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    • 30 reverse plank kicks - 🐝  (well, that was a thing) 60 seconds balance hold - 🐝  (2x30 seconds - right leg was more wobbly)
    • Have a great time tonight and a safe trip!!!
    • Oh, I have no intention of quitting, that's just what all the bad thoughts are telling me to do. If I do end up with that team, I definitely won't be on their A team (at least not to start), but I'm sure I could be part of the league. But, I don't know yet what team I'm going to end up joining, or, with the other potential job still in play, even where exactly I'll end up since the 2 jobs are on the very opposite sides of the metro area.
    • I've almost died laughing twice this past week.   The first time was with Flemish sitcom "Nonkels" ("Uncles"). It thrives on West-Flemish dialect and on ludicrous situations, but this one *really* knocked it out of the park. Watched the episode with brother-in-law, and he was as much in stitches as I was. I'd say it's so offensive that it crosses the line twice, but really, it crosses the line twice at first, and with each subsequent bit crosses it twice more. And it's one of the funniest things I've seen in a while because of that... 🤣   Context: The bearded gentleman (Christian) is the owner of a large garden supply store. A recurring character in the second season. Played by a well-known actor, comedian and singer who's from the town where I live! The one with Down syndrome (Gianni) is his employee. A recurring character in the second season. Played by someone with Down syndrome who expressed his dream of becoming an actor in a reality show a year prior to this series. The one with dwarfism (Wesley) is a friend of Christian from the golf club. A bit part. Played by a well-known stand-up comedian with dwarfism.   Wesley's role in the series is so minor that I suspect that he was only included specifically for this scene.   One of the main characters had just learned Wesley's name, and immediately mocked him with it, because there's a real Flemish cartoon called "Gnome Wesley", and well, the one with dwarfism is called Wesley. So Wesley was already a bit agitated when he arrived in Christian's office.   Cue this: Translation:         The second time was with a clip from Dutch stand-up comedian Jan-Jaap Van der Wal's new show.   Jan-Jaap Van der Wal is a Dutch comedian who's been living in Belgium for a few years now. Mainly does stand-up shows here, and presented a TV programme for a while, and is relishing his transition from Dutch to Belgian/Flemish. His previous stand-up show was titled "The New Belgian" for context. Now it's election week here, but since he's Dutch, he can't yet vote in Belgium. His new show is called "No vote." (or: "No voice." because the Dutch word is the same for both)   He starts by explaining that hasn't lived in Belgium enough years yet to be allowed to vote here. But he did have to vote in the Netherlands back in November.   His timing and delivery were spot on with this:   "I voted for Geert Wilders." (a right-wing extremist) (beat for audience murmuring) "I don't live there anymore anyway..."   😂
    • Ngl when I went to the ER the first time the doctor just causally said "some people have staph living in their nose" as a possible explanation I was like uhhh no thank you?
    • Busy day Saturday! I took a leave from my show choir to do Grease, but agreed to come and cosplay as Snow White for their end of year shows today/tonight. So rocking the wig, the gown, and the Disney princess attitude. Lots of little girls at the show this afternoon warning me “don’t eat the apple, Snow White!”  An evening show coming up in a bit, then the last sleep in my own bed for awhile, we leave for Athens tomorrow!
    • Um. So.   I may be able to offer some insights as someone whose meds are affected by body composition.   So something that hasn't come up in a while here that I deal with is that I have hypothyroidism. Which means I have to be medicated for my hypothyroidism. The dosage of that medication is absolutely affected by my size. For the longest time, I've been on the heavier side of normal - not obese by any standard, but inching upwards in my BMI (which, as a cis white dude, I can take to reflect me with a certain degree of accuracy). My med status reflects that, since the proper dosage is apparently tied to overall weight.   After I started losing weight some months ago, I started to notice that I had some real problems related to aggression and anger. Which, it turns out, may be signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism, meaning that I may be overdosing on my meds ATM. (the internet says that irritability is more likely, and I mean, OK, but doggonnit I live what I live).   I just got my bloodwork done about 10 days ago, so it remains to be seen, but it's definitely something that's on my mind as I undertake my own journey and as I'm on a cut again after having spent a few weeks at maintenance just to get used to the idea that "This is where I am now."   To try to make this useful for you: it may be wise to get your mental health professionals involved with your weight loss journey inasmuch as that's possible. Just to make sure that your normal remains in place as you undertake the journey. They might also be able to give you signposts about when to progress and when to maintain, so that you can remain on an even keel throughout the whole thing.   Just food for thought.
    • Had to go to city hall yesterday to pick up TimovieSon and TimovieDaughter's renewed Kids IDs. Went on foot during my lunch break to get my steps in for the day. Had initially planned on doing a workout, but Mrs. Movieman worked from home as well, and that's still a major blocker for me. Still not able to workout in front of her. Got to watch an epic match between Alcaraz and Sinner, though.   Brother-in-law came around in the evening. Dinner was Greek pitta and/or vegetarian green curry. Mrs. Movieman's idea - despite me being the one to actually make both. The kids weren't enthusiastic, but they'd eaten at school, so bread and cold cuts sufficed for them. Mrs. Movieman tried a bit of both dinners, while brother-in-law indulged in the vegetarian green curry (which he loved). So I had most of the Greek pitta. And a Cuba Libre to kick off the weekend. And I had eaten lunch. Not counting any calories, just ballparking 4K and moving on.       This morning, I was woken to eggs and bacon. Always nice. Made a trip to the recycling centre with some remaining clutter, and then did some work in the garden as well as pulling weed on the pavement again. Somehow got my step count over 10K with the yard work.   Also: Called it!   Pulled out the barbecue in the evening. So basically ate my weight in meat again. Then watched football - the last pre-European Championship friendly for Belgium. We won comfortably, but then, it was against Luxembourg. Not the hardest opponent...     Tomorrow is election day here. And Father's Day. So there will be breakfast. And we're going to my parents' in the afternoon, so there will be cake as well.   This weekend's a bust food-wise... 😇     Week 5   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 5h57 Steps               Avg. steps 14.28K Distance 36.17 km Workouts 1.2 Days with (mini-)workouts 2       Alcatraz still hasn't released their time table, but they have a poster with the bands ranked per day and per stage. I'm guessing that order is the order in which they'll perform. If that's correct, then this Belgian band will be the opening act on the first day. I had marked them as merely "okay", not as one of the many, many, MANY "green" bands. But if they're the opening act, then there's no overlap with other bands, so I'll be checking them out regardless. And they're definitely not bad. This song is proof of that.   Dyscordia - Twin Symbiosis
    • Knees are the worst. I hate them. One teeny little muscle pull, and it practically shuts down, and takes months to work the stiffness out of it, and then before that's done, it causes another teeny little muscle pull on the opposite side, and compensating for that makes another joint hurt, and before you know it, walking just sucks, and that makes your lower back hurt, and it's all because of some minor tweak months and months ago. Nothing should have that much power. I forbid it.   Yoga is helping, at least. It's working out the old stiffness, and it's doing... something to the new pull. Honestly, I'm having to be very careful of certain stretches and cheat the knee position slightly, but I'm working on the principle that a little controlled pain is probably a good thing. Some blood flow, some range of motion work, but nothing unsupported and nothing that hurts after I'm out of the stretch. Keep it at a one or a two instead of pushing through the stretch.   Everything sucks, and I will not trust the process, because that sucks, too.
    • Enjoy your camping trip; I hope you have great weather.
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