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Respawning - Really Need Help

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So, I get that surge of energy, the "fix all the things!" impulse, and then it's gone and I'm back to junk food. I've gone through that cycle so many times, and I don't know how to get out of it. So, I'm trying to break the cycle by talking about it instead of hiding it from everyone.


What do you do when your motivation falls off and that "eff this, I'm getting ice cream and pizza rolls" attitude shows up? That feeling lasts for DAYS for me. None of the healthy substitutes scratch the itch, but indulging doesn't either. All that does is make me want it more. Is that feeling just one of those things you learn to live with? Or if you let it go unanswered long enough, will it go away?

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I'm having some similar issues.  I think I need a stronger support network, so I'm reaching out here and some other places.  I think that your post here is you reaching out.  Let me know if you run into some solutions.  I believe that the "eff this" attitude is transitory, and often I'm very close to crushing through those times, so maybe a little more accountability and communication with other people who are going through this life-changing journey too will be all I need to tip the scales in my favor. 

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Well, if indulging a craving doesn't make it go away, you might as well limit the damage.  Tactics that work for me include:

- indulge only ONE craving at a time (ice cream or pizza rlls, not both)
- strictly limit portion size.  When I say strict, I mean you get two servings max, and if there's any left, the rest of the package goes to the nearest disposal (neighbor, break room, trashcan, omnivorous teenager, etc).

- eat real food.  Cravings are worst when you're hangry.  Don't fall for it.

- ignore the feeling for 60 minutes.  Chances are it will be gone by then.  Have some tea or water in the meantime.

- think about the last time you ate too much of that food, and how that felt.  Junk food is less tempting when you recall the nasty taste it leaves in your mouth, or the effect on your digestion.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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you've got some good advice from raincloak!


 I'd add keeping a food log.  write down everything you eat - no judgement, but every bite/drink.  then be sure to review it and you'll see a pattern emerge and can go from there.  it might be find a replacement food or employ a physical distraction during the "snacky" timeframe you've noticed.  


also, put post it notes on things you don't really want to eat.  draw a cartoon with a speech bubble - whatever you have to do to get your future self's attention...



I used to drink soda all the time but kicked the habit 2 years ago by changing the way I ate (short story - I stopped eating bread 100% which weirdly was a sugar trigger for me) and now I don't even think about it.  this was a 20+ year habit I had.  cravings do come back when I'm super stressed out or if I indulge in some bready goodness a couple days in a row so no, I don't think it goes away forever but it can be managed once you know what your triggers are.

Rock Gnome Rebel

Level 28

current challenge

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One of the things that really helped me (I have similar cycles, but longer in both parts) is that, when I started my most recent respawn, I emptied my fridge and cabinets.  Everything that didn't fit into my meal plan went bye-bye.  A waste of food?  * wince * yeah, probably.  But for me, those "screw this" impulses tend to come from laziness, and if the food isn't there to eat, well, I'm not gonna go to the store at 10pm to buy soda.  Screw that, I'll drink tea instead.


I also give myself 1 "break" food a week.  Usually it's brownies.  If everything else is healthy, a couple of brownies isn't the end of the world, and knowing I have that available and part of my plan makes it much easier for me to resist other temptations.


You gotta find what works for you, so if you try a thing and it doesn't that's okay, as long as you continue to try things.  Good luck!

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You know one of things I have been thinking about is how important it is that I have a support network. I work best when I am a part of a team. I got in an accountability group when I was early one here that did RPG missions together each week and it really helped. Each rep we did helped kill a boss. 


R: Winter is Here


“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” -John Galt

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I just started logging my food again. I have the tendency to not want to look at it when I know I'm not making the best decisions, so I only tend to log when I'm doing well, which is NOT helpful.

My cycle, I think, looks basically like this:

I have a bad day and decide to indulge in a lot of sugar and/or alcohol, which then screws my sleep cycle, so I don't get moving in the morning in time to make breakfast, so I stop at a fast food place for a sugary coffee drink and a donut/muffin. So, then I crash in the middle of the day...you see where this is going. End result, after a bad night, I have several days of poor decisions that leave me tired, aching, and just downright miserable.


So, since I have to break the cycle somehow, I'm spending my time on my day off knocking together meals that I can heat and eat, so next time I have a bad day at work, I know I can come home and pop my pre-made healthy meal in the microwave. We'll see if I can keep this up for a week.

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