthy and fit.


I started doing some body weight exersice at home the last two weeks.  (squats, planks, wall sits, lunges, etc - I can even do a few push ups).  I have also been doing the Zombie 5k train app.


My long terms goals are to be stronger and to not be out of breath when walking my dogs.  I also used to love cosplay several years ago, but stopped when my weight made spandex no longer a option.  I would love to get back into cosplaying super heros again, I would love to actually do a Wonder Woman costume one day (and to have the Amazon body/strength to go with it).


I need to stay motivated, which seems to be always a problem with me.  I know what my long term goals are, but I get lost along the way.  What's a good way to not loose track of my long term goals?

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Hey ThumperB, welcome! I'm sure you'll do fantastic this time :)

We're fairly similar in history, height, weight, ups and downs and having lost a good bit of weight a few years ago and put it back on, so give me a shout if you need a buddy to keep you motivated.

I've been daydreaming of my future abs lately... ^^

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I need to stay motivated, which seems to be always a problem with me.  I know what my long term goals are, but I get lost along the way.  What's a good way to not loose track of my long term goals?


Well, how about posting them here in the battle log, for starters?



The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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I had the same problem with losing passion, and having to eventually start over. What really helped me was finding an activity that I love. I could spin all day, every day and would never tire of that class. I bought spin shoes. Super serious about it. I don't find it "exercise" in that it's something I have to do. I willingly wake up early enough to make the Saturday 8am class (and four other classes during the week). Find something you love and it will be so much easier to stick with.


Also, I really had to focus on one day at a time vs the big picture.


You'll get there!

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I know what you mean about starting over, I've been doing it for a long time. Barfly is right about the Battle Log, that'll keep you on track. And it's a big kick in the ass when you actually look at what you've accomplished in the day!


BTW welcome and I'm sure you'll look like this as Wonder Woman in no time!



Not this:


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