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Yay another climber, welcome! I always pussy out of hard moves near the top of the boulder because I don't really trust my falling abilities yet. I think maybe I should practice that but I'm not sure how to go about that.

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Unfortunately, I think the best way to practice falling is to fall. And I feel like falling is not the same as jumping off from the top. Which is not to say that I go for big moves at the top either, I'm a giant chicken...

Yes that's the problem. Jumping off is NOT the same as falling. And I don't dare falling high when I 'try to get a move and can't ' because I think I will hurt myself and I have to fall to practice but I'm afraid to hurt myself. It's a loop. I love climbing, but I do not want to seriously injure myself (I see myself as that derpy a faller) 

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Speaking of which, does any one have any advice on how to land when you do fall?


And Liliith, I would try climbing just a short distance, fall, then climb a little higher, fall, and so on.  It'll be tough, but I think it's just one of those things you have to work on over time.  Also, remember to keep your focus on the problem at hand.  If you working on a challenging near the top, try climbing what you've already figured out as quickly as possible so that 1) you have plenty of strength in reserve for the challenging move and 2) you don't have any time to think too hard about it before you get to the move you need to do.  Examining the problem before you even get on the wall will help to.  Have in mind exactly how you're going to tackle that move, and that'll focus your brain entirely on the problem and leave very little room for fear.  Other than that, you just gotta build trust in the fact that your mat WILL catch you.  Plus, as you improve, you'll have more confidence and a better ability to know what moves you can and can't do, which will make falling less scary (and less of a possibility).


No, jumping isn't quite the same as falling, but I generally think that your body isn't completely stupid and will generally try to push away from the wall instinctively on the way down (to avoid hitting the wall or holds in the way), and practicing jumping off slightly can only improve that reaction.


I think it's scarier, though, when you're up above an overhang where you'll fall on the overhang instead of the mat on the ground, does anyone have any advice for that situation?

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What do we say to the god of failure?  NOT TODAY.

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After 3 weeks I just found this thread! I knew there had to be more climbers around somewhere.


Did you get this problem Nuala? It looks hard! I hate scary last moves on boulder problems. High slab moves especially really freak me out. I'm definitely not a natural boulderer, give me a rope anyday.


Not yet, I keep on freaking out. I'm not the most balanced person ever and I can't find the right balance on the wall. Yet :P


Speaking of which, does any one have any advice on how to land when you do fall?



Well, I can tell you what the staff tells the children.


1 - Don't fall on the tip of your toes, the fall should be Heels - Bottom - Back

2 - Don't use you arms when you fall (risk of hurting your wrists) if you can keep your arms crossed on your chest



And that's about it. Just make sure you roll on your back and you're game :)

Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

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Second journey: Crawling back


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Well, I can tell you what the staff tells the children.


1 - Don't fall on the tip of your toes, the fall should be Heels - Bottom - Back

2 - Don't use you arms when you fall (risk of hurting your wrists) if you can keep your arms crossed on your chest



And that's about it. Just make sure you roll on your back and you're game :)


Nice, thanks.  I think that's what tends to happen naturally anyway when I actually fall, but I need to work on rolling back when I realize I'm about to fail and jump off instead.

Level 3 Human Assassin

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What do we say to the god of failure?  NOT TODAY.

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I think it's scarier, though, when you're up above an overhang where you'll fall on the overhang instead of the mat on the ground, does anyone have any advice for that situation?


Thanks for your advice, you're right. I will fall on purpose at least once next time I'm going bouldering. I don't know how to tackle the overhang thing... In my mind it is painful. 


Not yet, I keep on freaking out. I'm not the most balanced person ever and I can't find the right balance on the wall. Yet :tongue:



Well, I can tell you what the staff tells the children.


1 - Don't fall on the tip of your toes, the fall should be Heels - Bottom - Back

2 - Don't use you arms when you fall (risk of hurting your wrists) if you can keep your arms crossed on your chest



And that's about it. Just make sure you roll on your back and you're game :)

I jump off and land on my toes. I'm doing that wrong. I will land on my heels! 

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Thanks for your advice, you're right. I will fall on purpose at least once next time I'm going bouldering. I don't know how to tackle the overhang thing... In my mind it is painful. 


I jump off and land on my toes. I'm doing that wrong. I will land on my heels! 


Yeah, toes is bad. That will makes you fall forward, but forward is the wall, you may not enjoy that :D

Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Second journey: Crawling back


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Yeah, toes is bad. That will makes you fall forward, but forward is the wall, you may not enjoy that :D

Our bouldering wall has blood offerings. You can see it from scrapings haha :P 

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Sooooo...squat form.  Got it.  Yay squats!  So useful, lol.

Level 3 Human Assassin

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What do we say to the god of failure?  NOT TODAY.

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I've had a couple of high uncontrolled bouldering falls where I have given myself a little bit of whiplash. I really need to learn to control my head when I fall, I blame the fact that I have a big head! My standard fall is normally land, sit back and then my head whips forward.


All I can say about falling is don't do it how I do!

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I keep trying to get my friend to jump off the wall into a squat, she can do squats ok but doesn't bend her knees when she jumps and bends forward at the waist. She's come very close to whacking her head on a hold a couple of times. I'll have to remember those instructions and see if it helps her.


I've never been in danger of smacking anything on the wall, but I've definitely come close to smashing my face into my own knees... I should probably bring my mouth guard with me...

Dare mighty things


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A new climbing video of the "Valentine blue"!



Co-op problem, rules are: you have to hold hands at the start and the end of the bloc, you are to help each other as much as necessary in order to complete the road.


A very fun problem! With a bit of fail, I had stage fright :tongue:

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Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Second journey: Crawling back


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Wow, that's really interesting.  I'd love to try something like that!

Level 3 Human Assassin

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What do we say to the god of failure?  NOT TODAY.

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New video! (tell me if I'm putting up too many videos.. I would understand..)


Not mine but a video if the contest I participated in back in September. You won't see me climbing on it (I must be on screen a quarter of seconds at best) but it's still nice for me to see the blocs again.


Warning: Half naked men everywhere.



Next contest is in May! I'm not ready for it, need to train more!!!

Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Second journey: Crawling back


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Nice video, I love watching bouldering comps, the moves look so amazing.

And yeah, awesome podiums! The last comp I went to the podiums were a heap of milk crates, I'm glad I didn't enter, getting on the podium without it tipping looked harder than some of the comp routes!


Comp in May gives you loads of time to train Nuala, no excuses now!

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Yes and no. I almost gave up when I got stuck only 4 feet up on my first go. I normally would have, but I had to go up twice to pass the lesson. I really had no idea what I was in for! I came about 3 ft shy of the top on my second go....frustrating as all hell! I just couldn't figure out that hand hold. That little problem gave me my biggest motivation to go back though! Just need to find someone to go with me so I don't have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for a staff belayer.


What I really wasn't expecting was it being such an aerobic workout, I expected my lack of strength to be a major issue, but I came down breathing heavier than I did jogging as a smoker!

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


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Good thing you don't let getting stuck get you down! Because you will keep getting stuck, just on more difficult problems! ;) Welcome btw, it's always nice to meet another climber.

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You do work up quite a sweat on the top rope routes. And it's the puzzle aspect of climbing that keeps me coming back. That, and it's pretty bad-ass when you can just zip up the side of something whenever you want to.


Do you have access to bouldering problems? They'll might be on a separate, shorter wall (like, 10-15 feet, maybe), or on the same walls as top rope routes but will end at a box about 10-15 feet up. You can climb bouldering problems by yourself, there are no ropes so you don't need a belayer, and either jump down from the top or climb back down the way you came. That's what I started with, since I was a lone climber and definitely couldn't afford for a staff member to belay me. You don't get quite the endurance workout as with a top rope route, but it's a good way to practice climbing if/when you don't have a partner to belay for you.

Dare mighty things


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They showed us the bouldering walls for like 5 minutes at the end. So that is always an option. I got a month membership with gear rental so I plan to use it as often as I can. I am a bit concerned as (technically) I don't know if I should be doing it at all. I broke my arm in July and from what they told me I'm still considered healing for at least 9 months. I know for sure the muscles aren't back to their pre-break abilities.

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


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