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Thanks all. ElastiGirl: next time remember to bring a snake stick.

Razzy: I agree on the sweet tea, I have no idea why it isn't good up north. And yeah, gator tastes like chicken thigh.

3/30/15 Monday

Grandma felt like she needed to spend $400 by taking us to a theme park because that's what she did for the other family. She decided we all had to go to SeaWorld. We talked her down to GatorLand, which was weird and wacky and awesome.

6+ miles walked per wife's pedometer.

Sandbag clean & press 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 5. @50#. I was going to work my way down the ladder, but triceps gave out.

2 mile hike with 50# sandbag. I went gator shining, but didn't see any.

3/31/15 Tuesday

Spent all day at Cocoa Beach.

30 minutes jogling (jogging + ogling) on the beach, let's call it 3 miles.

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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4/1/15 Wednesday - There's no fool like an old fool.

Stuff + hollow holds

3 X 10 rotational lunges

3, 5, 7, 9, 11 clean & press. Both @ 50# sandbag, stopped when they got grindy.

Going to the beach again. Won't jog, might ogle.

Edit: still waiting to leave. Grandma took the kids to a gift shop since we're not buying them enough cheap, plastic crap.

Food is good. Still zero dairy. No sweets except, and this is a big except, soda pop. Eating more fried food than I'm used to.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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*wanders over*


Hey, are you still doing the Hero's Journey? 

Level 1 Dwarven Ranger

STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON | STA 0 | WIS 0 |CHA 0 

Battlelog | NF Character Sheet Template 2.0 (stats system) | NF Character Sheet Template v3.0 (XP system)

 (File > Make a Copy), enter your own details, track everything in one place. Please PM me if you have any questions or ideas. 

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. - Arthur C Clarke


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how's the stomach holding up? Good with the no dairy?

Aah, the belly. I have a day that is much better than my preillness baseline, followed by a day that is much worse. Too many variables to track, but my gut feeling is that no dairy should become a way of life for me; lactaid doesn't cut it any more.

BTW, old people eat weird foods. In the last few days I've been offered zero-carb maple syrup (is it a petroleum product?), bread made with sucralose (why? Why? Why?), and imitation squeezy butter.

SlothGirl exhibits a strong correlation between erratic behavior and amount of artificial food consumed.

Also, nerd night is officially on for the tenth. I'll PM you details when I get home.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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*wanders over*

Hey, are you still doing the Hero's Journey?

It's nice to have you here.

I was doing that on the days I skipped my normal workout. I think I worked through day 6. It works best as a stand alone, it was hard to do a million lunges one day and then do my normal swings and dead lifts the next.

I'll keep working through it, but it's not my main deal. Although, I have to admit, my main deal isn't really solidified yet.

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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4/2/15 Thursday

The kids are going insane with all the driving. We stayed at Grandma's, had a low-key day, and I did a bunch of chores for her.

One of them was to clean out the gutters, but she sold the ladder. I climbed up the air conditioner and muscled up onto the roof. SlothGirl shinnied up the drain pipe to follow, which caused quite a commotion in the community. Grandma yelled at her and she climbed down. Shaking because Grandma really put the fear I her. I caused a commotion next. I was afraid to jump down, even though I've jumped off higher before. I'm not sure why. Old guy neighbor, "Hey, are you stuck? You wanna borrow my ladder, Dumb Ass? You'll have to come get it." His wife brought the ladder. He was an awesome, old dude. He cracked me up.

A thunderstorm almost kept me from my cardio, but it passed and afterwards the animal calls were fantastic.

3.1 mile walk with 50# sandbag at 16:12 pace. I did not see coyotes, bears, snakes or any other crepuscular critters that have moved in since their woods have been cut down.

Yesterday I did see a wild sea turtle though!

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Sounds like your getting more exercise done on vacation than what you were doing at home. Anyway it sounds like your having a great vacation.

Thanks. I usually get my exercise in on vacation. There are fewer distractions and more time to do what I want.

4/3/15 Friday

Went to a state park to see manatees and another to see mermaids. Good times.

Get ups 3X1/1

Reverse Lunge 3, 5, 7

Clean & Press 3,5,7

All at 50# sandbag. Brain snapped on me, quit half way through.

4/4/15 Saturday

Last beach day for a year or two. Rest day. Walked back and forth on the beach (WAG 5 miles), dug a big hole, played soccer with kids, jumped in the waves.

4/5/15 Sunday

Get ups 4 X 1/1

Reverse Lunge 3, 5, 7, 9

Clean & Press 3, 5, 7, 9

Circuit. Stopped when I was losing form. Also dug some holes in Grandma's garden.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Your vacation sounds awesome 

My parents went to Florida once and they saw an alligator, it was so still that my dad thought it was fake so he went up to poke it with a stick and got the scare of his life. After that he was read the riot act by my mom and said that was more scary than the alligator :)


and I love the picture of you and the kids :)

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                                              LEARNING TO PLAY AGAIN                                                                                        


Battle Log

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Thanks all. ElastiGirl: next time remember to bring a snake stick.

Razzy: I agree on the sweet tea, I have no idea why it isn't good up north. And yeah, gator tastes like chicken thigh.

3/30/15 Monday

Grandma felt like she needed to spend $400 by taking us to a theme park because that's what she did for the other family. She decided we all had to go to SeaWorld. We talked her down to GatorLand, which was weird and wacky and awesome.

6+ miles walked per wife's pedometer.

Sandbag clean & press 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 5. @50#. I was going to work my way down the ladder, but triceps gave out.

2 mile hike with 50# sandbag. I went gator shining, but didn't see any.

3/31/15 Tuesday

Spent all day at Cocoa Beach.

30 minutes jogling (jogging + ogling) on the beach, let's call it 3 miles.


Omg dude I was literally just about to say that if your in florida you have to stop at gatorland. It's one of my favorite places there!

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Omg dude I was literally just about to say that if your in florida you have to stop at gatorland. It's one of my favorite places there!


:) I've always resisted the gator farms, but it was truly awesome.


Last week was mostly a week of me sucking.  I spent a couple of days tired and didn't do much; I expected that.  Then I was at the store and saw "Lactaid Milk", advertised as having no lactose.  I happily bought it, promptly had a big bowl of cereal for my snack, a big glass with dinner, and shortly afterwards started spending the next two days groveling in pain.  That I have become very sensitive to lactose is perhaps not completely conclusive, still this is not an experiment I wish to replicate.  Friday was nerd night, and as it was Belgium week*, I drank tripel to excess.  TML made it out to nerd night, which was cool; we started an AD&D dungeon crawl.


Saturday, I was sickly and hung over, but I went to TML's for some coaching and a short simple workout.  It was a very worthwhile session, he cleaned up my form some.  I should have gone months ago.


Sunday, I got nearly 12 hours of sleep, so I missed watching most of the big race.  I went to a local coffee shop/bike shop that shows a stream of most of the big races, but they didn't have this one on.  What they did have was a NOS Greg Lemond frame in pearlescent white in my size.  I am seriously coveting it.  No price tag means it's far out of my price range.  I watched the end of the race at home.  Later I got in 25 miles in just under 2 hours.  I could be going much farther/faster if I wasn't on a single-speed dirt bike.  It's time to start thinking of a way to get a proper road bike.


*Belgium week is the week between the Tour of Flanders and the Paris-Roubaix race.  They're two of the hardest races on the calendar and the only ones, aside from a couple of tour de France stages, that I watch.  During Belgium week I drink Belgium beer and eat Belgium delicacies such as waffles, steak & frites (fries) with mayo.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Lactaid milk is just basically milk with lactaid added. So, if you can handle dairy as long as you take lactaid pills, then it is fine. Gives me a bad stomach ache though.


Cool that you got to work out with TML, and he was able to help.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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 Friday was nerd night, and as it was Belgium week*, I drank tripel to excess.  TML made it out to nerd night, which was cool; we started an AD&D dungeon crawl.


Saturday, I was sickly and hung over, but I went to TML's for some coaching and a short simple workout.  It was a very worthwhile session, he cleaned up my form some.  I should have gone months ago.

Thanks for the invite to nerd night. I need more RPG in my life so it was nice to get to play a live session. Being old school AD&D was a nice surprise


I'm glad you were able to make it over and we got some work done. We can get together again whenever you feel like it. 

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Lactaid milk is just basically milk with lactaid added. So, if you can handle dairy as long as you take lactaid pills, then it is fine. Gives me a bad stomach ache though.


Cool that you got to work out with TML, and he was able to help.


I wish I would have read the fine print on the carton, that's the trouble with needing cheaters.


Thanks for the invite to nerd night. I need more RPG in my life so it was nice to get to play a live session. Being old school AD&D was a nice surprise


I'm glad you were able to make it over and we got some work done. We can get together again whenever you feel like it. 


I definitely should have you work me over more often.  Last night I focused on your cues and everything felt good.


4/13/15 Monday

I found out the hard way that a Strawberry Julius has dairy in it - no workout.  Seriously I thought the recipe was syrup, ice, 1 strawberry, coloring.  Here's my theory, before I got sick I had a gut full of lactose consuming bacteria to help me out, but the heavy duty antibiotics wiped them out.  Also, without dairy or nuts I am hungry all the time.  I'm holding on to my weight though thanks to peanut butter sandwiches and butter on everything - after seeing how skinny I looked in the vacation photos my skinny guy syndrome is acting up. :(


I'm going to quit being the old man griping about my belly, no more posting about it.  Unless, like, I die from it or something.


4/14/15 Tuesday

Took a bike ride after the kids went to bed ~20miles.  My lights crapped out after half an hour, so I went slower and shorter than intended.  


Further evidence that my life is boring, I set up Find My Friends on my wife's phone so that she can track me on these night rides.  I couldn't think of anything I do or anywhere I go that I would be embarrassed for her to find out about.  Maybe that should be my next challenge, do things that get me into trouble.


4/15/15 Wednesday

Went to the Sacred Circuit KB class.  It was good.  Afterwards I did 10X5 double Clean & Press w/12kg bells and experimented with snatches.  After class I drank cider and had fish tacos with the group.  Socializing with people you don't know very well seems trite and pointless, but I did it anyway because it's good for me to get out.


Productivity: (Without the ADD meds my life is a bit of a mess.)  I feel very scattered and overwhelmed lately.  The only place I feel okay is with my face in a video game.  I've been overusing them.  I deleted and/or got rid of the few I had left.  All I have now is an Atari 2600, which I can't use.  I did reactivate Facebook (it's just too easy of a way to keep up with people and to organize socialization), but before I used it I unfriended a large portion of my "friends" and unliked everything except for a few local cycling organizations.  Now there's no point in looking at more than a couple of times a day because there isn't ever much new content.  I'm experimenting with Google reminders instead of my ever-present notebook.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I'm going to quit being the old man griping about my belly, no more posting about it.  Unless, like, I die from it or something.



I would think it would very difficult to continue posting about it if you did die or something.  Maybe you need to go eat a bunch of bacteria in hopes of a re-population growth?  


With all that seems to be messy at the moment, it looks like you've got your workouts improved and you are able to get out and bike again.  Fix that light though, eh?

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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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You really thought Strawberry Julius's had no dairy? :numbness: I think you have a serious case of denial going on. ;)  Almond milk and coconut milk are pretty good. You can make you own Julius's or other dairy stuff to get your fix.


I count it as an exciting life when I am out in the evening and come home  and find that my son got home before I did (rarely happens, usually we are already asleep when he gets home)

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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A new light has been ordered. I'm getting 2.5X the lumens for 1/3 of what I paid for the old light. Progress. I'll need it, I'll mostly bike at night until school is out.

Seriously, I assumed the difference between a Julius and the Julius smoothie was dairy. You gotta remember, I spent the first 43 years ignorant of what I was stuffing down my food hole. I've still got some learning to do.

Friday - sick kid, sick wife, all the neighborhood kids playing in the yard with the healthy kid. I messed around with the sandbag, but not enough to call it a workout.

Saturday - got in 11.7 miles of mountain biking at an easyish trail in exactly 90 minutes = glacial pace. Still managed to pass the 2 other guys out there and had a faster lap time than any last summer (good Lord, how slow was I last year). *the trail used to be mediumish to kind-of-hard, I don't feel like I've progressed, but I must have.

Sunday - wife still sick, a million things to do, so I took a rest day. I actually felt like I needed it though.

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I just tired to calculate your mph in my head, but I am way too tired for that. But it sounds like your making progress, which is good!

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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A new light has been ordered. I'm getting 2.5X the lumens for 1/3 of what I paid for the old light. Progress. I'll need it, I'll mostly bike at night until school is out.

Seriously, I assumed the difference between a Julius and the Julius smoothie was dairy. You gotta remember, I spent the first 43 years ignorant of what I was stuffing down my food hole. I've still got some learning to do.

Friday - sick kid, sick wife, all the neighborhood kids playing in the yard with the healthy kid. I messed around with the sandbag, but not enough to call it a workout.

Saturday - got in 11.7 miles of mountain biking at an easyish trail in exactly 90 minutes = glacial pace. Still managed to pass the 2 other guys out there and had a faster lap time than any last summer (good Lord, how slow was I last year). *the trail used to be mediumish to kind-of-hard, I don't feel like I've progressed, but I must have.

Sunday - wife still sick, a million things to do, so I took a rest day. I actually felt like I needed it though.

Oh, if they were calling something else a smoothie then I get it, That is confusing. I hate the bad results of dairy enough that I ask if at all questionable now. The cool thing is nowadays most places have the ingredient list that they just hand me now.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I just tired to calculate your mph in my head, but I am way too tired for that. But it sounds like your making progress, which is good!

Thanks.  I almost got all teachery on you and worked through the estimation, but it's just under 8 mph.  My fast lap was ~10 and my slow ~ 6, but I was looking for my watch as I rode that last one - someone else found it and put it on my windshield :).  The fastest lap recorded on Strava is just over 16 mph.  


I don't ride this trail very often, but it's my benchmark trail.  If I stay healthy and keep training, I'd like to easily average 12mph there by the time school starts back up.


Oh, if they were calling something else a smoothie then I get it, That is confusing. I hate the bad results of dairy enough that I ask if at all questionable now. The cool thing is nowadays most places have the ingredient list that they just hand me now.

I've been reading your posts forever, so I should know this: what are your go-to snacks? (Please don't say nuts.)


4/20/15 Monday

All with a 60# sandbag

Shouldered Get Up: 1/1 X 2, I got stapled on the third like a fat June bug on it's back.

Rotational Lunge: 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, 8/8 Staggered like I was drunk on the last set.

Clean & Press: 3, 5, 7, 9, 3 This was disappointing.


1.1 mile ruck in 21:21 (19:31 pace).


I'm really digging the sandbag lately; I'm not sure why, sometimes I hate it.  I put another 10# of sand in.  My guesstimation was very accurate, it weighs in at 60.2#.  I don't care what the math says, 60# is about twice as heavy as 50#. If I never mentioned it before, I clean from the floor each rep, hold at lockout (briefly), lower to my waist, and drop it.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Thanks.  I almost got all teachery on you and worked through the estimation, but it's just under 8 mph.  My fast lap was ~10 and my slow ~ 6, but I was looking for my watch as I rode that last one - someone else found it and put it on my windshield :).  The fastest lap recorded on Strava is just over 16 mph.  


I don't ride this trail very often, but it's my benchmark trail.  If I stay healthy and keep training, I'd like to easily average 12mph there by the time school starts back up.


I've been reading your posts forever, so I should know this: what are your go-to snacks? (Please don't say nuts.)


Erm, well, if I'm on a hike or something then it is nuts. Other than that, I usually cook up a bunch of meat, so if I need I snack I just eat some meat. Guacamole is good for when I'm craving something fat, I just dip veggies in it, or eat a spoonful of it (don't judge me tell you try it) For the most part I try and just eat enough at meals that I don't need snacks. Beef jerky works ok too, though I don't really like it all that much

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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*Productivity: (Without the ADD meds my life is a bit of a mess.)  I feel very scattered and overwhelmed lately. 

Have you checked out any vision or vestibular exercises? Pencil push ups, sacades, head shakes, things like this can help you focus when you are feeling scattered and overwhelmed. This particular vision exercise is new to me but I am going to give it a try. I posted it on my page also. This guy has a lot of other videos that are free. Some on youtube and a lot on his blog. 


                                              LEARNING TO PLAY AGAIN                                                                                        


Battle Log

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nice sandbag work.

was the ruck with your sandbag in the pack or what was the load?


I just threw the 60#SB on my back and went for a walk.  At 60# it's too full and uncomfortable, but just walking with it gets my HR into the aerobic zone.


Erm, well, if I'm on a hike or something then it is nuts. Other than that, I usually cook up a bunch of meat, so if I need I snack I just eat some meat. Guacamole is good for when I'm craving something fat, I just dip veggies in it, or eat a spoonful of it (don't judge me tell you try it) For the most part I try and just eat enough at meals that I don't need snacks. Beef jerky works ok too, though I don't really like it all that much


Thanks.  I'm still trying to figure out how to eat.  I've been adding a lot of guacamole, peanut butter, and butter to stuff.


*Productivity: (Without the ADD meds my life is a bit of a mess.)  I feel very scattered and overwhelmed lately. 

Have you checked out any vision or vestibular exercises? Pencil push ups, sacades, head shakes, things like this can help you focus when you are feeling scattered and overwhelmed. This particular vision exercise is new to me but I am going to give it a try. I posted it on my page also. This guy has a lot of other videos that are free. Some on youtube and a lot on his blog. 


WTH, I'll give it a shot.


4/21/15 Tuesday - Cold, snowy/rainy day.  I did not ride or do anything active.


4/22/15 Wednesday - Sacred Circuit KB class.  I did a swing, lunge (both @50#), double clean & press (@30#) circuit for just about the whole 20 minute open gym time.  Minimal rest.  I forget reps/sets, but it was a lot (for me) and there was a circle of sweat on the floor beneath me when I was done.  Glutes still sore from Monday.  


Mrs. Sloth suggested I buy a punch card and keep going to these after the Groupon runs out.  I enjoy them and think they're worthwhile, plus cider & fish tacos afterwards, but I don't know if I want to spend that much money.


4/23/15 Thursday - Still cold.  I have already cleaned and packed away my winter gear.  No riding.


4/24/15 Friday - Short timeframe for workout.  I did a quick SB get up/lunge/ SB clean & press circuit.  Glutes still sore.


Friday was our date-a-versary.  Every year we recreate our first date - Himalayan food of some sort and the the St. Paul Art Crawl.  Lots of walking and stairs.   Because she is completely different from me, the Missus talked to the artists and told our story.  One gave us a pair of mugs and another invited us to her farm for her summer party.  Crazy.


4/25/15 Saturday nothing.


Mrs. Sloth ran an Earth Day event at a local park.  I ran the kids about on errands.  Sunday we're having SlothGirl's birthday party and Mrs. Sloth did all of the prep work for that.  I didn't help, but I hung out with the kids all day.  I kept thinking I'd be able to get a ride in after everything was ready, but eventually it was the kid's bed time.  Mrs. Sloth wanted to go to her friend's party, so no night ride either.


Hopefully I'll get a ride in today.  Hard to say.  I am doing the weeknight racing series which starts in a couple weeks, but I have so very few miles in so far.  My resting heart rate is mid 50s which tells me I have some general fitness though.


I just finished reading Neverwhere (I've been rereading my favorites in an attempt to become a reader again).  I found out it started as a BBC show, which ruined the book for me.  It was too easy to see the protagonist as one of those weedy, male companions of the doctor.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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