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Everything posted by Brometheus

  1. BROTANKS! I <3 your challenge. What a great way to get back into gymnastics!
  2. Hey! Good to see you back here! You're going to do selection after the heavy, right?
  3. I'd still avoid peanuts: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-bad-is-peanut-butter-really/#axzz2eyXHuH00 And the differences between primal / paleo? I really think it's too small to worry about. We went from having a huge divide in regards to saturated fat, dairy; to having a lot of people doing paleo drinking raw milk and eating bacon without worry. I'd say there was a bigger difference 3-5 years ago than today. Nowadays I see less of a distinction to think about. I'd also recommend reading this: http://chriskresser.com/beyond-paleo-moving-from-a-paleo-diet-to-a-paleo-template
  4. Progress! And damn. All that food looks incredible... *drool*
  5. I love the plan. Working towards being healthy is awesome!
  6. Brometheus


    Ewwwwwwwwwwwww soy milk. And can someone tell me why people don't think coffee is part of the paleo diet?
  7. Me too! I've seen it 3 times. Real3D, then (fake) Imax 3D at AMC, then the real Imax 3D. WOW. 80 feet wide, and six stories high. So ridiculous. It was serious monster / robot overload, and I loved every minute of it! On a side note: If I ever bother to see another movie in the imax format, I'm taking the time to go to Seattle. It's the same price, and the sheer overload of the screen size is worth it.
  8. After the meetup, other things happened. We dominated the world. DIE EAGLE KING DIE! It was great meeting y'all!
  9. Mmmmmmm love the kevita. Have you had the zingy lemony flavored one yet? It's my favorite so far... Hope the energy starts to stabilize soon! And yes lifting tips! Always nice to work on improvements!
  10. Brometheus


    Depends. I drink it 1-2x a week. My goal is that coffee is not a crutch to make me sociable, happy, or energized. If a pot of coffee is normal, I'd look at doing a caffeine fast for 30-60 days to see how much it's affecting you. If you're just drinking 1-3 cups a day, I wouldn't really worry about it, unless you're having issues sleeping or something. Also, when I say "coffee" I mean black coffee, or something with heavy whipping cream in it. Flavorings or other stuff isn't coffee.
  11. Yup. Vacation next week. Get to hang out with Chammy and Loren on Tuesday. I'll make sure to post some pics.
  12. REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?! WHO THE HELL IS DOING THEIR PROGRAMMING! I'm going to leave this here. To hopefully fix all of this.
  13. imma just going to leave this here too. http://www.buzzfeed.com/samstryker/24-cats-who-are-celebrating-shark-week-9ibk *nods* Shoulder work after should work? I predict doms.
  14. I've not had woodchuck crisp. How is it?
  15. Exactly. Having one meet under my belt, my advice is to have fun, and enjoy it. All you're doing it putting numbers on the board. You can worry about being competitive after you've done 2 or 3 meets [iMO]. Make sure to bring plenty of food that you know you like eating. I swear, I spent half of the day waiting just to lift. http://articles.elitefts.com/training-articles/powerlifting-articles/tips-for-your-first-raw-powerlifting-meet/ http://articles.elitefts.com/training-articles/pl-newbie-guide/
  16. 2.1 Meditation: Done. Didn't do much today. Except work. Drank some crispin cider after work [omg so delicious]. Planning a workout for tomorrow, after work. If I don't go, please feel free to give me a bad time. Or make fun of me, whatever.... Haven't been in a while, so I think I'll have some fun. Currently I'm thinking about doing something like this. Rack pulls [heavy double] + 500/400/300/200/100m row [2 minute break between rows] + bicep curls
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