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The Borg Queen

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Everything posted by The Borg Queen

  1. Yeah baldi! Welcome back Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  2. PS... I'm a certified yoga teacher, if you would like tips on alignment or fun modifications, I'm your gal.
  3. Plus a few curve balls... Half marathon day before challenge and leaving for Japan day after challenge. And... There might be surgery? Stay tuned! Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  4. @Strickland In my excitement for the challenge I enthused in the middle of your scoreboard accidentally. Feel free to delete above comment.
  5. Challenge 16 It's a new challenge! And it's nice outside. Going to keep it simple. Goal 1 Distance Run miles: 25 per week /100 Goal 2 Strength Yoga class: 1 per week /4 Pushups: 3 x per week /12 Squats: 3 x per week /12 Goal 3 Diet Track calories using MFP, 7 days per week /28 100 g protein per day /28 Goal 4 Meditation 10 minutes of meditation, at least 5 days per week /20 Weekly Score /4 High Value Rewards for Perfect Behavior Week 1 reward: Massage Week 2 reward: Shoes Week 3 reward: Reflexology Week 4 reward: Better paddle for SUP **Rewards may be substituted according to desires of the moment
  6. Looks like a great challenge! I
  7. PS, I think your reward system is super smart and will likely adopt something similar, so thanks! Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  8. I agree, chocolate well deserved. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  9. Half in the fall, the club! Way to go bro. Good luck with your goals! Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  10. Level of awesomeness: a zillion thousand. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  11. Hip hip hurray my friend!! Like the two goal simplicity... Mucho luck!!! Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  12. Cupcake9001 I still play destiny sometimes! But nothing like before. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
  13. That is for you to have. However, you may post them here or on your own thread, if you wish. We of course love to read whatever you have written We also used to have challenge wrap-up threads to post this detailed type of report, however we are going minimal these days. One thing I started doing recently, that I noticed others are doing, is collecting all of my challenge progress and overall goals in a battle log. It seems to be a good way to add continuity across challenges in order to work toward larger goals.
  14. It's always exciting to plan goals for the next challenge. Good job and good game!
  15. Yay! Looking forward to it.
  16. Great job on your challenge!!! I was just wondering if you were going to give yourself a final "stick-to-it-iveness" rating.
  17. Congrats on finishing another great challenge! Very nice progress, and good work. I have the same problem with my diet... trying to balance lots of exercise with calorie control. It's a scout's problem!
  18. Challenge 15 Report 1. Activity Attend yoga class once a week- 3/4 Do push-ups 3 days per week- 9/12 Run 25 miles per week- 82/100 Grade: B 2. Eat Paleo diet- 16/28 (on break from MFP) Grade: D 3. Relax Meditate 5 x 10 minutes per week-17/20 Acupuncture 2 x per week 6/8 Grade: B 4. Learn Learn Japanese- Watch 2 Japanese films or TV shows per week- None 2/8 Make a list of 20 Japanese vocabulary words, and memorize it (in progress) /1 Grade: NP Not the most productive challenge, but I did do a couple of things... Conjuring up some exciting things for next challenge. I think the focus will be-- go outside! More on that soon...
  19. How big is that good boy? Cannot tell from the pic Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  20. Yummo, fried plantains!
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