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Monday 12/22/14


Mobility + Core

Get Ups 3/3 X 1 @ 16kg


Main Workout - circuit of

Kettlebell Swings X10 @ 24kg

KB Clean & Press X5/5 @ 16kg

Shovelglove X15/15 @ 16#

Chin Ups X2 


11 rounds.  I wanted to work for one hour, getting a jump on out-training the fork.  At half an hour I was in the zone, everything was clicking.  At the hour mark everything suddenly became a grind, I'm willing to allow that it could have been mental as I knew my hour was up.


For this workout, and for those in the foreseeable future, mobility means static stretching, mostly stuff PTs suggested for my back and shoulder, some yoga poses, Halos with a 12kg KB,  Glute Bridges, Band Pull Aparts, and Roman Chair Extensions X25. Core means I did three exercises out of Hollow Holds, One Arm Planks, Side Planks, Bird Dogs, Dead Bugs and Bicycle Crunches.

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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At my crossfit gym we do stretchin alongside the warm up exercises. For instance if we are squatting we do a warm up of air squats, Goblet squats, front squat, then pigeon pose.

I find that I actually see the benefits more than just doing them separate

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Love the title of your battlelog. Love the circuit of swings, C&P and hammer.

Thanks. I loved the picture, and it seemed so fitting I stole the title. Besides the literal meaning, in cycling parlance, meeting the man with the hammer means to hit the wall or to bonk with the connotation that you are miles from your destination but suffer onward to finish your ride/race.

nice work on the circuit.

Thanks. A bit more work than I'm used to, but I feel pretty good today with the exception of some forearm tendonitis.

At my crossfit gym we do stretchin alongside the warm up exercises. For instance if we are squatting we do a warm up of air squats, Goblet squats, front squat, then pigeon pose.

I find that I actually see the benefits more than just doing them separate

Thanks, I can see where that would be good. I'll think about how to mix in the stretching and the warm up better.

Tuesday 12/23/14

I couldn't face walking in the freezing drizzle. It has been far too dreary around here lately. So cardio was this instead


5 rounds in 21 minutes. Goal was 7 rounds in 20 minutes, but (A) I'm slow and (B ) the kids kept interrupting me. SlothBoy trained with me. He makes me happy.


"Look Daddy, I'm strong like you!"

I also worked on the basement. Although it looks worse than it did before I started. We finally got the washer delivered, but they didn't take the old one away because Mrs. Sloth was sold the wrong one to mount underneath the dryer. I ended up having to move all three appliances to the other side of the basement and move the washer back. I was worried for my back, but it actually felt better after I moved the heavy stuff around than it did before. Next step is to build a frame for the dryer and to put it on top of the washer.

Off topic stuff: The stepson is in town for the holidays, but he didn't help move stuff. In all fairness, I didn't ask; I'd prefer not to be frustrated. I learned that when I ask for help (which is rare in any setting) and don't get it, I get ticked off. If I assume I'm doing everything my own damn self and get some help I'm pretty happy. At this point in our lives, I'm fine with this arrangement. However he walked by while I was grunting and struggling and just kept on walking. Pissed me off, it just seems like common courtesy to help someone out in this situation.

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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haha. I remember a holiday season a couple years ago where my mother and mother-in-law kept offering to help, "what can I do?" was all I heard for the first few days. Finally I let them help me in the kitchen. fifteen minutes into stirring the cranberry sauce my mom decided she needed to go sit down. My mother-in-law half set the table and got distracted and wondered off. The rest of the holiday I refused to let them help. They never understood why and I wasn't up to explaining it. 


Even last time I saw my mom she made a very pointed reference that if I would just let her cook next time she comes up, she would really like that. I'm going to acquiesce but I'm not happy about it. Crappy help is worse than no help..

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Good way to make sure that we check you battle log, pictures of your adorable kid.



I was going to tell you that you made a very funny joke. Re: thinking your stepson might see you were struggling and ask for help. But then I had an amazing thing happen-my son came by and asked  how he could help with dinner.  ;) Earlier in my challenge, son and I had a big argument over this very thing, him being clueless and not noticing when his dad and I needed help. Since he is living with us, this was getting to be beyond annoying. End result was now he has certain days and things he is responsible for, and I have put aside the expectation for him to notice when it might be helpful to pitch in.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Great name on your Battle Log. Your work outs to me seem so amazing even when you think they were not as great as they should have been. Sorry to hear that the step son is not so helpful, that can really create a lot of frustration. Hope that gets worked out for you. For him also, being a contributing member of society means to be aware of those who may need your help. And that should start with those you live with. Hopefully he will learn this lesson. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you  :snowman:


                                              LEARNING TO PLAY AGAIN                                                                                        


Battle Log

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I Ruined Christmas for my wife.  


Some background: I don't know how to enjoy this holiday.  I grew up with alcoholics so I don't have happy memories of Christmas.  I didn't have cousins so we didn't have that as a happy distraction.  Ten years ago we had a premie who didn't survive and completely ruined this holiday for me.  I try to not let my issues create disturbances especially now that we have little ones - they are really excited.


Today we had planned to leave for church at three.  Stepson was still asleep, we finally left at 3:30.  He still smelled from booze weeping out of his pores from the night before.  I was pretty frustrated at everything.  It was standing room only when we got to church.  We decided to go to our backup church for 5:00 mass.  Stepson starts whining (he's 25) about how he hasn't eaten yet and can't make it until 6:00.  We end up going through the McDonalds drive through and I order the wrong thing and he starts whining again.  He, me and my wife start screaming.  I finally reached back and punched him.  He kept it up and I punched him again.  I ruined Christmas for my wife, I feel awful.


Her grandmother was taken off the ventilator tonight and passed away.  She is not having a great Christmas.


If I knew how to hide all that in a spoiler I would have.


On topic - Short workout today.

I felt really sore today, almost like I was hit by a car.


Sandbag Clean & Press 4 X 4 @ 75#.

Reverse Lunge 10/10 X 4 @ 50#.


The Sandbag Clean felt good, about as explosive as my slow twitch fibers get.  The press didn't, it was really grindy, lots of back extension (back's gonna be achey tomorrow) and extra foot movements.  Looks like I'm ready to use the big boy sandbag next time I do lunges.


I hope you all are enjoying your Christmas Eve right now.



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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Sorry to hear about your Christmas being ruined. Tomorrow I'm going to ND to see my brother-in-law and he has two kids that are similar to your stepchild. Both of his eldest boys dropped out of highschool and both do nothing but sit home and play video games all day. When he tries to get them to do something they go live with their mother (brother-in-law is divorced and remarried) until she gets fed up with them and the cycle starts all over again and they move back to his house. He's actually excited that the eldest one got his first job at age 23 being a night stock boy at the local K-Mart. And with no diploma and no motivation it probably won't get any better for that kid.


My deepest sympathies and prayers are with you and your wife over her grandmother. Emotional things like that are exponential magnified during this time of year. Hope things get better.

Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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Sorry your Christmas sucked. Sounds more like stepson ruined it then that you did. Obviously you responded wrong, but wow, he was really pushing it. Sometimes holidays are just stressful. 


Editing to add: Can you and stepson talk?  After my son and mine major Thanksgiving fight (yeah our big yelling at each other moment was on the way to Thanksgiving with the inlaws) we talked, apologized and talked about how we could improve things. And like TML said, apologize to your wife for  how it made her feel and then talk about  next time you both might deal with issues with your stepson in future. You know, I thought raising kids was hard, and then you were done and it would be easy after that. But sometimes I think adult child relationship stuff is harder than when my kids was younger-at least then I could just send him to his room.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Sorry to hear about your Christmas being ruined. Tomorrow I'm going to ND to see my brother-in-law and he has two kids that are similar to your stepchild. Both of his eldest boys dropped out of highschool and both do nothing but sit home and play video games all day. When he tries to get them to do something they go live with their mother (brother-in-law is divorced and remarried) until she gets fed up with them and the cycle starts all over again and they move back to his house. He's actually excited that the eldest one got his first job at age 23 being a night stock boy at the local K-Mart. And with no diploma and no motivation it probably won't get any better for that kid.


My deepest sympathies and prayers are with you and your wife over her grandmother. Emotional things like that are exponential magnified during this time of year. Hope things get better.

Thank you BearLee.


Stepson is actually starting to clean up the morass that is his life.  He was promoted at Wendy's to the lowest level of management and if he focused on that and made a career out of it I would be happy.  It's a story arc that is much better than the one he had been on before that.


Enjoy your trip.


Sorry your Christmas sucked. Sounds more like stepson ruined it then that you did. Obviously you responded wrong, but wow, he was really pushing it. Sometimes holidays are just stressful. 


Editing to add: Can you and stepson talk?  After my son and mine major Thanksgiving fight (yeah our big yelling at each other moment was on the way to Thanksgiving with the inlaws) we talked, apologized and talked about how we could improve things. And like TML said, apologize to your wife for  how it made her feel and then talk about  next time you both might deal with issues with your stepson in future. You know, I thought raising kids was hard, and then you were done and it would be easy after that. But sometimes I think adult child relationship stuff is harder than when my kids was younger-at least then I could just send him to his room.


Talking?  We don't do that around here.  Actually my wife and I have talked and talked previously, this is an old issue, although the violence is new.  From my perspective, it boils down to my being intolerant of alcoholic behavior and his continuing to act like an alcoholic.  I've long ago realized that I am no longer in a place to modify his behavior - I was his only father figure and tried my best, but I'm stupid and hard headed.  I've been trying to treat him like an actual adult, but when he comes home he we both slip into our old roles (your thread on this was valuable to read).


Sucks to hear that. It's done. 2015 is here, that making it more for yourself and your wife. 

Also, if you haven't already, tell her how you feel. Apologize, not because you were necessary wrong to hit the kid but because of how it made her feel.


I hope it's done; messing with a momma bear's cub can have long term ramifications.  Oh yeah, I've apologized to her.


Thanks all for letting me throw this out there.  I don't really have a real life person to talk to right now besides family. 


12/25/2014 Thursday

Today's up date includes nothing fitness related except that I ate like a dumb ass all day.


MIL stayed with us last night - her husband died this summer - there were several crying bouts this morning, we talked about Grandpa and our memories.  The kids had a great morning and enjoyed looking at few pictures of them with Grandpa.  We overbought presents for them, we always forget to figure in how much Aunts and StepGrandmother will ship to us, and the kids got way too much stuff.  I got some Yoda stuff and the game Smallworld which looks like a lot of fun.  


We went to my Dad's in the afternoon - his wife/my mother died this spring.  Grandma's absence was the elephant in the room.  Totally different response than MIL's, is one better than the other?  I don't know, but we actually had a really nice Christmas at my dad's.  My nephew showed off his serious six pack - lots of sports and a highly revved up metabolism, he also avoids sweets now, which is weird, when he was little he almost always had a pocket full of candy.


Stepson was on his best behavior today.  He woke up on his own and didn't smell like booze, he was on-time to the car, he helped load up, he talked with the kids and my nephews, he didn't ask (over and over) when we were going to leave.  It was nice, none these things have ever happened before for a trip to my family's.  I thanked him on the way home.  I almost made the joke that I should have punched him years ago, but I kept my trap shut.


I hoped you all enjoyed your Christmas.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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sounds like a rough start but a smooth finish. Well played.

Also, I hope you enjoy Small World. It'll feel a little janky at first and you'll need to really learn the rules through and through to kind of act as DM to help others play. There a certain amount of accounting overhead but it's a good little area majority game. Risk on Fantasy and all grown up. If you ever need to learn the game, let me know and we'll find a time to meet up.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Glad your stepson was well behaved and the day went better. I think your holidays were probably destined to be only survival mode this year, what with both you and your wife having recently lost your dads. As far as which is a better way of dealing with grief, talking or not talking, I think grief is one of those things that each person has to deal with in their own way.And as long as that way is not destructive, really no way is wrong. It is the third Christmas without my mom, and  the 14th without my dad, and part of me will always be sad at Christmas because they are not here to celebrate with me.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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sounds like a rough start but a smooth finish. Well played.

Also, I hope you enjoy Small World. It'll feel a little janky at first and you'll need to really learn the rules through and through to kind of act as DM to help others play. There a certain amount of accounting overhead but it's a good little area majority game. Risk on Fantasy and all grown up. If you ever need to learn the game, let me know and we'll find a time to meet up.



I was just sitting here eating nachos and drinking gin and juice out of my new Yoda mug, trying to figure out this game.  It's a little more complex than our go to game; I'll take you up on your kind offer.  I'll send you a PM tomorrow when I know what our schedule is going to be.  I've got Tabletop cued up to give me a head start.




Glad your stepson was well behaved and the day went better. I think your holidays were probably destined to be only survival mode this year, what with both you and your wife having recently lost your dads. As far as which is a better way of dealing with grief, talking or not talking, I think grief is one of those things that each person has to deal with in their own way. And as long as that way is not destructive, really no way is wrong. It is the third Christmas without my mom, and the 14th without my dad, and part of me will always be sad at Christmas because they are not here to celebrate with me.


Yep, I should have figure all of that out ahead of his arrival; I might have been more patient.  Might not, I dunno.  Thanks, I appreciate your support.


12/26/14 Happy Boxing Day - I hope you made the day special for your servants.


It was a real lazy day around here.  I'm still in my jammies, there's no point in getting dressed now.  I got sweaty enough to warrant a shower after I sign off.  Back hurt today, I did mobility + core and debated doing nothing else.  Ended up doing Shovelglove - 5 moves @ 16# X 11/11 reps, 6 rounds in 20 minutes nonstop, I'm calling it cardio.  Worked on getting some speed back, the right soundtrack helped. 



“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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12/27/2014 A Joyous Kwanzaa to you all!

Today's guiding principal is self-determination.  I hope you were able to spend some focusing on who you are and who you want to be.  I haven't, I've been living day by day for a while now.  My training included, it's all been a bit haphazard.


Today we went to another Christmas event, my wife's siblings and kids, I've been dreading this one, but it turned out okay.  I got to hold the new baby, which was nice, and I got to give it back when it was fussy, which was nice too.  Brother in law just got into mountain biking, so I got to talk bikes, I guarantee he won't take my advice and he'll end up with a overbuilt dual suspension monstrosity of a bike.  Niece's husband works out and we talked flipping tires, sledge hammers, and battling ropes.  I think my wife tried to embarrass me by bringing up tire dragging, but he was like, "Hey, that's a great idea."


Back on topic:

I woke up with a grumpy back, I shoveled snow which didn't help.

Mobility was done, but no core

Get Ups 3 X 1/1 @ 16kg.


Press 5/5, 7/7, 9/9, 7/7, 5/5 @ 16kg

Reverse Lunge X 5/5 @ 75#

Chin Ups X3


5 rounds.  It took almost exactly 30 minutes, excluding mobility.  I had swings written down, but forgot to do them. My back felt good when I was done, I gotta remember that it always feels better after I work it.  16kg feels pretty light these days, but 20kg feels too heavy.  Lunges made my legs quiver, which made me feel weak.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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12/27/2014 A Joyous Kwanzaa to you all!

I got to hold the new baby, which was nice, and I got to give it back when it was fussy, which was nice too


Niece's husband works out and we talked flipping tires, sledge hammers, and battling ropes.  I think my wife tried to embarrass me by bringing up tire dragging, but he was like, "Hey, that's a great idea."


My back felt good when I was done, I gotta remember that it always feels better after I work it.  16kg feels pretty light these days, but 20kg feels too heavy. 

I'm learning that babies work really well when you get to give them back when they're fussy. Also, let someone else argue over whether they're falling behind, smarter than all other kids or progressing as normal. I had no idea until my brother-in-law had a kid how much energy people throw into that.


That's what you call owning it. Awesome that you two got to have that conversation.


I found the same when I used to have back issues. For me it was a temporary fix but one that made each day a little more liveable and served as a reminder that I needed to get in the gym every day. 

Is the 16kg comment at your presses I assume (Rather than TGUs). My wife did something to her should trying to progress too fast so I recommend staying on the lighter side of things. However, if you're interested in playing around with progress, consider a push press or jerk with the 20 kg mixed into your pressing days. You can even do negatives where you jerk the bell into place then control the decent. If you want to go the opposite direction, making the 16 harder for a while, you can press from a lunged position, press with one foot up on a step or bell, press from a half squat or, my favorite, press while rotation your torso so you twist each time. Also, if you have two bells, a few rounds of see saw presses are fun.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Yea for having fun people to talk to at a party!!! We all know how much you just love social interaction  :playful:

I was telling my trainer about you walking your tire. She thought it was great!!!!


                                              LEARNING TO PLAY AGAIN                                                                                        


Battle Log

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TML - I'm not too worried about the press, I'll keep working it and it'll come.  I considered push presses, but decided against it because of fragile shoulders.  See Saw presses sound fun, but I only have the one 16.

Mary - Soon everyone will abandon Zumba and take up tire pulling.


Sunday 12/28/14

Everyone slept in late, but still woke up tired and crabby.  I ended up skipping tire pulling for Family Fun Day.  We went to the Children's Museum and then Hmong Village for barbecued mystery meats and purple rice (which might be SlothGirl's favorite food).


The highlight, not just of the day, but of the whole winter break, was going to TML's house and not getting serial killed, which I really appreciated.  Instead we played a couple games of Smallworld.  I had fun and learned the game well enough to bring it to our next nerd night.  I have a couple ideas of how to make it accessible to our blind player, I'll post up if any pan out.


Monday 12/29/14

I ran out of wool socks, so I finally got back to the washer project.  I built the frame for the dryer with SlothGirl's help and got to lift the dryer up on top of the washer by myself.  Then I got to do it again because I mismeasured where the brackets go.  Then I got to do it again because I am far too stupid to be allowed near a tape measure.  This took three hours instead of the allotted one, so my workout was short:

Mobility + Core

Dryer Lifts 3 X 1 @ GE Dryer

Roman Chair Back Extensions 5 X 25 (did these instead of swings because back is touchy)

Sandbag Clean & Press 5 X 5 @ 75# These felt better and better the farther along I got.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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The highlight, not just of the day, but of the whole winter break, was going to TML's house and not getting serial killed, which I really appreciated.  Instead we played a couple games of Smallworld.  I had fun and learned the game well enough to bring it to our next nerd night.  I have a couple ideas of how to make it accessible to our blind player, I'll post up if any pan out.


Monday 12/29/14

Dryer Lifts 3 X 1 @ GE Dryer

We tend to have a sever lack of serial killing. Blood would be hell to get out of the wood floors and our basement isn't adequately dungeony. Thanks for coming by. I enjoyed it and the game. I tried looking for anything around making Small World more approachable for visually impaired gamers and didn't find it but I don't have a lot of experience in that area so it's likely that I just don't know the right resources to reference.


love the dryer lifts.

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Wow.  A lot to catch up on.  You've had an eventful holiday season.  Sorry to hear it didn't start off well though it seems things are improving and getting back to 'normal'.  And glad to hear you weren't serial killed.  I guess we can cross TML off the suspected list now? :pirate:  


Only a couple days left of this year and it all starts again.  Maybe you should start a business of selling walkable tires.  It seems it may be the new craze in the cities.   

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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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