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    • Sounds like it was a great trip, even if a tad shorter than planned.
    • My shit is semi-together. I've done another medium-length run, 7 miles at a reasonably snippy pace, and yoga on the non-running days. The run was great. End of work on Friday and the sun was setting. I did the last mile or so in near darkness, which made me a not nervous about the uneven ground since I have no desire to trip over again.  Today Flyer and I were planning to do an epic walk into town - which is like 15 miles or something, I don't know. We've done it a couple of times before. She kept getting stitches though. I don't know why because we were only walking, but she wasn't enjoying it so we found a tube station and took a train the rest of the way. Bit disappointed, but what can you do? And we still clocked up 26 thousand steps, which is more than a half marathon distance, between that and walking around town, visiting 3 bookshops and chit chatting and then traipsing home with our backpaxks full of loot.  I havent been eating well at all and the whole recording side of things has gone pout of the window really. Tomorrow is a big sitting on my arse day, but I will do some yoga at least. 
    • Nah, just trying to check on the folks who are on the same quest that I am.
    • If you're asking about random encounters, I cannot say. That would be against the randomness of their nature.   Very nice and welcome additions, thank you very much.
    • I hope the elbow behaves itself tomorrow. No mutinying allowed!
    • I have now reached the point where I no longer think this is a TBI thing and think this is a stomach bug-flu thing.  I am very glad my week was all accomplished and that I had nothing on my list of things to do for the weekend. Being sick still sucks, but the Universe seems to have a handy sense of scheduling.   I’m up now, made tea, and will probably watch an episode of something or other and then nap again. Feeling less queasy and dizzy and stuff, but pretty wiped out. Sometimes love is a cup of hot tea, a heating pad, a dark room, and your favorite throw blanket.
    • I'm new here and have been away from the gym for many years. I have spent my life yo-yoing in weight and fitness and am really hoping this time it sticks. Back around 2015 I was my most fit. I was lifting heavy, and I ran multiple mud races including the Tough Mudder and was generally in the top 1/3 time for females. And then I fell off track and am now at my heaviest. I would like to lift heavy and do a bit of cardio. My goal is to go to the gym at least 3 times  a week. I started back Sept 3rd and have so far gone 3-4 times a week. Back in 2015 I had been doing Stronglifts 5x5, and not sure if I want to go back to that or not. I'm at a Planet Fitness, which isn't the most ideal place for heavy lifting but I wanted to start here for the location convenience and cost to be sure I'm committed to going for a while and then reevaluate if I need a gym with better freeweight options. I'm wanting a workout routine with upper body one day, lower body another day. I'd like a simple routine. I've seen some fitness people do all sorts of different exercises every time they hit the gym and unless that'd be super benefitial I feel like I lean more toward the group that does those basic core exercises (like squats and deadlifts) each time and try to progress on it. I finally felt comfortable enough at the gym to get on the smith machine today and I feel like I'm happy with the exercises I have chosen for lower body. Squat, Deadlift (currently trying romanian I think it's called but not sure if I prefer them to normal deadlifts), reverse lunges, and hip thrusts. Would you add or take away from this with different exercises? Upper body I still haven't solidified. Bench press for sure. In stronglift you also did barbell row and overhead press. Thoughts? Last question I had is, do I need 'sport shoes' for the gym? I have tried over the past week to get 'proper' shoes but after trying on dozens of pairs at The Running Room that feel comfortable, when I have tried a couple pairs at the gym they just don't fit right (I have very wide feet and even the 'wide' shoes aren't quite cutting it), where as my slip on sketchers I haven't had issues with.  I don't know if those types of shoes are supportive enough for lifting and some cardio. Other things about me are that I show and do sports (obedience, rally, scentwork, agility) with my 2 standard poodles
    • The rock shop looks so cool, and your tourmaline is beautiful! So swirly!
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