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    • Apparently I never posted what I wrote midweek about my friend’s birthday hike! It truly was a balm for the soul! I didn’t realize how much I needed that time in nature until I was out in the forest. We hiked down to the ocean and saw wildflowers, sea stars, moon snails, and sea lions. The weather was not the best - drizzly and a bit windy down by the water, but the company was delightful. Best rainy picnic I can recall!   On the drive out, I was sharing the small semi-rural roads with the cycling leg of an IronMan half. Mr. Radost and I drove past the runners in the morning and I was looking it up. The write up was a bit funny for a local, not just the “majestic peaks and rugged shores” of this “hidden gem” (just outside the provincial capital) but the “pristine swim” in the famously goose-poop filled local lake, lol. The 10k loop around the lake is pretty and easy - I like to go there when I need a boost, it’s delightfully flat - but I wouldn’t want to do it twice in a row. But the athletes are super inspiring! There’s a hill on the bike route, I’ve ridden up it…or rather I rode halfway up it and walked the rest of the way. 😅    D&D went well despite me shirking my DM duties. I’m still looking for a way to tie this “dungeon” to some stuff I have planned down the line, but it’s playing out pretty cool and my players have had some fun creative moments in it, which is always a highlight for me.    Hike photos!    
    • Didn't make it into the park. I think there was some sort of race thing happening. Decided to find the little lake thing that I knew was somewhere near my work and walked around that. Nice, but if I want to do it again,  I should probably invest in bug spray.    Did all the cooking and portioned the two meals. Shredded chicken into a bowl; need to portion it tomorrow.    Painted left and right nails. Two right nails got messed up, hope to redo them tomorrow    And painted 3 backgrounds. Didn't achieve what I wanted on one of them. I'll still use it, but I'm going to end up doing at least 1 more.  
    • Welcome back! Parkour sounds awesome 🙂 It sounds like you've found a great group!  Are there any goals on your Epic Journey of Awesome that you want to share? 
    • I made a thing! I think it belongs here.  
    • A very good day, all in all. I woke with a headache, and felt dismayed, as though I had personally failed, which was a sad way to feel, and also let me know that I was in need of a pill more than I was aware; sometimes when the head issues get really entrenched, the emotionality is the biggest part of it. I am not a failure, of course. I took a pill and made tea, and both of these things were the right things to do.   By the time Vivian came, I was feeling much more centered and human again, and I wasn’t in pain. All of this is good.   Around noon I drove over and fed the dog, then came back and we had a lunch of the lovely chicken salad that I had made on Friday. It was all the better for having chilled overnight. Someone please remind me how simple and cheap this is! (I mean, unless you’re not at home; then it would be a massive pain.) It’s also perfect for leftover rotisserie chicken, or you can plan for leftovers, serving the drumstick quarters of the rotisserie or roasted chicken and then reserving the white meat for the chicken salad the next day, which means a second meal and even less cooking time. What’s not to love?   We watched a couple episodes of My Hero Academy and then had some resting time before meeting up with @RES for what was—honest!—supposed to be a quick match of Beat Saber. Friends, we played for nearly an hour. Vivian was amazing (per the usual) and a good time was had by all. RES got an S rating a couple times, because she’s just that good (and because Imagine Dragons is inspiring and fun).   After Vivian went home, I packed up and went to feed the dog. I’m at the doghouse for the night, and will go back in the late morning to meet Vivian at the Loft.    Life is good. ❤️ 
    • Faire was a bust. Turns out it's actually being shut down due to an ADA complaint. Still had a nice time with work friend   Did wind up having wheat today just because of limited food options while out today, but I have avoided sugar and done everything else I was supposed to.    I'm ridiculously tired though  
    • I did it!!  Sewing level up! I made pants, and they fit, and I'm sooooo excited.  And I will even make them again, but not right now.  Pics later when I have time  
    • With regards to sitting in hoop skirts... a crinoline isn't actually a stiff cage, so it's not as difficult as it sounds. It takes some planning and practice, compared to a single-layer skirt or pants, but  for someone used to wearing hoop skirts, taking a seat when they felt a need for it was probably a pretty easy thing to do. For those of us who rarely wear hoop skirts, I present this instruction video:    
    • This makes me very happy to hear 
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