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It's not how many times you fall down but how many time you get back up

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I've been reading the blog for several weeks and lurking around the forums for a while but not quite ready to commit.  What if I failed or only stuck it out a couple of weeks and them wimped out?  Then, today, I decided that if I'm ever going to start leveling up my life, I need to take the plunge, get involved, and become accountable.  So that's what I'm going to do and if I fail I will remember just because I have a bad day I haven't failed at everything and can get back tomorrow.  


My Journey:  I'm twenty seven years old and I've tried multiple times to lose weight.  I've been heavy for pretty much my whole life and right now, I'm at the heaviest I've ever been and though I can accept myself where I am I don't have to want to stay here.  I would love to lose somewhere between one hundred and a hundred and fifty pounds all told. Eek, that goal is so massive that just looking at it terrifies me so I try not to think of the big goal but the little steps along the way.  Like I said, I've tried multiple times to lose weight though I have a lot of trouble sticking with the plans.  I don't mind exercise, in fact I actually enjoy it but I get bored doing the same thing over and over but feel that my size holds me back from doing other things.  For instance, I think that running sounds like a lot of fun but that doesn't seem possible at my weight.  


My most recent attempt at getting in shape lasted about three months where I went to the gym six days a week, ate relatively healthy (definitely more healthy than I used to eat) and gained weight.  I work with a couple of guys who did body building and they encouraged me and said it was likely just muscle and not to worry about it.  But it's quite frustrating to have such a massive goal in front of you and see little to no weight loss.  So I'm trying to divorce myself from the scale and the number and instead focus on pictures, how my clothes fit, etc this time around.  


Challenges:  My biggest challenge is that I'm a super picky eater.  And when I say super picky, think like a three year old and you'd be close.  I don't eat meat, I don't like most vegetables and the ones I do like are the less good ones for you (corn, potatoes).  I often feel defeated because no matter how hard I push myself in the gym or a workout I feel like my diet is my real struggle.  I've done better in a lot of things (another reason why it was frustrating that I didn't lose weight) like fruit smoothies that I sneak spinach into, cut out liquid calories, moved all my breads/grains to whole grain, and trying to find new things I'll eat.  But my healthy options that I like are so few that I get discouraged with the same old thing and then slip back into habits and feel defeated because of it.  It's something I'm working on but it's so tough sometimes.  


My other challenge is that I really need to feel supported, hence joining this website.  My husband is supportive whether I want to go to the gym or order a pizza so sometimes it works against me haha I have some friends that are into fitness and they help me but I can drift off or not mention things and they don't really hold me accountable.  Or I choose not to be accountable when I do bad because I feel I've failed people and don't want them to know.  


My other small challenge is that I have an injured ankle that I hurt in high school in a four wheeler accident (young and stupid lol).  I tore/stretched most of the tendons and ligaments so it's weak and I try to avoid high impact when I can because the doctor told me that next time I sprained it, I would probably break it instead because it's so weak. 


Motivation:  I want to be healthy and fit, not tied to a number specifically though I do want to lose weight and a lot of it.  I want to live longer for my family and I want to be able to have family.  Getting pregnant when you're overweight is not only more difficult but also super dangerous.  My husband and I want to start a family and I want to be able to enjoy that not be worried about what my weight will do to me or the baby if we get pregnant and I don't want to worry if I can be there for my family in the future.  



So long story, exhausting airing that all out there but I'm excited and hopeful about the prospects.  I love everything I've seen on this site and I want to get involved but I'm not sure where to go or how to get started.  All advice, encouragement, pushing welcomed :D

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Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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Welcome to NF!

*hug* Just reading your intro I could feel the stress and frusteration you've been going through. Being a super picky eater I can tell you it took me a long time to like veggies. But in the end it came down to the rule that losing weight is 80% diet, and only 20% exercise. And it's true, all the working out in the world won't do anything for a bad diet.

If you need any help or advice feel free to PM me. I'll help you in any way I can to lose weight :D

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Thanks!  I'm loving the site so far it's great to have such a supportive community available!  


And yeah, I'm starting to realize the diet truly is my biggest problem.  Though I don't eat horribly (as in simple carbs, candy, etc.) I'm not having the veggies that I need.  Protein shakes have helped a good bit and finding ways to make what I do eat healthier has been my major focus.  What did you do to learn to like veggies?  So many people say just eat them but it makes me gag when I do that so trying to find some ways to sneak them in and get used to them but I hate the texture of most of the food that's why I don't eat it. 

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Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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Honestly I just forced myself to choke them down. Kept in my head the whole time that my goals didn't allow for me to chicken out, over some stupid veggies.

LOL That's what I hate to! It's not the taste usually, the texture. I still don't like raw onions, celery, calliflower (YUCK!), cilanthro, broccoli, or brussel sprouts (unless their grilled and then baked with garlic and parmesean NOM NOM!).

I didn't just choke them down as they were BTW. I'd find ways to mask the flavor or texture. For instance, steamed broccoli I'll chop up to bits, and then mix it in with mashed potatoes or pour delicious dressing on it. Celery and Califlower...ah well they are lost causes I just force them down IF I HAVE TO! Also making salads with just romaine and tomatoes. Or making green smoothies. Fruit, frozen and fresh veggies, honey, and then cayenne and cinnamon to boost my metabolism.

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Welcome to the rebellion!


On the veggies front, different ways of cooking provide different tastes and textures.  For instance, if you actually boil cauliflower/broccoli in water instead of steaming it, it's a LOT softer, and you can actually mash it down exactly like potatoes that way.  No difference in texture whatsoever there.  I don't like sweet potatoes, but if I slice them super thinly, sprinkle them with salt and oven roast them, I'll eat sweet potato chips by the bag-full.  Roast veggies tossed in a little olive oil and mixed herbs before you roast them are different too.  Vegetables are so versatile it's unreal.  Good luck!

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“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.†~ Jean-Paul Sartre


Back on form next challenge

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Thanks guys!  I'm starting to realize I'm just going to have to make myself start trying new things, hopefully in ways that won't make me gag lol I have tried carrot sticks and didn't like those at all.  I've managed to add spinach to smoothies to help sneak some veggies into those.  I love fruit so I need to be having more of that when I can.  At least it's healthier than other things I might snack on.  It's so daunting to think of losing a lot of weight, completely overhaul my diet by mostly adding things that I currently do not like, and basically relearning everything from how to cook and how to spend my time.  I feel like I have the knowledge but putting it all together in a way that is sustainable long term for me and without doing so much that I overwhelm myself.  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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Haha, I also have the husband who is uber supportive about my health... but will also not hesitate to let me order a pizza. We are both stress eaters and this absolutely works against us when we are both stressed out. 


I have found that my husband will be 100% supportive but I have to exercise my own willpower. If I come home and absolutely INSIST on an unhealthy meal, he won't stop me. If we go out to eat, he's not going to police my food choices. And really, he shouldn't have to do these things. 

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There is a road, no simple highway,
Between the dawn and the dark of night,
And if you go no one may follow,
That path is for your steps alone.


Respawn. | #1 | Current Challenge.

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Yeah, I'm learning the same thing though he does try to help me by suggesting we not.  But generally, if I push, I can get him to agree to doing what I want to do.  But we are responsible for our own choices and nobody should have to force us to be healthy.  If we really want to change, we won't have to be forced.  


But I completely agree, having two stress eaters is a recipe for disaster sometimes.  My husband is the same way so when he has a bad day he wants to order something or just go get something.  What I've really found to be helpful for us is to lay out food in the morning because we often freeze our meat.  If we don't eat it that night, it's basically throwing that money away and neither of us wants to do that.  So that really helps us to keep it in perspective rather than rushing out to get something when we're having an off day.  And of course, sometimes letting ourselves have those things helps too so long as it's not every single time.  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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I can relate to the picky eating - I'm on the autism spectrum myself, and my 10 year old will survive on nothing but carbs - the only veggie he will eat is tomato curry or potatoes. I hide a lot of things in that curry though!


I've found that pureeing things for me helps a lot - even cauliflower can be great pureed. I also love spices, so covering up things with curry or herbs really help me with the veggie issues. I've also fallen in love with butternut squash - that's a life saver. I roast big batches and use that to satisfy my carb issues. But I agree - protein shakes are FTW.


Best of luck!


Christine - ASDBigMomma

Ogre, but with a winning smile!

Adventurer with a touch of druid.


Attributes: all zeroes my firend, I am a n00b


Will join the next challenge!


"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." - Anais Nin

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I'm glad that I'm not the only picky eater around here!  I need to work on it but I'm trying really hard not to change too many things at once so that I don't become overwhelmed.  I'm hoping that my body will start craving some of the better things and shunning the bad ones over time.  I'm already pumped for the next challenge because I've already thought of so many things that I can work on for my three goals.  I hope to see you there!  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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Hi Dimia! 


As others have said, you can do a lot of things with vegetables that change their taste and texture.  Boiled or steamed Brussels Spouts are gross (to me), but here are some great recipes:





Cauliflower, likewise, can magically transform into a great mashed potatoe substitute or even a substitute for rice.  The Cauliflower fried rice is amazing!




You didn't like carrot sticks, but carrots can also be roasted, or pureed and snuck into other food.  Roasted carrots taste and feel completely differently than raw or boiled/steamed carrots.




Green beans out of a can are bland and mushy, and my family find fresh beans to be unplesantly "squeaky" when you bite into them.  So I buy frozen green beans and do something like this:

http://www.rachaelray.com/recipe.php?recipe_id=3062  (only I caramalize the onions about halfway and then just add the frozen beans and let them all cook together).


Anyway, these are just a few suggestions.  I hope they help!

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Awesome thanks!  My husband and I have been talking about learning to cook more and these would probably be a good place to get started.  I will probably do some type of diet goal with an eye toward improving the variety in my diet.  I am going to take baby baby steps toward that because it's such an intimidating goal for me but every little bit counts.  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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Good morning, Dimia!


I was thinking about ways to get more vegetables into my diet this morning on my commute, and I thought of you.  :)  You might like pickled vegetables.  You'll have to look for lower-sugar recipes, but it's another way to transform the taste and texture of vegetables into something new.  Even if you don't like the big dill pickles, try some homemade quick pickles...they are not as strong-tasting as the store-bought ones.


Here's a random recipe that I have not tried:


There is 3/4 cup of sugar in the brine (I'm sure you could reduce that to your taste), but I have no idea how that would translate into how much sugar seeps into the vegetables.  You generally don't consume the brine.  ;-)


This one has less sugar: http://www.chow.com/recipes/30422-easy-quick-pickles


Here's a really neat-looking pickled slaw:  http://smittenkitchen.com/blog/2013/06/pickled-vegetable-sandwich-slaw/


There are a ton of "quick pickled cucumber" recipes to be found through Google...browse through them to find something that fits your likes.  Sweet, sour, spicy, etc.  :)


I also try to get in a few Green Monster smoothies a week, using kale, carrots, banana, milk (going to try switching to almond milk to cut back on dairy), flax and chia seeds and some nut butter.  My smoothie inspiration is:  http://ohsheglows.com/2011/01/13/classic-green-monster/


How are things going?


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Your story is mine! We'll do it together!


Sounds awesome!  Tell me more of your story . . or maybe I'll stalk around and see if I can find it myself!  


I was thinking about ways to get more vegetables into my diet this morning on my commute, and I thought of you.  :)  You might like pickled vegetables.  You'll have to look for lower-sugar recipes, but it's another way to transform the taste and texture of vegetables into something new.  Even if you don't like the big dill pickles, try some homemade quick pickles...they are not as strong-tasting as the store-bought ones.


Thanks for all the ideas!  It's so nice of you.  I'm not sure about pickled things though as pickles are my absolute least favorite lol I can't even stand the smell or to have them touch my food.  If I order a sandwich or something I always ask for them to leave the pickle completely off the plate and can tell if they haven't.  But I'm going to venture out and try new things so it's a major possibility.  


Things are going well.  I'm roaring right along with my first challenge which has mostly been on getting back to working out so that's been great.  The diet has been okay.  It's not my huge focus right now but I did pick up some spinach to hide in my smoothies this week.  I can tell as slight taste difference from my usual fruit but it's not horrid.  I've been doing spinach, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, flax seed, and water in my smoothies and it's been really tasty.  I'm also focusing on fruits over other snacks (like chips or whatever) and trying to have good choices rather than bad.  I know I have to do veggies but it's a bit further down my list after I get some of these other things formed into habits.  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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My hubby is a slow carber...think Tim Ferris. He's super fit and wants to be supportive, but somedays I want him to take his beans and shove them...

I struggle with boredom eating and an addictive personality. It's not one cookie, it's four. It's not one granola bar...it's three. I hate vegetables and struggle to get them onboard. My answer this year? I'm planting a large garden! Excited about it!

I have been overweight my whole life. I'm famous for jumping into a program and failing free a couple of weeks. As hubby says, I'm a strong starter...but that's about it.

Looking forward to walking this journey with supports!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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If you're not a pickle fan, but want to try pickled vegetables, I suggest picking up a jar of Mezzetta's or something similar and seeing what you think.  The pickles you get with sandwiches are completely different (heavily dilled, tart, sometimes floppy).  Pickled vegetables are next to the pickles in the grocery store.  Look at how beautiful these things are!  If you like these, then you might decide to devote some time to homemade.



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Sounds like a good idea to try these out.  Thanks!  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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