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  1. I started playing a kalimba this week, it's much easier than a violin. Learned the main bit of Avatar's Love and Suzume.
  2. I wish I were actually chillin'. It's super hot. I am back from my vacation and a little late for the challenge, oops. Close enough. I have but one goal this challenge, and it is to do some conscious self-care every day. (Ie. not mindless phone gaming that I fall into without thinking about it, but purposefully chosen, nourishing activity that I want to do.) This is a stressful time of year at the best of times as the library gears up for the summer rush, and I have so much work that I have to take it home to work on it on my own time. This means that work is intruding on personal time, and there are a bunch of deadlines hanging over me. So I need to make sure I take time where I set all of that aside and do things for myself. That's it, that's all.
  3. I borrowed a violin from the library recently, its my first time trying this instrument. Main quest Play the violin
  4. Hi, I'm Bailo, this is my first Challenge here. 🕺🪩🎶 Since I started late, I'll probably just be copy+pasting this and continuing it next month. Let's get into it! Challenge 1: Mindful Morning Meditation - Wake after first alarm, and open curtains, plug in string lights, drink water - Sit in front of window either upstairs or (ideally) downstairs - Meditate on gratitude, come back to the phrase "I deserve peace and happiness" Challenge 2: You Gotta Fight for Your Right to ¡Bailar! - Decide on which Zumba playlist/songs to dance to & which songs to cooldown to - Change into gym shorts and thin workout shirt - Stretch & drink water, make sure waterbottle is nearby - Dance for 30 minutes following YT videos - Light core exercises for 5-10 minutes (music, no video) - Cooldown stretch (music, no video) Challenge 3: You Always Find Something on a Hike - Walk an average of 2 mi a day, with rest days - Hide a painted rock or two - Find a painted rock! - Arrange rocks, leaves, sticks, flowers, mushrooms, etc. to make art - See a cool animal (bonus points for skunks! just don't get sprayed...) - Have a nice interaction with a stranger Challenge 4: Play Hard, Rest Hard - Make sure to use a fidget toy or stim app once a day at least - Take time to just sit and meditate, and do nothing else - Sit and stare at my cat, and just be with her - Find new good music to relax to, and to boost my energy - Doodle to destress, don't try to make the drawing perfect Challenge 5: Wax On, Wax Off - Find one YouTube channel with good Tae-Kwon-Do videos - Memorize the tenants for white belts - Practice the white belt form until it's memorized - Stretch & core exercises before every practice - Lots of water during practice - Start with just 10 minutes of practice, work up to 15, then 20
  5. Well, The Doom(TM) has finally arrived. I've been given a lay off notice and only have a job through the end of June. So, priority #1 is finding new employment. But, I'm also a busy parent, coach, and athlete, so I can't let any of that stuff fall by the wayside either. This is going to suck. In light of the Teetering Tavern theme, I'm going to have some counters running for my goals this challenge! Goal one: apply for jobs! One point for each job applied for, aiming for as many as I can, until someone hires me. Goal two: eat more healthy meals than junk food. My definitions are a little fuzzy, but generally healthy meals will have lots of veggies and protein, and junk is everything that doesn't. Obviously I am going to keep exercising every day, at least a little bit, but at this point I think it's safe to say that's just something I do not a challenge, so I'm not going to track it here. My tally counters, for easy copy/paste for future updates: Jobs applied for: 0 Food goal met: 0 (Healthy meals: 0/junk meals: 0)
  6. This challenge is an effort to document happy times. Main quest -Step 1: if I think of a happy memory, make a note -Step 2: immediately review previous happy memories
  7. I've finally broken through my weight loss plateau! As of this morning, I've been under 180lb for a week, weighing in at 178lb today. Goals/plan hasn't changed from last challenge, so cut and paste: For this challenge, my plan is: Stay hydrated - something I've been having trouble with as the weather starts warming up again, so I need to pay attention or my workouts are going to suffer. Limit snacking - I have a tendency to boredom eat, especially before bed. I'm trying to only snack when I'm legitimately hungry, with the ultimate goal of also making them healthy snacks. Workout habit - trying to rebuild my old habits, but since it's been a few years, I keep struggling with it. My current goal is 3x a week with no limit on what counts. Costuming - our next convention will be Dragoncon end of August, so working to get costumes ready. Still working on my Art of Bianca Patch and Gator costume, plus the wife has pulled out Mandos to work on. Now to see how far we can get in the next 5 weeks.
  8. Short summary of The Doom (TM): My manager is a terrible manager and maybe not a great human, and either my current position is going to force me to move somewhere I don't want to live or I find a new job and move somewhere I do want to live, to the extreme disappointment of my children (because they've moved a bunch recently and like where we currently live). There are no solutions to this situation that are good for everyone and it sucks. Why is The Doom (TM) impending? Because as part of being terrible, my manager doesn't talk to me. So she hasn't actually initiated anything related to me having to relocate, so I have no idea when I'm going to be out of a job. And so far my efforts to find new employment have yielded a bunch of screening interviews followed by "no thanks." So I'm stuck in very uncomfortable limbo, simultaneously trying to low-key get ready for a move and continue with my life as if nothing is changing. No stress there at all! /s So, what am I doing? Step one: find a new job. Apply for a minimum of 2 jobs/week, more is better. For zero week, I applied for 3 jobs on Monday, and somehow have a call with one of them on Wednesday! Step two: eat healthy. Have I mentioned I play and coach roller derby? I'm trying to lose fat while also making sure I'm staying fueled for playing competitive full-contact sports on roller skates. It's been tricky, though I have managed to have a little bit of success. I got access to a diet plan tailored for that at the start of the month, but because life has been bonkers I haven't been able to do anything with it. But I'm going to follow it now! Zero week is going to be getting everything sorted out for that so I'm ready to go at the start of Week One. Step three: exercise. In addition to the 3 - 4 days of practice, I need to do cross training. For the rest of March, it's going to be finishing up the Core Challenge my team is doing. After that, it's probably going to be a somewhat random mix of weight lifting via the NF app, yoga, pilates, and using the new (used) spin bike I just acquired with classes through the YMCA app. If you've been following me for a while, you will not that there's not really anything new here. I'm just continuing to iterate on the same ideas until I find the version of it that I can stick with and gives me the results I want. I think I'm getting close!
  9. I've been bouldering indoors for over a year now. Thought about hangboarding before but didn't actually do that much of it. Main quest - Fit in hangboarding somewhere in my weekly training routine
  10. Hey guys, I've made it to my fourteenth challenge, which has brought Bilbo to mind, as the lucky fourteenth member of the dwarfs' party. I would've made an extensive title using his line "from under the hill and over hills and under hills his path has led," but that felt a lot longer than last challenge's "Off the Beaten Path." I'm satisfied with my efforts so far this year to attempt to do Turkish Get-Ups three times a week, and very pleased with how well I've been doing going on a walk during my lunch breaks! I could bring my bike to make distance more feasible, but even taking it slow and easy allows me such delights as yesterday when I encountered a squirrel and mockingbird! I'm contemplating how best to orient my goals, and I think continuing to encourage myself to walk in addition to my three full body workouts is a great boost to my brain even if it's demanding to know when I'll give it video games and mindless scrolling. 🥲 I clearly need to establish this behavior to maintain some distance from my devices, and sustain the opportunity to enjoy real air. Goals: Three days of doing Turkish Get-Ups each week, bonus points for doing them with weights One to five days walking while on my lunch break, bonus points for observation of wildlife Continue to maintain my Sudoku puzzle streak, and bonus points for having at hand a book or Zemi, rather than a device, if I'm good to stay snuggled in the couch I think that's good for my agenda of starting small as I build up my momentum from the respawn. Having walks on my lunch break really isn't something I would've considered since my days of playing Pokemon Go, but I'm liking the direction it's taking me. And hopefully that and the TGUs will add up in a good blend of improving my attitude toward my physical well-being. I hope you've had a good day, and I look forward to seeing you around this challenge. ❤️ Maerad
  11. Last challenge I did a bunch of thinking about where I am at right now in life, how I am spending my time, and what I would like to change and stay the same in future. It was rather a lot, and I am not going to rehash it, but it is here for reference for anyone who would like to catch up. There are four things that I'd like to work on for this challenge period. 1. A few challenges back, I made a list of places that I could go to meet people. I haven't really followed up on that. Now, it is the depths of winter so some people are hibernating, but indoor activities are shelters from the cold. So I'm going to drag out that list, make sure it's up to date, and get myself out to clubs and events and things. I would like to attend four in-person things that are not my regular D&D group, but this may depend on the schedule. It is okay to not click with the people, or to find that it's not my thing. What matters is to try. 2. One of the things that negatively affects me but that I can control is the piles of stuff I have around. Not physical stuff (mostly), but informational stuff. It makes me feel like I'm always behind - very FOMOish. I am going to try using the Konmari method that has worked so well for me for physical stuff on my informational stuff. I've made a list of all of the different "baskets" where things have piled up, and I'm going to set aside time every day (more or less, depending on the day) to go through the pieces one by one and think about whether this email list/podcast subscription/etc. adds value to my life and makes me happy. Do I look forward to it or consume it out of duty? Do I need and use the information? Are there individual episodes of this that I can get rid of, even if the list itself is valuable? And so on. Hopefully I will be able to remove a lot of stuff I no longer want and leave myself with things I really value. I will not finish this in this challenge, but a start is always good. 3. I've fallen into a negative mindset, where I have lost faith in my own inner strength and resilience. I need to find ways to build my self-esteem and self-confidence, to feel like I matter, and to just help myself be more emotionally stable and in control. I'm not 100% sure what this will look like, but I'm kind of hoping that #1 and #2 will help with this. I may try meditation or gratitude journalling or just mindfully highlighting beautiful moments. I may work on prayer on another more spiritual angle. I may just try finding things to counter the negative thoughts that tear me apart. I really haven't decided yet. But there's still a few days before the challenge starts to figure it out. 4. As a step towards #3 and also a nod towards exercise, I'm going to take a walk every day. It can be short or long, alone or with someone else. But a walk. Every day. Even to the end of the driveway and back if I really cannot force myself to do more than that. Happy challenge all!
  12. In Schroedinger's famous thought experiment, the cat in the box is both alive and dead but neither state would exist until it was observed. I am at what I hope will be an inflection point in my health and by the end of this challenge I expect I will either be in a good place, exercising again regularly and losing weight. Alternatively I could be continuing on my downward spiral. We won't know until it is observed This challenge will be off to a slow start because I will be on holiday for Chinese New Year and healthy habits will not happen. However, I will be back to real life the end of next week. However, the first week of March I will be starting a new job and I still do not know what the hours will be. It should be 10-15 hours per week excluding travel time, which will probably be an additional 10 hours per week. Because of this it is hard to predict what kind of structures and routines I will need to start creating new healthy habits but something needs to happen. Broad challenge items will be: Food - I really need to get my food intake under control. Baseline will be no sugary snacks once the vacation ends. If I can only maintain this bare minimum the cat in the box will be dead. If I can maintain my old eating regime (one large meal per day, one healthy snack, lots of water) the cat will be alive. Exercise - This one is tricky to predict. At a minimum I need to get more steps in. For the last 10 years I have been walking with Ghostlet to school in the morning but now that he is in High School he either takes his bike or the subway. Instead of starting ach day with 5,000 steps I am usually ending each day with closer to 500. This needs to change so the bare minimum for this challenge will be to have a walk of at least 15 minutes at least 5 days a week. If I only reach this bare minimum, the cat in this box will be dead. Ideally I want to not only be walking but also getting in some longer walks, running, or some other form of cardio. Also, I need to get back into strength training but I do not know if I will have time to be going to the park regularly, I am going to focus on pullups and pushups at home, ideally at least 5 times per week, with a minimum of 5 pullups and 10 pushups per session. If I can hit at least these goals, this cat will be alive. Piano - I want to keep up my recent progress on the piano. If I can learn a new song by the end of the challenge, this cat will be alive. If I don't practice at least 4x per week, don't go looking for this cat Other - I might come up with some other goal. I might not. We won't know until we open that box
  13. Ok, well, I'm being slightly dramatic. But, I have a meeting with my manager on Friday, and I'm pretty sure this is going to be when I finally get told I need to relocate to somewhere I'm not willing to live. Which is, in some fashion, going to seriously upend my life, and there is a very real possibility I will find myself unemployed. So, I'm clearly not freaking out about that at aaallllllllll... Ahem. Anyway... To quote Nick Fury, because I can't find a gif of it, until such time as the world ends, I intend to proceed as if it means to spin on. So I am going to continue with my plans, while probably also low-key trying to get things organized for moving (again...), because it's either I go where my current job is telling me to or I go where the new job is. -Exercise! At least 30 minutes, every day. It was 20 last challenge, but it went well, and I need 30 minutes minimum to count for off-skates exercise points for derby travel team eligibility. 3-4 days a week are derby practice of some variety, aiming to do a mix of lifting, running, and pilates/yoga for the remainder. -Eat! Enough, but not too much. I dug out one of my "diet" meal plans a couple weeks ago and have been following it, and it seems to be working. It's basically a calorie-controlled whole foods diet. So, only a "diet" in the sense of counting calories, otherwise it's just generally eating healthy. I have been eating somewhere between 1200 and 1500 calories a day, which sounds like not a lot, especially with all the exercise, but that seems to be what it takes for me to lose weight. If I start having issues with not being fueled for all that exercise, I will increase the calories as needed. -Find a New Job! I have a screening call for a potential new job tomorrow, but in addition to that, I need to be searching for and applying for more jobs. Going to aim for a minimum of 2 jobs applied for per week, unless/until I find something new. I should probably aim for a higher number, but it is hard to find things I'm qualified for and I don't have tons of time to search, so 2 is a good number for now. If I find myself unemployed, I'll have lots of time and that number will go up. But here's hoping it doesn't come to that!
  14. Never thought I'd be a flosser but here we are. Main quest Floss every day
  15. I wish I could say that I came up with shiny fancy New Year's goals, but that would be a lie. What I HAVE realized is this: - I will not start feeling less overwhelmed unless I deal with the causes of the overwhelm; - I am terrible at time management; - I am probably doing a lot of things that don't serve my ultimate goals; - My life is going to change a lot once my son leaves home later this year; - I have not really thought about what I want my life to look like for a while. So I think, for this challenge, I need to deal with those things. I need to figure out what's really important to me. Start paring away things/commitments that don't fit in with where I want to be going so I can make room for things that will. What am I doing now that I shouldn't? What am I NOT doing that I should? Basically, I need to run a Level 50 process on my life again. I'm going to be experimenting with this over this challenge to figure this out. Probably trying things and adjusting as needed. For the beginning, I'm going to pay attention to what I do each day and how long I spend doing it, and looking at what "free" time I have and how I want to be using it. Not super SMART, but it's still necessary data collection and analysis.
  16. Last year I tried something new to try getting back on track and well... I haven't made any progress over the past year due to lack of consistency and no clear plan, then turned 40 last week with massive back pain due to a pulled muscle from sleeping wrong. So I'm restarting Challenges with their known schedule and keeping goals super simple to build some momentum. For this challenge: 1) Hydrate - with the cold swing, I've been letting myself get dehydrated too often and it's getting in the way of everything. I need at least 2 bottles of water a day, preferably 3. 2) PLP - nice and simple checkbox to get me moving again. I'll go with month+day reps (so starting with 1+1=2 for today) to have a built in deload come February. 3) Mando Costume - this is supposed to be my big costume for Pensacon this year, and I've got less than 2 months to finish. So hopefully I'll have lots of progress pics to post here.
  17. Not my most glamorous challenge butt whatever. Main quest 30 poops under 10 min is a win
  18. A week of sitting with this has not produced any sparks of inspiration, so I am going to repeat what I did last time with minor tweaks. This time, I will not do a long-term help-me-of-the-future goal, mostly because me-of-the-present is going to need some attention. I am going to add in one task-oriented, time-bound goal. I have also reached the point on the task list where it should only grow occasionally if I am working on it daily, so I want to see that list get smaller. Copy/paste from last time: Ongoing habits: Exercise after my coming-home laundry routine Washing and prayer on hearing my alarm (if I am home and able) Reading NerdFitness when.... I still don't have a good habit here, but read it! Get rid of one thing every day Work on at least one task from my task list. Preferably, leave the list shorter than it was at the start of the day New shiny things for this challenge: Look for opportunities to meet/interact with new people. I need to research and schedule this rather than leaving it to the serendipity of the day. It may not be every day, especially now that the weather is unpleasant, and that is okay as long as it is still happening according to plan. Read every day Work on something that helps me long-term every day-ish Make or buy Christmas presents. I need 2-3 for immediate family members, and 7 small coworker gifts. I have done nothing.
  19. Assassin related discussions! *Note: You can participate in guild discussions regardless of your chosen guild. Every building can be climbed, every gap can be jumped, and every obstacle can be conquered. Assassins spend most of their time training with functional body-weight exercises, as that's usually the only thing they need to lift. Gymnasts and parkour enthusiasts would fit into this category. * Fictional example: Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed 2), Oliver Queen (Arrow); Elektra (Marvel) * Real-world example: Kacy Catanzaro of American Ninja Warrior fame; Damien Walters, professional stuntman, gymnastics coach, and free-running professional * Example Activities: Parkour, gymnastics, bodyweight strength, dance & aerials, etc.
  20. "The gunslinger came awake from a confused dream which seemed to consist of a single image" Roland awoke by the ruins of the campfire to find himself ten years older. His black hair had thinned at the temples and gone the gray of cobwebs at the end of autumn. The lines in his face were deeper, his skin rougher. SUMMARY In order to become who I want to be, I need to up my game. The past challenge was a massive failure. Like Roland, I had a dream that lasted too long only to wake up in a strange beach, years later, without a clue of what was going on, and losing part of the skills I´d worked so hard for (thankfully, not lost fingers, only fitness levels). So I'm still far from where I need to go. So, two steps forward, one step back. I lost momentum, gained some weight, but I´m respawning. I can do that, right? I will get to my tower. I´ve decided to penalize myself with a level down, and a stat drop to reflect the lost terrain. GOALS The man in black shuffled the cards with flying, merging rapidity. The deck was huge, the design on the backs of the cards convoluted. "These are tarot cards," the man in black was saying, "a mixture of the standard deck and a selection of my own development Watch closely gunslinger. I’m going to tell your future" The hanged man the man in black said. The darkness had given him back his hood. “Yet here, in conjunction with nothing else, it signifies strength and not death. You, gunslinger, are the Hanged Man, plodding ever onward toward your goal over all the pits of Hades." I will get fit. I will become better. I´ll exercise once more +5 STR if avg 3 workouts per week. The sailor Note the clear brow, the hairless cheeks, the wounded eyes. He drowns, gunslinger, and no one throws out the line. Your diet.†+3 CON if avg meal is paleo friendly. +2 CHA if 2kg lost (or visible change for the better). The lady of shadows “Does she look two-faced to you, gunslinger? She is. A veritable Janus.†She represents the distractions. One side looks at work, the other looks at something to procrastinate. Must avoid one and focus on the important. +2 WIS for focusing more on work Dominion / Ruin "Your choice, gunslinger. Take control of your life, or allow chaos to permeate it." +1 STA for succesfully completing the challenge. LSQ The magician Training of skills. Because. +1 DEX for training of pen spinning skills. +1 WIS for practicing drawing/sketching. MOTIVATION LGN MINIQUESTS none yet.
  21. This challenge will focus on learning new moves. 'New" in this case usually means learning variations or modifying existing moves, I'm working around a knee injury, so it limits the movements I'll be able to learn. Which is good, because there's too much to learn Main quests -Look for new movements online -Learn/practice those movements -Improve process for finding and learning movements (offline, slo mo/frame by frame viewing, side by side comparison, ways to learn movements faster, a schedule/reminder system for retaining learned movements) Side quest -Explore movement on my own to discover 'new' movements (new to me, anyway)
  22. I like the format that I had last time, so I am going to keep it: some habits that I am maintaining/building, plus some goals to work on. Here are my habits from last time (that will continue, because that is how habits do): Ongoing habits: These shouldn't need much explanation, being repeats and all. Exercise after my coming-home laundry routine Washing and prayer on hearing my alarm (if I am home and able) Reading NerdFitness when.... I still don't have a good habit here, but read it! Get rid of one thing every day Work on at least one task from my task list - this one was new last challenge, but I found the slight gamification of the random item from a list (which I have been doing for years for todo lists) really made the amount of overhanging work less stressful and even something to look forward to, because I didn't have to make any decision on what was being done. Thinking about the stuff, trying to remember it all, and trying to decide where to even start is a quick path to overwhelm for me. Fair warning - this list is going to get longer in fits and starts for a while before it starts to get consistently shorter just because some of the stuff on the list will get broken into smaller tasks by their very nature, and I'm okay with that. It's an illusion (or perhaps an unveiling of the true amount of work); work is still getting done even if the number is rising. New shiny things for this challenge: These ones might. Look for opportunities to meet/interact with new people every day Read every day Work on something that helps me long-term every day-ish Read every day is fairly self-explanatory. It also feels a bit like cheating; I already read every single day at work on my breaks and lunch. But I only read in non-English languages then, and so my English book pile has grown a lot. So if I can persuade myself to read more OUTSIDE of work, that would be a good thing. It's not like I have all these books because I'm not interested in their contents, after all. (Sometimes I will we could absorb information through touch though.) Working on something for the future is also a carryover from last time (though a mostly neglected one). For the purposes of this challenge, a task in this category has to be something that Future Me will thank Past Me for doing, not in a catching-up sense, but because it makes my life permanently (or at least semi-permanently) better in some way. Examples from past challenges include sorting out my investment portfolio, making an organizational system for work, writing a will, and altering my shopping trolley so that it could hold weight better. All things that I did once and that took some work upfront, but that I am still benefiting from. I don't have anything top of mind for this goal, so I should probably brainstorm a list of options! Last but not least is the first of my shiny goals. It is the most challenging one. I have lived in my new town for about a year and a half now, and I really don't know very many local people. I also don't really know anyone who shares any of my hobbies, so I have no one to talk to about those things. I can get kind of down about that, but I'm also not really doing anything to change the situation either. So... I should probably put in the work rather than hoping a magic fairy finds me some people I can be friends with. This could be attending a local event, starting a conversation while shopping/otherwise out (which may involve making a special effort to go out), volunteering (the second-best way to meet people after working in town!), or anything similar. There are going to be a lot of days where I cannot realistically go out, so joining in a conversation on one of the Discord servers I joined for hobby-based chatter will also be acceptable. I just don't want that to be my easy way out, with no effort made to meet local humans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's it, that's all! (Though I think it's plenty.) On with the challenge!
  23. Not really sure what to do for this challenge. Going to visit Japan, which is nice.
  24. I've been into fitness for the past few years and made a decent amount of progress ( 140ish down to currently 122 ) but I'm ready to get more serious about it. In the past I have focused on weightlifting but now I have the goal of wanting to try out a new job that will require a lot of cardio so I gotta hone in on that a lot more than I have in the past, still want to get strong though as that's where my heart is! Excited to get back on the grind after being away from home for 5 months >:)
  25. Alright, Mags. You've got this. Don't back down. "Avens, Magnolia?" the quidditch captain looked up as he read her name aloud. A young second-year student with unkempt dark-brown hair stepped forward hesitantly. "Alright, show us what you've got." The next thing she knew, Mags was handed a broom and four other students were up in the air with the quaffle, throwing it around. "C'mon and catch it," one of them shouted. No! Mags wrestled with herself, Why are you freaking out? This is what you expected, wasn't it? Get up there and get it! She mounted her broom, kicked off, and sped up toward the other students, the wind whistling in her ears. She was almost to them. It felt great to be gliding through the air like this. Then the wind was blowing her hair in her face and she looked down. Instead of continuing to climb, she began to lower herself slowly, at a comfortable pace and anxious to get back on solid ground. "You're going the wrong way," one student above laughed, tossing the quaffle across the way to another. "I know!" Mags shouted back, holding tears in with a concerted effort. She wasn't sure if she was more scared of her immediate predicament or embarrassed for deciding to try out for the team when she knew she was afraid of heights. Why did I come here in the first place? She landed and handed the broom back to the quidditch captain. "Thanks for letting me try," she said sourly, trying to ignore the fact that she'd just made a fool of herself in front of one of the most popular boys in the school. Everybody knew Arch after last year when he led Gryffindor to win the house cup for the first time in four years. "Listen, Avens," Arch said as he took the broom before Mags had a chance run off, "I don't know if you've noticed, but you're the only second-year here. Don't beat yourself up for trying. If the heights bother you, work on doing handstands to feel better about being disoriented. Come back when you're ready." "Thanks." Mags walked to the greenhouses to work on an herbology assignment, but instead of being frustrated like she'd been only a moment before she was determined to give it a go and get onto the team next year. Now to figure out how to do handstands... ~~~~~ Thought it would be fun to write a character and base goals off of the story. We'll see if I've got the bandwidth to keep it up, but I do have a goal to shoot to do a handstand by next summer. Right now it's really just working off some excess weight and doing that by being consistent with staying ahead of my fork and getting out to move regularly. Plan is to do that for a while until it becomes second nature and then bust out my old Handstands course to work through over the winter/spring. If I don't get to the handstand by the summer, that's fine. The important thing is that I create something sustainable and stick with it. I used to be really tough on myself if I skipped days or overate or whatever but that wasn't a great long-term strategy, so trying to be nicer to myself and figure out how to be consistent instead. Fitness: Walk a minimum of 5x each week (anything counts). Nutrition: Shoot to keep calories under 1500 for 5 days per week. Mindset: Write a plan up for each day the night before. Will fill these out at the beginning of each new week for the previous week: Fitness Nutrition Mindset __ Su __ Su __ Su __ M __ M __ M __ T __ T __ T __ W __ W __ W __ R __ R __ R __ F __ F __ F __ Sa __ Sa __ Sa Looking forward to making some progress along with all of you here. ~Chaser Avens
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