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Good riddance 2014.

I expect a better 2015. I just signed up for a 12 hour mountain bike race in August and a 3 hour race the last weekend in May. I'm targeting a Feb. 22 snow race as my comeback, weather permitting (10 deg F is my lower limit).

Solid targets like this will allow me to plan and execute a better training plan.

Happy New Year's Eve my friends. Coming back to NF was one of the better decisions I made this year. The advice and support you've given me has meant more to me than I can say.

Thank you.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Wow. A lot to catch up on. You've had an eventful holiday season. Sorry to hear it didn't start off well though it seems things are improving and getting back to 'normal'. And glad to hear you weren't serial killed. I guess we can cross TML off the suspected list now? :pirate:

Only a couple days left of this year and it all starts again. Maybe you should start a business of selling walkable tires. It seems it may be the new craze in the cities.

Thanks. Yeah, TML seems pretty safe.

Who'd buy old tires, they're free for the asking.

nice to see the races on your calendar also, your dashboard is prettier than mine :)

It was bundled with Apples new OS. It's not perfect, but it takes the place of three apps I was using and it synchs with Strava, which will be nice if I ever get back on the bike. Check out the trend for Christmas to now. I've got a nice dirty bulk going on. I crossed the 170# barrier, time to tighten up my eating - yesterday I ate half a bag of nachos and half a jar of queso, a bag of spice drops, a bowl of ice cream, a bucket of popcorn and a soda, besides my normal meals.


Three days of no training, took an extra rest day because of junky shoulders and another one because lazy. The races mean I'm going to have to take my diet and building an aerobic base a little more seriously, a few hours of rolling hills will be killer otherwise.

Also, here's the second prototype of an accessible Smallworld game. The board can be navigated by feel. Whoever is next to the blind guy can keep it updated with cardboard symbols and sticky tack. The borders and symbols are a bead of hide glue. I think it's a bit too big to be navigable and the symbols confuse the borders and are too hard to 'read' - glue isn't a precise marker. If he likes it and the game goes into a serious rotation, I think the next version will be a wooden panel with a raised glue map, symbols carved in, and inset magnets to keep the pieces in place, depending on his feedback of course. Should be a fun project.


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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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1/2/2015 Friday


Mobility + Core - Anterior Pelvic Tilt seems to be an issue with my old man back; I'm focusing on hollow holds and one arm planks for a while.  I can finally feel these in my abs instead of my hip flexors and lower back.  I take this as a good sign that my body is starting to work the way it is supposed to.



Get Ups: 0 X 1/1 @ 20 kg, I thought with my bulk it would be a good day for a PR.  It wasn't.

                5 X 1/1 @ 16 kg.

Clean & Press: 2 X 2/2 @ 20 kg, I was arching my back like a baboon in estrus so I dropped the weight down.

                          2 X 10/10 @ 16 kg.  

Inverted Row: 5 X 5.

Reverse Lunge: 5 X 5/5/5/5 @ 75# - 5 left, 5 right, 5 left, 5 right, rest, repeat.

2H Swings: 10 X 10 EMOM.


Junkfood Confessional - none so far, but tonight is Nerd Night.  I'll think I'll post up when I eat garbage until I break this habit again.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I saw something on a youtube channel called functional patterns about using a lacrosse ball to help fix the anterior pelvic tilt. The idea being that certain muscles are too bound up and are pulling your hips the wrong way. Loosening them up will allow your hips to shift into a better position. 

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Re: anterior pelvic tilt, a while ago you said that the only functional treatment was getting in your bike position I wondered about this but i don't know where to go from there treatment wise and I thought I might just be seeing my own issues in everyone else.

Lots of this around; our society sits and works/plays on screens way too much.

After I read this I spent a few minutes trying to replicate my biking position to see what's going on with my hips and spine. When I'm in a mountain bike/cyclocross position my whole spine curves forward and it totally flattens out the APT and whatever pain I have disappears. When I'm in a road bike position the curve of my back is exaggerated and the pain increases.

Treatmentwise I had been working on my posture, rolling the hip flexors daily and working the core. But I got away from it when I got sick and the back pain came back.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I saw something on a youtube channel called functional patterns about using a lacrosse ball to help fix the anterior pelvic tilt. The idea being that certain muscles are too bound up and are pulling your hips the wrong way. Loosening them up will allow your hips to shift into a better position.

Thanks. My Google Fu is weak; I don't think I found the video you were talking about, but I got sent down a rabbit hole of information that I bookmarked to read in more detail later. I do know I need loosen up my psoas and haven't found a good way yet.

Edit: if I would have read carefully enough to note the channel name I probably would have found it.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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1/3/15 Saturday


Nerd Night Update - Smallworld did not go over very well.  We played with 5 players, most of whom have never played it before, and the game went slow, everyone went off topic and didn't pay enough attention to the special rules.  The tactile board was appreciated and added to the game, but it needs some tweaking.  A search for tactile board games on-line doesn't lead any further than Monopoly.


While not playing I heard all about the They Might Be Giants fanclub, how to make tortillas, a long dialogue from the Dark Crystal, the merits of alternative music that came out in 1993, how to pluralize geometry shapes, a comparison of the different model train museums in the Twin Cities and many other gems that made me think that I am not much of a nerd, I'm merely socially awkward.


I did not train today.  Plan A was to mountain bike in the snow, but I got talked into going to the Science Museum.  Plan B was to do a road ride afterwards, but wife convinced me that a cold front was on it's way and I would freeze my giblets.  Plan C was a Neilla Rey HIIT workout, that most likely won't happen.  BTW glutes are really sore from the lunges, made stairs painful to climb.


Today's social awkwardness: I ran into the Ex-Mrs. Sloth at the science museum who I haven't seen in at least 15 years.  I had a hard time getting over how old she looked.  We were able to talk for a few minutes without me bringing that up.


Junkfood Confessional  At nerd night I ate 4 Christmas cookies and drank a soda (with Bourbon).  Not too bad, I might have eaten more but I knew I'd post it.  No garbage consumed today, but I'm craving right now.




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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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yep, Small World can go that way. People feel like they can disengage off turn because whatever happens just happens. I'm fortunate that when I play we are required to fit it in under and hour so everyone has to be ready to go at all times or we harass them. Given the nature of your group, if you're ever interested in learning and borrow King of Tokyo for a game night, let me know and I'll be happy to loan it to you. A group like yours is more inclined to be engaged given the pace and need to be aware. Another one that I have that falls right between Small World and Tokyo is Lords of Waterdeep. Both can be found Will Wheaton's Tabletop if you want to check them out and think about it.


I hate when training plan A falls through then B then C. I used to really get mad at myself over those. I've decided that if I was that willing to let those opportunities slip through my fingers it probably wasn't going to be a good training day and I should be grateful for the extra recovery time. Doesn't mean I always feel great about it but it helps.


I haven't thought of that song in forever.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Instead of the whole board being tactile what if they had something just for them. I've never pkayed the game your talking sbout, but it seems being able to view the surroundings is kind of an important part of planning. And having to touch the board and figure things out doesn't leND itself to secrecy. And that way they can check it at all times.

LIke a small mini board that they can hold. Perhaps even with tactile magnetic pieces they can place themselves.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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I've been reading some stuff on back pain and tight hips and all that. I used to have chronic back pain, and now it only occasionally flares bad, but I still have some low level pain. Anyway, after reading this blog a bit, http://www.katysays.com/She's a biomechanist and she says that just doing stretches isn't enough. It's for too short a time during the day, and the rest of the day most people are sitting. The real solution is to move your body more, stand, walk, sit or squat on the floor. I am trying to be more aware of that. Too soon to see if it has made any real difference though. She isn't saying don't do stretches, just that they aren't enough on their to overcome all the sitting in one position.


Very glad you didn't tell your ex- wife she looked old. You must not be too socially awkward if you can refrain from saying whatever thought pops into your mind. :D 

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I would totally buy a pet tire from you. I would like a miata size and please paint it bright pink  :playful:


Mary, if I get out to Seattle(?) I'll bring you one for free; I can't promise pink paint will stick to rubber though.


yep, Small World can go that way. People feel like they can disengage off turn because whatever happens just happens. I'm fortunate that when I play we are required to fit it in under and hour so everyone has to be ready to go at all times or we harass them. Given the nature of your group, if you're ever interested in learning and borrow King of Tokyo for a game night, let me know and I'll be happy to loan it to you. A group like yours is more inclined to be engaged given the pace and need to be aware. Another one that I have that falls right between Small World and Tokyo is Lords of Waterdeep. Both can be found Will Wheaton's Tabletop if you want to check them out and think about it.


I hate when training plan A falls through then B then C. I used to really get mad at myself over those. I've decided that if I was that willing to let those opportunities slip through my fingers it probably wasn't going to be a good training day and I should be grateful for the extra recovery time. Doesn't mean I always feel great about it but it helps.


I haven't thought of that song in forever.


Sure, I'll try those games.  We meet on the first Fridays if you want to join us.  Our pace may drive you insane though.


The problem with me is it doesn't really bother me to miss a day because I'm not seriously training for anything so there's all the time in the world to make it up.  Especially a cardio day this far from biking season.  But all those missed days add up and pretty soon I'm not getting anywhere.  My wife makes me train after 3 or 4 days off because I apparently get really cranky when I don't.


In '93 I bought into the whole grunge thing, lots of Dinosaur junior, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, Bob Mould, Hole and Liz Phair just because.


LIke a small mini board that they can hold. Perhaps even with tactile magnetic pieces they can place themselves.


That's exactly what I was thinking :)  I don't think this game is going to get a ton of play.  I may wait for a different game to put time into a nice board.



I've been reading some stuff on back pain and tight hips and all that. I used to have chronic back pain, and now it only occasionally flares bad, but I still have some low level pain. Anyway, after reading this blog a bit, http://www.katysays.com/She's a biomechanist and she says that just doing stretches isn't enough. It's for too short a time during the day, and the rest of the day most people are sitting. The real solution is to move your body more, stand, walk, sit or squat on the floor. I am trying to be more aware of that. Too soon to see if it has made any real difference though. She isn't saying don't do stretches, just that they aren't enough on their to overcome all the sitting in one position.


Very glad you didn't tell your ex- wife she looked old. You must not be too socially awkward if you can refrain from saying whatever thought pops into your mind.  :D 


I'm glad your's has improved.  I'll check out that blog.  Mine's a lot better than it was, but it got bad again when I was sick for so long and sat around.  I totally believe that chairs are a plague sent down upon us.


There was a time not too long ago when I would have, either the meds or the wisdom that comes with age has helped.


1/4/15 Sunday

Mobility + Core


Training - circuit - trying the light/ medium/ hard day thing this month to see how it goes.  This is a light day.

Get Ups - 1/1 @ 16kg

Roman Chair Extensions - 25 reps, 2-1-2 tempo

Push Ups - 10

Sandbag Rotational Lunges - 7/7 @ 50#

Inverted Rows - 6


3 rounds, meant to do 5, but started to get anxious about making sure I was ready for the first day back at school.  I've been using a timer to enforce a 30s. rest between sets.  Works great.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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1/3/15 Saturday


Nerd Night Update - Smallworld did not go over very well.  We played with 5 players, most of whom have never played it before, and the game went slow, everyone went off topic and didn't pay enough attention to the special rules.  The tactile board was appreciated and added to the game, but it needs some tweaking.  A search for tactile board games on-line doesn't lead any further than Monopoly.


While not playing I heard all about the They Might Be Giants fanclub, how to make tortillas, a long dialogue from the Dark Crystal, the merits of alternative music that came out in 1993, how to pluralize geometry shapes, a comparison of the different model train museums in the Twin Cities and many other gems that made me think that I am not much of a nerd, I'm merely socially awkward.


I did not train today.  Plan A was to mountain bike in the snow, but I got talked into going to the Science Museum.  Plan B was to do a road ride afterwards, but wife convinced me that a cold front was on it's way and I would freeze my giblets.  Plan C was a Neilla Rey HIIT workout, that most likely won't happen.  BTW glutes are really sore from the lunges, made stairs painful to climb.


Today's social awkwardness: I ran into the Ex-Mrs. Sloth at the science museum who I haven't seen in at least 15 years.  I had a hard time getting over how old she looked.  We were able to talk for a few minutes without me bringing that up.


Junkfood Confessional  At nerd night I ate 4 Christmas cookies and drank a soda (with Bourbon).  Not too bad, I might have eaten more but I knew I'd post it.  No garbage consumed today, but I'm craving right now.



The fact you are working on a board game is awesome. I really hope it turns into something that becomes a hit.
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-The Muscle Professor-


Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. -Rumi-

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I will take you up on the tire offer and I am sure you will find a way to make it pink. On a more serious note. Have you ever heard of Z Health? It is what my gym uses and I have found it to be very helpful. My trainer knew that I had had a concussion(4 actually) because my vision exercises were so difficult for me. Now she is working with my sore ankle and mild lower back pain. And I am getting an awesome workout!!! I hope this is helpful.


                                              LEARNING TO PLAY AGAIN                                                                                        


Battle Log

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I would totally buy a pet tire from you. I would like a miata size and please paint it bright pink  :playful:


See?  There's a market.  I would buy one too.  With a harness.  And I like purple.  


1/3/15 Saturday


Nerd Night Update - Smallworld did not go over very well.  We played with 5 players, most of whom have never played it before, and the game went slow, everyone went off topic and didn't pay enough attention to the special rules.  The tactile board was appreciated and added to the game, but it needs some tweaking.  A search for tactile board games on-line doesn't lead any further than Monopoly.


While not playing I heard all about the They Might Be Giants fanclub, how to make tortillas, a long dialogue from the Dark Crystal, the merits of alternative music that came out in 1993, how to pluralize geometry shapes, a comparison of the different model train museums in the Twin Cities and many other gems that made me think that I am not much of a nerd, I'm merely socially awkward.






Thanks for the song.  Love that song.  And your nerd night convo sounds very fun to me.  I must be more nerd.  But nerds are quite accepting so I guess you'll just have to go with the flow.  And let me just say... There's a They Might Be Giants fan club?  Sign me up.  

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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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Sure, I'll try those games.  We meet on the first Fridays if you want to join us.  Our pace may drive you insane though.


The problem with me is it doesn't really bother me to miss a day because I'm not seriously training for anything so there's all the time in the world to make it up.  Especially a cardio day this far from biking season.  But all those missed days add up and pretty soon I'm not getting anywhere.  My wife makes me train after 3 or 4 days off because I apparently get really cranky when I don't.

I'd join you sometime, not every week or I'd really tick Laura off. Friday is typically the night I take off from the gym that isn't game night.


Darn, that means I really am the only weirdo with that OCD of getting cracky when I don't get in the gym everyday.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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The fact you are working on a board game is awesome. I really hope it turns into something that becomes a hit.


I appreciate the support, but I'm not creative enough to make my own game.  I'm trying to adapt a game so that a blind guy can play more independently.


I will take you up on the tire offer and I am sure you will find a way to make it pink. On a more serious note. Have you ever heard of Z Health? It is what my gym uses and I have found it to be very helpful. My trainer knew that I had had a concussion(4 actually) because my vision exercises were so difficult for me. Now she is working with my sore ankle and mild lower back pain. And I am getting an awesome workout!!! I hope this is helpful.


I have heard of Z Health, lots of the KB trainers around here are into it, but I've never actually investigated it.  If I stop progressing I'll check it out.


See?  There's a market.  I would buy one too.  With a harness.  And I like purple.  



Thanks for the song.  Love that song.  And your nerd night convo sounds very fun to me.  I must be more nerd.  But nerds are quite accepting so I guess you'll just have to go with the flow.  And let me just say... There's a They Might Be Giants fan club?  Sign me up.  


Nebraska's on the way right?  I've got a brother in law in Seattle, so it could happen, not this summer though.


The conversation was interesting, but it made me think that there isn't anything that I know about in that much detail.  Take Dr. Who, It's about the only TV show I've watched in the last year, but I can't quote it or even keep the Doctors straight.


The TMBG fan club sounds pretty cool, one of the perks is a new song every week and at the end of the year you get the 52 songs on a CD.


I'd join you sometime, not every week or I'd really tick Laura off. Friday is typically the night I take off from the gym that isn't game night.


Darn, that means I really am the only weirdo with that OCD of getting cracky when I don't get in the gym everyday.


It's only once a month on the first Friday.  There's a core group of 5 guys and we've had up to 9 people.  We talked about playing Munchkin next time, but who knows.  I'll send you a text when the game's a little closer.


I doubt you're the only one around here.  I got that way back when I thought a top ten in a local road race was a big deal.  I could use some of that motivation again.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I have a question I've been meaning to ask since you posted that the old guy from the Bandit Cross and you have about the same conditioning but his technique was better than yours. I see you doing strength and conditioning exercises but is there anything you can do to improve technique during the winter? Or do you just have to get the reps in on the course to improve that? Was just wondering. I don't know much about biking but I find it interesting. Is there anything specific you would like to improve or know what you need to do to be more competitive?

Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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I have a question I've been meaning to ask since you posted that the old guy from the Bandit Cross and you have about the same conditioning but his technique was better than yours. I see you doing strength and conditioning exercises but is there anything you can do to improve technique during the winter? Or do you just have to get the reps in on the course to improve that? Was just wondering. I don't know much about biking but I find it interesting. Is there anything specific you would like to improve or know what you need to do to be more competitive?


Great question.  You've identified the biggest thing that's keeping me in the back of the pack.


Two years ago I went up north and did a mountain bike race with my buddy John.  He's a bit older than me, our fitness is pretty similar, but his skills are much better.  I can drop him on a flat easy trail, but when it gets rugged he drops me easily.  This race was pretty rugged and out of 60 riders in our age group, I came in 30th and he came in second.  After that I decided that last year was going to be the year that I finally learned to ride a bike; at the end of the school year I told my coworkers that I was planning on breaking a bone over the summer.  That didn't happen, instead I spent the summer battling my back and dealing with family stuff.


Things I know I need to work on: holding speed through corners, being comfortable jumping drops, body positioning on steep climbs so I don't lose traction, doing wheelies so I can ride up and over obstacles, staying up through rock gardens.


John, BTW, is really into technique, sometimes I hear him talking himself over obstacles and he talks me through things too.  I always learn something when I ride with him.


I could ride more this winter, but that wouldn't bump up my skills, I need more purposeful practice, ideally with someone coaching, which is not going to happen in the winter.


Cyclocross is a totally different animal.  I've only done a few of these races and haven't ever focused on the vast multitude of skills needed.  Mostly I race these they're a hoot.  The most important skill I'm weak at is transitioning on and off the bike.  I lose a lot of time there and a little skill practice would really up my abilities and speed.  I could build some barriers and practice running them in the alley or find a hill and practice running up it - either of those would be doable in the winter.




1/5/15 & 1/6/15

Back at work after two weeks off.  Monday I skipped the workout and went in early to get ready.  Tuesday I skipped it because I was sooo tired and slept in.  I tried greasing the groove with chin ups, but I couldn't manage even one :( I was gonna do a KB thing after I got the kids to bed, but school is cancelled tomorrow because of the cold.  I'm going to hit it hard tomorrow after a good's night sleep.


Junkfood Confessional - yesterday I ate a cupcake - it was a student's birthday.  Today I didn't eat any garbage.  I'm trying to beat the cravings by eating other carbs - bananas, cereal, toast - it seems to be working, but I'm still getting excess calories.


Off Topic

I haven't done any programming since '88, but I've started teaching a class using Scratch, a simple drag and drop language.  I'm barely a day ahead of the students, but I'm optimistic that it will be beneficial for my students.  Hopefully they can begin to think of computers as a tool, not just a form of entertainment.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Dang, thanks for sharing that video. i've never heard of cyclocross before. Do you have any mountain biking videos like that? And isn't it hard to get back into the swing of things? I did almost nothing between the challenges (again) and found myself struggling to do my routines again.

Are you using the Scratch in conjunction with the robotics you teach or is this a separate project your doing? Which ever way it is your students are lucky to have a guy like you around.

And if you ever do make any obstacles for training please take pictures and share. The obstacle barriers from the video looked like something that is doable but maybe not helpful in mountain bike racing. As always inspiring and educational.

Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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Off Topic

I haven't done any programming since '88, but I've started teaching a class using Scratch, a simple drag and drop language.  I'm barely a day ahead of the students, but I'm optimistic that it will be beneficial for my students.  Hopefully they can begin to think of computers as a tool, not just a form of entertainment.

Well I just fell down this rabbit hole for an hour. What a fun toy.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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