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Hi, I'm Krzyzstof (well, kind of. Alternate version of my name).

(I hope this is where I am suppose to say/type all of this.)


I am relatively new to the whole fitness thing. I like to call myself an ex-couch potato. I signed up with a gym about 2 years ago. Went pretty heavily at first, burnt out, didn't go for a couple of months. Started back heavily, got sick/life got in the way, missed a couple more months. Last year (2014) was my best year. Was pretty solid all the way through. Went to the gym 3-8 times a week. Developed a circuit that I loved, and kept altering it to keep it fresh and fun. Didn't worry too much about strength training as I was mostly focusing on weight lose (although I did like to play in the weight room). Lost about 70 lbs during this time (most from this past year), was feeling fantastic! (albeit still overweight)


As of now, it's been almost three months since I've been back to the gym. Not due to lack to interest or energy, I'm practically foaming at the mouth waiting to get back in there. But around that time I developed a nerve issue in my leg, Meralgia Paresthetica (for those who don't know, it is when muscles in your outer thigh compress a nerve). Okay, numbness, pain, burning sensation, I can handle most of those. Can't do any cardio so my circuit is out the window. Decide I will focus on my upper body, do some strength training. That lasted for about a month. Tail end of January, two days before my birthday, I developed acute hip pain. Go to hospital and told it is Bursitis. Fantastic. I've developed something that you usually don't get until your 50's. My body thinks it's an old man! Alright, so no more walking around places due to pain. Stop going to the gym all together. Nursing it for about a month, pain seems to be getting worse. Get some x-rays, see a doctor and a Chiro, told that due to the nerve issue and the Bursitis (all on the same side mind you), the muscles on that side are in a constant state of contraction and have pinched/compressed my Sciatic nerve! Fan-freaking-tastic. We are now 3 weeks into March and I've been reduced to using a cane. Can't drive for long distances and have issues doing simple tasks like getting groceries. I'm fallen into a funk, re-developing bad eating habits and have no idea what to do anymore.


TL;DR Used to be avid gym bunny. Lost 70lbs, feeling fantastic. Developed lots of leg/hip issues - Meralgia Paresthetica, Bursitis, compressed Sciatic Nerve. Fallen into a rut and re-developing old eating habits. Don't know what to do anymore.


I'm hoping to find some exercises to do at home to either help improve my situation, or to at least keep me busy. I currently do some push-up here and there, but I can only do about 5 at a time, then have to rest for quite awhile before I can do another set (I was ecstatic when I was able to do my first real push-up, even more so when I did my first chin-up!).


Well, I think that's about it. That is the gist of my story so far. Or at least all that I can think of.

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I feel your pain! Recovering from a relatively serious back condition, and every little milestone means so much more than it did previously! Stick with it and make sure you ask your doctors as many questions as possible regarding recovery/therapy. I wish you the best of luck!

Malakir - Human Ranger


[Current Challenge] [battlelog] [MyFitnessPal]

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Oh man, that's harsh. I hope some of your stuff will go away again. I don't really know anything about these "injurys" or sickness. Doesn't help, that my mother tongue isn't English. But I wish you can recover.


Perhaps there are some Yoga exercises you can do or other body weight exercises.

level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
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 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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ok, so I'm trying to do something useful with this double post.


Perhaps you can start a topic here http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/forum/203-help-me-build-a-workout-plan/

and describe what you can do and what troubles you. Perhaps they can help you to find some exercises and with creating a workout plan.


And perhaps you can ask your doctor about it. Perhaps he knows, what you can do for rehab.

Good luck!

level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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Thanks for all the replies!


It does seem harsh, especially since I have no idea what caused it. Don't remember tweaking anything during a workout. Just one day I noticed the numbness, a month later, sharp pain. That's the most frustrating part! Arrggghhh.  


I have been talking to doctors and my chiropractor. They all say the same thing which is to rest, rest, then rest some more. I can't do it anymore. I'm going to get depressed from my inability to do anything (literally, I stand for 5 minutes and the pain kicks in) and completely ruin my diet even farther. Otherwise I need to find things to do.


Oh no! Those nerve issues sound terrible. :(

I don't know for sure, but it sounds like it might be a long time before you can get back to working out the way you used to. So, don't let yourself put on weight in the mean time! Make sure your diet is very healthy, and that way it will be eaiser to get back to exercising once you're recovered.


Trying really hard to stick to my diet, which isn't really much of a diet to be honest. I just try to eat healthy things. Snack on carrots or celery with peanut butter (almond butter when I can afford it) instead of crackers; try not to keep bread in the apartment; no soda; etc etc. But one - everywhere I go there is temptation, ie. co-workers going out to eat and constantly offering me stuff. Super nice and all, but damn, so tempting. (Have only caved in about twice so far). Two - I think I'm slowly getting depressed, or at least falling into a funk, with my inability to work out. My willpower is definitely weakening and it turns into a vicious cycle. Feel bad about not working out, eat something fatty/incredibly unhealthy (usually an old comfort food) to help feel a bit better. Then feel even worse afterwords as I realized what I just ate. DAMN YOU PSYCHE! 


ok, so I'm trying to do something useful with this double post.


Perhaps you can start a topic here http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/forum/203-help-me-build-a-workout-plan/

and describe what you can do and what troubles you. Perhaps they can help you to find some exercises and with creating a workout plan.


And perhaps you can ask your doctor about it. Perhaps he knows, what you can do for rehab.

Good luck!


Thanks, I will definitely do that. Hopefully I will be able to get some sort of routine just so I can get going again. As for the bodyweight exercises, if I had a pull-up bar, I could do a couple of those (think my max is only two at a time right now, total of either 4-5 in each workout session). Also, have never really tried Yoga yet. Haven't found a time or place for it.


I feel your pain! Recovering from a relatively serious back condition, and every little milestone means so much more than it did previously! Stick with it and make sure you ask your doctors as many questions as possible regarding recovery/therapy. I wish you the best of luck!


It is not fun at all. Are you able to do much with it? Like I mentioned above. Standing for 5 minutes causing pain. Also, sitting in most chairs starts to become troublesome after awhile too. I think this wouldn't be as bad if I could at least go for walks! Get something in here or there.

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Yeah, comfort food is even harder to resist when depressed, and not being able to work out is bound to be depressing. But you seem to be looking at not working out as doing something unhealthy. That's not true... it's unfortunate, but the healthiest thing you can do right now is rest. You'll lose some of your muscle mass, and that's sad, but forcing yourself to work out while injured is just going to make it worse!


Hopefully, you can find some things that you can still do without risk of doing any more damage. Yoga could be it? It just depends on what puts pressure on the wrong parts, I imagine. Maybe you need another hobby to work on during your recovery period, something to take your mind off things.

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Luckily I am. My surgery and then a lengthy recovery period where I didn't do much of anything physical for several weeks have let me heal up nicely. Now I just have to rebuild the cut and/or atrophied muscle, and do what I can to promote some bone growth/recovery in my spine. I can't lift heavy yet but I'm on my way, and at this point it's a basic but crucial process. Provide the body with the nutrition and supplementation it needs to repair tissue and promote bone growth, strengthen the surrounding muscles, keep the connective tissues flexible but strong, and put adequate while not overwhelming stress onto the bone that needs to rebuild itself.  It's really the only way to jumpstart osteoblasts and their work without further medical procedures. I took the slow steps I was prescribed for as long as I was given them, then once I was set loose I did as much research as I could and with the help of some physical therapist friends I've built my program to try to build myself better than before. 4 weeks into the workout and nutrition regiment and so far so good!


I truly hope you're able to find relief and the treatment/therapy that will best suit you. I'll be in your corner if you need me!



Malakir - Human Ranger


[Current Challenge] [battlelog] [MyFitnessPal]

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I'm not sure if I consider not working out as unhealthy, or just simply depressing. I will have to think about that and, if that's the case, see if I can't switch that mindset around. 


Yoga was mentioned earlier but as I stated, haven't ever really experienced yoga before. Any ideas on where to start on that? Just some googling or is there a decent site you know about?

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Malakir, that is fantastic to hear. I am so glad to hear that everything seems to be working out for you and hope that you get back to where you were as soon as your body permits! Also, thanks, I will keep you in mind :)


I've also made a thread in the "Make a Workout" board in hopes that someone over there may know a thing or two as well!

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I recommend Yoga, as well, Krzyzstof. It's been extremely helpful in limbering me up, especially post surgery. It's also very low impact and as long as you don't overexert yourself, it can be very beneficial in most aspects of fitness.  Several companies offer yoga workouts of varying degrees of difficulty. I actually really enjoy p90x3's Yoga X, for example, and know several friends who have used DDP Yoga with great success (pro wrestler presenter not withstanding lol). Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and YouTube all have yoga programs as well.



Malakir - Human Ranger


[Current Challenge] [battlelog] [MyFitnessPal]

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I recommend Yoga, as well, Krzyzstof. It's been extremely helpful in limbering me up, especially post surgery. It's also very low impact and as long as you don't overexert yourself, it can be very beneficial in most aspects of fitness.  Several companies offer yoga workouts of varying degrees of difficulty. I actually really enjoy p90x3's Yoga X, for example, and know several friends who have used DDP Yoga with great success (pro wrestler presenter not withstanding lol). Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and YouTube all have yoga programs as well.




I know I was looking at the new-ish P90 system. Didn't realize they also had a Yoga one. Tony Horton seems like he knows his stuff. Also, Netflix?? Really? I haven't seen anything like that on there. Then again, unless it is some really freaky yoga stuff I doubt it will show up in any horror sections.

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Well the yogaX is one of the workouts from p90x3. The newer p90 is a nice beginner's program but doesn't offer yoga. Beach body did just launch their on demand service now that is basically like Netflix for their workout programs. Not sure if it's worth it for just the yoga though. I did p90x, p90x3, body beast in the past with great results and have used p90 to help bounce back this time as well. I like the programs for what they are but they definitely have their limitations too. They're nice structured starting points in my opinion, or good templates to work from if you don't want to make your own workout plan or are stuck in a hotel room with minimal equipment.

On Netflix there used to be a workout section and yoga was there. Not sure if it is still around though, to be honest it was all pretty old and looked boring to me at the time. I do remember it had some yoga workouts though!


Malakir - Human Ranger


[Current Challenge] [battlelog] [MyFitnessPal]

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