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3 minutes ago, Sylvaa said:

So YwA just put out a 7-minute Bedtime Yoga routine (not sure if it is a do in bed one - I didn't watch it). But ideas!


Link here.

I did that Sunday night! not a do in bed one but still relaxing. It was going to be my backup plan but I really just couldn't keep my eyes open last night. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Really wanna do yoga or watch last night's Supernatural right now, but instead I'm sitting in my living room waiting for the plumber to show up. Because he doesn't call, he just knocks once and leaves. Roommate is in richmond, K has gone to visit family in California until sometime next week, so it's just me. Dude's supposed to come and just look at the pipe tonight because even though landlord told him repeatedly that the pipe was the priority and the water heater was an extra thing, he apparently went for the water heater first and never bothered with the pipe. So he's supposed to be stopping in just to see what needs to be done. Jesus Christ. 


Landlord's friend who's "in charge" of work that needs to be done on the house is supposed to come by as well and make sure the water heater is done properly (?) before the guy gets paid. (Dude was in India for a month or so and wasn't around when it happened. Although his cousin was the first plumber we had so who knows what happened there.) 


HA. HAHAHA. I texted downstairs asshole to give him a heads up that both dudes are coming and his reply is "okay; this is such a huge inconvenience." You stupid motherfucker. Okay, yes, the setup of the house is obnoxious and we should have separate water and heat and whatnot. But you're renting a fucking basement apartment. I'm not sure how much luxury you were expecting? So my reply was "Trust me, I'm aware. We're the ones who haven't been able to do laundry for a month and have been playing phone tag with multiple plumbers." Because I have exactly zero fucks for you. 


On the bright side, landlord sent him an email today (then forwarded it to my roommate, who forwarded it to me) saying when his lease is up in June he's done bc landlord will be moving into that space when he comes back from Europe. Fingers crossed this means roommate and I get to stay where we are so I don't have to graduate, find a new job, AND find a new apartment all in the same month. 


Welp. Dude told me to call him when I got home; I did and it was 6pm. He said he'd be here no later than 6:30. It's now 6:38. 


Oh right. Roommate said something to landlord about the fact that downstairs asshole has shit fucking everywhere and it's a fire hazard. Also that he leaves a space heater running. So the friend is supposed to report back on that too. Which technically I'm not sure is legal bc I think you're supposed to have 24 hours notice if your landlord is going to be in your space? But clearly no one here gives a shit. I certainly don't. He can take it up with the landlord. 


I just wanna do laundry. D:

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Holy shit it works. I'm finally washing the towels we used to mop up the mess when it broke a month ago. :rolleyes:


So I call my mother to tell her the good news, and also because we've exchanged a few texts but haven't actually spoken since I left. Debate on texting first to ask if now is a good time but then just decided to go for it.


ring ring. "honey can I call you back in five minutes? I'm in the hospital again and the nurse is here right now." 


I cant fucking win. Idk why she's there or how long she's been there and I'm not necessarily concerned yet because I'm still waiting for that call back but fucking really? Come on, universe. What the fuck. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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34 minutes ago, Owlet said:

!!! Amazing. Especially considering how inept the plumber is. Wow. 


Just wow. 

I literally went back several times to look at it and make sure it wasn't leaking. Because I just didn't trust it. 


HOLY SHIT this means I have my entire weekend to myself. I don't have to sit around any day waiting for this guy, or wondering if I'm going to get a last minute call from him. Oh man that just made my life. (This guy doesn't really schedule things, just calls when it's convenient for him and says "are you home now? can someone be there in half an hour?") Holy fuck. Yes. 


Spent nearly an hour on the phone with my mother catching up. Since the chemo Monday anything she eats or drinks sends her running to the bathroom very quickly. She called the doctor yesterday to ask about it and they said if she wasn't better today to go in and they'd give her fluids and such. No one mentioned that they'd be admitting her until at least Sunday. Which is what happened. It makes sense but apparently didn't occur to her that they wouldn't just give her fluids and send her home in the state she's in. I'm vaguely worried in a general sense because she's lost 5 pounds since I saw her two weeks ago, but ugh. That's to be expected under the circumstances. 


Oh and also? She talked to her doctor and as a "long-term goal" she might be able to come down for graduation!! 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Free weekend for @fleaball! Let's party!



(This can't be real cats, can it?)



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Introduction (where I started, May 2016) ~*~ NF Character (dormant)


 Progress as a Nomad: Battle log where I do my own challenges

Useful posts on my battle log: Useful Links and Travel Schedule, Future Challenge IdeasGoals for 2017 as a whole, Assorted Goals (not on rotation), Elements W1D1, Last Quarter Goals

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And I don't mean to get ahead of anything but it's a really good sign that your mum's doctor is willing to talk about that as a goal! It would be so amazing if she could be there. And they can totally do special accommodations if needed - my grandma had recently had hip surgery when I graduated, and they arranged a wheel chair and special seating area for the whole fam.


Wheeeee I hope you enjoyed your solo weekend :D

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1 minute ago, Severine said:





And I don't mean to get ahead of anything but it's a really good sign that your mum's doctor is willing to talk about that as a goal! It would be so amazing if she could be there. And they can totally do special accommodations if needed - my grandma had recently had hip surgery when I graduated, and they arranged a wheel chair and special seating area for the whole fam.


Wheeeee I hope you enjoyed your solo weekend :D

I did so much laundry. It was great. And I will never say that again. 


Okay good because somehow my brain made it like, an ominous thing? Like it was a goal just to be well/alive in May? Idk. Although rn she's still in the hospital and they can't figure it out. Apparently they've called in infectious disease people? I think just for lack of anything else but who knows. If she makes it down I will insist on accommodations and they can fight me. I mean I'm sure they'd do it anyway but I will cry in however many offices I need to to make it happen. 


I did! Minus the fact that did exactly zero homework. And I had plenty. :/

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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K came back like 5 minutes after I got back from class. Argh. Just argh. [hahaha i texted my roommate 2 hours ago with a heads up in case she was planning on sleeping in her own bed tonight. She just said it's all good but K's going to have a rude awakening in the morning.] Also haven't heard from either of my parents lately which means she's still in the hospital with no new developments. Mostly a good thing but also worrying. Although i'm not actively worrying about it because I can't do anything about it right now anyway. 


In other news, for my project management class we have to create a project plan and it can literally be on anything. So I'm doing it on my stupid research paper. it's basically an embellished outline- here are all the tasks, here's who's going to do them, here are the expected risks and contingency plans, and here's a fancy graph I made on the interwebs. It's not due til March 23 but i'm sorely tempted to do it now and just get it out of the way. Except for, you know, all the other work I'm supposed to be doing instead. Like writing 15 pages on the research paper in question. Oops?

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Ha. Hahahaha. What the fuck. So two cops just got shot at the end of my block. K saw the whole thing. Like legitimately, until the dude whipped out a gun and she booked it. 


And I am a terrible person. Because right now a) my entire street is blocked off and my car is supposed to get picked up tomorrow and if it's still blocked I will be sad. And pissed. And b.) K keeps saying "I live in the ghetto" and "my house" and related things and I'm just like... no. No to all of these things. You don't live here and it's not your house and please just shut the fuck up. You're free to fuck off whenever you like. Except I can't snap because now's kind of not the appropriate time. 


Allllllso I opened my window to check out the commotion (it was at the other end of the street but there are plenty of cops hanging out here) and she's been coming in to check it out and there were definitely some *cough* personal things on that side of my bed and I'm not sure if I shoved them under the bed before she saw them.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So much for going to bed early. (FYI per the news, suspect dead and both cops already at the hospital.) 4 news vans outside but it's long since over?

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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11 minutes ago, fleaball said:

K keeps saying "I live in the ghetto" and "my house" and related things and I'm just like... no. No to all of these things. You don't live here and it's not your house and please just shut the fuck up. You're free to fuck off whenever you like. Except I can't snap because now's kind of not the appropriate time. 

OMG just leave already K! Seriously, what is her game? It's been weeks now. 

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3 minutes ago, Owlet said:

OMG just leave already K! Seriously, what is her game? It's been weeks now. 

honestly. Like I can't get over "hey I'm going to stay at your house for SIX WEEKS AND COUNTING and not even offer to pay shit." My therapist can't get over the hypocrisy of her being a die-hard Republican and yet she's totally freeloading here. 


Also I want to smack her because she's like "Yeah I was on the bus and I realized I was the only white person on it and I was like 'yup I'm in the ghetto.'" And she said something the other night about how when she takes the streetcar she's not the only white person and it was really surprising. And I'm just seething. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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"The other day I just told my sister I'm gonna get shot in my neighborhood." IT'S NOT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT IT THEN GO AWAY JESUS CHRIST.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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So I once had a similar roommate situation (my roommate had this gf living with us for almost a year) and I know how much of a pain it is. Solidarity.


9 hours ago, fleaball said:

And I am a terrible person. Because right now a) my entire street is blocked off and my car is supposed to get picked up tomorrow and if it's still blocked I will be sad. And pissed. And b.) K keeps saying "I live in the ghetto" and "my house" and related things and I'm just like... no. No to all of these things. You don't live here and it's not your house and please just shut the fuck up. You're free to fuck off whenever you like. Except I can't snap because now's kind of not the appropriate time. 


Allllllso I opened my window to check out the commotion (it was at the other end of the street but there are plenty of cops hanging out here) and she's been coming in to check it out and there were definitely some *cough* personal things on that side of my bed and I'm not sure if I shoved them under the bed before she saw them.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You are not a terrible person for that. It sucks with what happened, but you are totally allowed to be pissed if your stupid car can't be picked up. 


Also, I'd have made a shrine out of those personal things. That'll teach her to randomly walk into your room!

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2 hours ago, Sylvaa said:

Also, I'd have made a shrine out of those personal things. That'll teach her to randomly walk into your room!

Haha if I'd had more time I may have. She seems to have a knack for coming in when I've been lazy about putting stuff away though. This is the second time it's happened. Womp. 


Lulz. Roommate and I were talking about her and I said something about how K lives in the ghetto etc and roommate was like "You should have said she should probably find a new house to move into thats not in the ghetto." Gdi she's your friend. If you're as fed up as I am then fucking say something. But I'm taking this as license to say something and be a bitch if the opportunity arises since we're on the same page. 


Part of the the problem is that when I finally stand up to people I wind up smiling a lot (because I'm nervous and also pleased with myself for doing it) and people don't take me seriously. Rawwwwr. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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23 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Part of the the problem is that when I finally stand up to people I wind up smiling a lot (because I'm nervous and also pleased with myself for doing it) and people don't take me seriously. Rawwwwr.

Practice turning the nervous smile into a psychotic smile. When they start backing away slowly while checking the exits, you know you're doing it right.

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"'It's time for a few small repairs,' she said." - Shawn Colvin



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3 minutes ago, Bookish Badger said:

Practice turning the nervous smile into a psychotic smile. When they start backing away slowly while checking the exits, you know you're doing it right.

Hahaha that's an idea. 10 years of retail/customer service have taught me to smile placatingly despite plotting death, but I'll work on it. ;)

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Today in "how to be a passive-aggressive bitch" - listening to the Hamilton soundtrack at high volume on loop because the other day K said she doesn't want to listen to it too often and wear it out before she's seen it live.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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2 minutes ago, Severine said:

Bonus points if you sing along, even louder than the recording.

I like the way you think. Except my cough is super bad today for some unknown reason and I'm prioritizing breathing over annoying her more. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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29 minutes ago, fleaball said:

I like the way you think. Except my cough is super bad today for some unknown reason and I'm prioritizing breathing over annoying her more. 



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We have another mouse. I hope it eats all her food. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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