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Nerdmas Secret Santa 2014

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I on my pillow, my dog and my cats. had just settled our brains for a pre-winter's nap. When out on my door, there arose such a clatter, I stubbed my damn toe, when going to see to the matter.

Away to the peep-hole I ran, like the Flash, did not have my glasses, so my head I did bash. The Sun on the face of the new fallen rain, showed a lusterless midday and I was in pain.

When what to my horrible eyes should detect, but a two foot tall bollocks, err, box, dam auto correct.



My gift arrived.... :)

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I am the Brawlus, goo goo, g'joob.

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I got a package today. .... dunno if it was from secret Santa. ..... not going to open it yet even though I've ordered several things because I don't know what it is. .... this is fun!

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Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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To ,my secret santa -

I am in a position where I am not able to check on my elfster account - and I cannot find the track ing order.

As far as i can find out, there has not been any delivery to my address.


I'll try to access this account again tomorrow - and if you could check on the tracking, and send it to me PM, that would be great!


I also hope that my SS got her gifts...but i am not home to check on that either.

In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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To ,my secret santa -

I am in a position where I am not able to check on my elfster account - and I cannot find the track ing order.

As far as i can find out, there has not been any delivery to my address.


I'll try to access this account again tomorrow - and if you could check on the tracking, and send it to me PM, that would be great!


I also hope that my SS got her gifts...but i am not home to check on that either.

To Christi's SS, if you want to still keep it secret, you can PM me and I will pass it to her with you being anonymous, k? 

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Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Should have everything mailed tomorrow. Don't feeling like doing it tonight since already came close to chucking out gift I was working on. Hate limited space.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

~Paulo Coelho


I'm a level 3 moon elf, who's an druid assassin.


My Inspiration

Tumblr, which helps me stay the course for art challenge

FB, which I guess we could be friend :tongue:

My challenge



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thank you for my gift, I loved it! Now before you go "HEY! You weren't supposed to open it yet." lol.. It's the only gift  underneath my tree, and my cat decided it was a gift for him, and tore open the wrapper :highly_amused: It's his first Christmas, I can see the many years after this when we actually have gifts under our tree.. to be rather painful lol. I might have to improvise somehow...............

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Level 1

Night Elf Adventurer

STR  2 ||  DEX  1 ||  STA 1 || CON 1 ||WIS 9 || CHA 3


Between Heaven and Hell

Nerfiwrich challenge


Previous Challenges =11/10/14


Goal: Pay off Visa

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I am still in a staring contest with the package sent to me.  One more day and I'll win.  I am excited to see what gifts my Santa thought I was worthy of.  

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Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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Living in Australia and keeping strange hours means not breaking the rules and still opening my gift first :D :D

(12:03am on the 19th of December, woo!)

I can't figure out how to pictures because it is late and I am cackling with glee, so here we go - pictures to follow..


So, I have a spiffing new shirt, which I will wear to my Pathfinder game tomorrow.  I would wear it all day tomorrow except that I am fairly certain that my corporate job interview would not appreciate it quite so much.

It says "Screw your Lab Safety, I Want Superpowers!"


I also have an "Evil Genius" paperweight.  I don't know yet where to put it, because I don't think I have a prominent enough surface in my house for the wonderful.
And some body lotion, in orange and ginger, which all of the yes.
And a Pumpkin Pecan Waffles candle, which answers the question of why my house has smelled odd and delicious for the past two days :tongue:


But finally, someone out there took the message on my shirt to heart, and I have a full set of superpower tablets of various shapes, sizes, colours and (presumably) flavours!

Superpower Drops!!  (I hope that link works)


So thank you, Secret Santa!  You have just made my morning - and I shall be sure to take some Telepathic Power drops before my job interview tomorrow!
And maybe some Energy Blast drops, just in case whoever's interviewing me needs a little encouragement to give me the job ;)

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Previous challenges:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

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