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Decided to stop lurking and introduce myself.

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Hey everyone,


I've been lurking around these forums for a little over a month now and it seems like today is a good time to say hello.  


I decided about a month ago to get serious about my fitness level (or lack thereof).  Before finding Nerd Fitness, I read a bunch of articles on Nia Shanks' website and something about her writing just clicked in my brain.  Her philosophy is super similar to Nerd Fitness, and it just got me excited about the prospect of getting stronger.  Being a super nerdy person, the structure and overarching theme of NF just spoke to me a little more.


When I was in high school, I was on the track team.  Not as a runner, because I do so hate running, but in the throwing events (shotput, javelin, discus).  I wasn't good at it, but my two best friends were, and I thought it was fun anyway.  We got to get out of regular gym class and spend our gym period in the weight room instead, doing the lifting program that our coach made.  I'll never forget how much fun it was to have some of the football guys gathered around our rack in awe while we did squats - I felt like a badass.  I probably weighed between 150 and 160 at the time and was squatting over 200 and I felt like I could kick any of the guys' asses if I ever needed to.  It was a great feeling.  


That was the last time I did that kind of strength training on any kind of regular basis.  I played rugby in college but we didn't do much lifting - lots of bodyweight exercises and sprint drills though.  I've found other activities I like since then - I really enjoy yoga and tap dancing is super fun - but I've never forgotten how powerful I felt in the weight room in high school.  So I joined a gym that I pass every day on my way to work (something I recommend - if ever I skip a day I feel like my gym is mocking me as I drive past).  For the last 6 weeks or so, I've been working out there 3 times a week (except for one week toward the beginning when I had the most grotesque cold ever) and it feels so good.  I've been tracking my progress meticulously (still trying to figure out whether I prefer the notebook, the spreadsheet, or the app) and am beginning to see some progress.  So far I've lost a couple of inches in my waist and an inch each in my calves and biceps, but more importantly, I feel myself getting stronger.  


The food part has been the hardest for me - food and I have a convoluted history - but I'm easing into an approximately 85% paleo situation.  One positive part about the food aspect has been that I feel like I've saved a bunch of money on food this month, because there has only been one time when I've forgotten to pack lunch for work and have had to go buy something. 

So right now I'm feeling really good.  Having a series of goals to strive toward (and the promise of sweet rewards when I reach them) is really helping me stick to eating properly.  So is logging my food, though right now I don't count calories.


Anyway, that was long but that's where I am right now.  Other pertinent information: I'm 26.  I moved back to my home state of New Jersey about a year and a half ago when I realized that it was time to stop being stubborn and move back in with my parents so I could save up some money and pay off some student loans.  Since then, I've been taking classes to finish the last of my B.A. requirements and working two jobs - one at a library and one at a winery.  I love to read and swim in natural bodies of water and I'm a bit of a fangirl about a lot of things.  I'm learning about programming and other technology things like arduino and e-textiles as part of my library job.  I miss living in Massachusetts (where I spent my early 20s), but New Jersey is growing on me again.  Eventually, I want to be a librarian and probably work with teenagers or college students.


TL;DR - hello friends! 

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Hi ser_pez!


congrats on your lunch-in-a-box, I'm still working on my discipline to prepare it the day before (failing miserably). What lunch do you pack since sandwiches aren't paleo? Salads, carrots or something else?


Arduino and e-textiles are as awesome as it gets :D do you have some projects you did or plan to do?

                                                                                                                        Level 0 human recruit

                                                                                                           STR 0|DEX 0|STA 0|CON 0|WIS 0|CHA 0

                                                                                                                               Origin story
                                                                                                                           My first challenge

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?


bachelor thesis progress (:
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Excellent name, AerialTriceratops!


The best trick I’ve found for making sure that I bring lunch as often as possible is to cook a bunch of components ahead of time so it’s just as easy to grab things from my fridge as it is to buy lunch.  One of my favorite things to make is almond-crusted chicken tenders.  I’ll make a big batch on Sunday and bring it for lunch for a few days.  This week I went for beef strips instead - my grocery store will cut sirloin into strips and sell it as ‘stir fry strips’, so I got a package of that.  I seasoned them and stuck them under the broiler for about 5 minutes, stirring halfway through so they all cooked evenly.  I had about four meals’ worth of strips that I could use a bunch of different ways.  Today I packed them with some quinoa and kale leftover from last night’s dinner, some broccoli, and a couple tablespoons of homemade tomatillo salsa that I canned last summer (nothing but tomatillos, onions, garlic, chilies, and lemon juice).  A few weeks ago I made a big batch of white chicken chili with greens that I brought for lunch for a couple of days that week.  


As for Arduino and e-textiles, I went to a great workshop that SparkFun sponsored a few weeks ago and so I’ve been working my way through their book of Arduino circuits.  The library where I work just won a LittleBits kit through a raffle too, and we’re participating in a statewide Maker Day in a few weeks that I’m gearing up for.  Super fun!

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This is an impressive fitness journey. I'm 27 and only recently got intrested in sports. Rugby sounds tough.

And I'll try out your recipe. In April I have to start preparing my meals again, too, when the new semester beginns.

Sounds as if it would be good for you to start lifting again. You sounded very excited when you described this part of your fitness journey.

level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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 One of my favorite things to make is almond-crusted chicken tenders.  I’ll make a big batch on Sunday and bring it for lunch for a few days.  This week I went for beef strips instead - my grocery store will cut sirloin into strips and sell it as ‘stir fry strips’, so I got a package of that.  I seasoned them and stuck them under the broiler for about 5 minutes, stirring halfway through so they all cooked evenly.  I had about four meals’ worth of strips that I could use a bunch of different ways.  Today I packed them with some quinoa and kale leftover from last night’s dinner, some broccoli, and a couple tablespoons of homemade tomatillo salsa that I canned last summer (nothing but tomatillos, onions, garlic, chilies, and lemon juice).  A few weeks ago I made a big batch of white chicken chili with greens that I brought for lunch for a couple of days that week.  


och my, that sounds heavenly.


so sunday cooking it is, I guess. Thank you!

                                                                                                                        Level 0 human recruit

                                                                                                           STR 0|DEX 0|STA 0|CON 0|WIS 0|CHA 0

                                                                                                                               Origin story
                                                                                                                           My first challenge

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?


bachelor thesis progress (:
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Welcome!  I would agree with Luciana that it sounds like you'd really enjoy lifting again.  Have you thought about possibly doing a structured beginner's program, something along the lines of Starting Strength or Stronglifts?  They are pretty low on time commitment (~45 minutes I believe), and provide a solid base of strength.  In any case, good luck, and it sounds like you're making some great habits.

"Take arrows in your forehead, but never in your back" - Samurai Maxim

Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4

Battle Log


Hinge HabitsBe Like WaterFailure Should Be WelcomedArchitect Your EnvironmentSet Goals For Processes Not Desires, Minimum Effective Dose 101 

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Hi ser_pez,

Like the others commenting on the weight training, you could tell you loved it in your post. I looked into the Stronglifts programme, but at my present level of strength and due to needing a gym to do it I decided to go the dumbbell and bench/bodyweight route for now. Got to say it sounded good. It promises fast progression especially at first.

Hope the fitness journey is fun however you carry on with it 😀

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