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I've had a bad 6 week challenge. I went in with determination, I started with a good plan, and I made smart goals. But I know there is not such thing as a perfect plan and I knew that I might not do so hot. But I'm owning up to my slip up and already said this on my daily battle log and 6 week challenge before Steve's respawn post. (I'm secretly psychic like that)


There's a lot of reasons I failed so far. The Thanksgiving holiday is the main reason. I guessing thats why most people are here. Because of the holidays I'm having to take care of the family and my grandparents. Plus they have less time at work which means less personal time to workout on the xbox. And with all the taking care of everyone I forget to track what I eat. Don't get me wrong. I don't binge eat and I don't have the stomach for most unhealthy food and drinks. But I'm still going over my calorie limit. You can't outrun your fork. Another reason is college. College is tough. Period. And now with the wonders of the internet, professors can now post online homework and quizzes with due dates at ungodly hour of the night. Say good bye to a regular sleep schedule! Overall the main problem is time management


I've got a regroup battle plan.


Rescheduling workouts. Since workout out on the xbox is out the window right now I'm switching to zumba and tae bo videos on my laptop or 2-3 rounds of 7 minutes in hell


Replanning study time. Finals are almost upon us and professors are giving out the last of the homework and quizzes. So more time on campus to finish up. So with a proper on campus study schedule it will be difficult to not make the weekly study quota.


Finding a regular sleep schedule. Once study time is better managed more time can go to sleeping. On nights that I don't have homework do I spend at least an hour getting ready for bed. That entails taking my dog to (his) bed since he sleeps on my bed while I study at night, put away all of my books and papers, get ready for the next day, and brush teeth. I'm going to have a alarm that goes off an hour before I need to go to bed so I can get everything out of the way beforehand. 


Retracking what I eat. Its easy to forget to track what I eat everyday. This usually leads to going over my healthy calorie limit. Plus being in college leaves little money for poor eating choices. The solution to this is bringing a lunch to school. Most of my friends being a lunch on campus with them and the campus provides microwaves in the eateries to accommodate this. Also tracking what I eat the night before would also be helpful, time efficient, and help me in being more accountable and aware of what I eat for breakfast and lunch. As for dinner, I normally have whatever the family makes to I can put that in at the end of the day along with the next days meals. 


Restocking my inventory for buffs and potions. 


lunch hp potion. bringing a lunch to campus lets me better control what I eat and a small treat wouldn't hurt. I don't like foods too high in sugar and I consider a small helping of dark chocolate or a yogurt cup a treat.


upgrade weapons and armor. One phrase comes to mind when thinking about a better sleeping and studying schedule. "There's an app for that." Having set alarms and apps to make to do list, track sleep, make notecards for studying would all be beneficial to this. And the iPhone's healthkit app managed most of this anyway. Simply getting and using compatible apps helps. 


strategy guide. I'm battling weight loss right now and this forum is one of the best places I can think of right now that has the best strategy guide. There are tons of helpful post about weigh loss and being healthy in general thanks to Steve. And the community is always so supportive. If there is any problems I have I won't hesitate to ask yall or google.


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Sounds like you've got an awesome strategy worked out! ^_^ I completely empathize with you, especially with the food tracking thing.  One tip that has saved me more than once is this: have a few go-to meals or good snacks that are either super quick to prepare, or frozen in individual portions in the freezer, whose calories you already know.  For example, I know that an apple and one of the Jif To-Go peanut butter things is 350 calories, so on days when I'm running late and am tempted to go through a drive thru on the way to work, I can grab one of these and eat it when I get to my desk.  This helps me save A) time, B) money, and C) calories!  I also keep some frozen chicken breasts in 4oz. portions, as well as a bag or two of microwave steamable veggies in case I need dinner, but don't have enough calories to spare to indulge in the All the Meats pizza that my roommate orders for dinner. :P 

It's not perfect, and it won't work every time, but if it works even once, it's a victory, right? :D

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