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    • I’m envious of your fire! Feels like we are under permanent fire bans here on the once-Wet Coast. Cinnamon and cedar are such wonderful offerings, too. Happy solstice, friend!   ~~~   Week 1 Roundup   Exercise: 🌟🌟🌟 Meditate: 🌟 Fun money: 🌟 Home & Hobbies: 🌟🌟   Bonus   Adventure:  Forums: 🌟 Photos: 🌟   Running total: 17 🌟   Is it just Week 1? Have I spent too much time looking in the Dayear Mirror and got my times mixed up? I was sure it was Week 2 already! 😅    Exercise this week was 1x yoga, 1x bodyweight workout, 1x Just Dance. I was worried I’d made a mistake with the workout, which involved lots of squats and lunges, when DOMS Lvl Very Stiff hit the next day and I was worried that day 2 would be DOMS Lvl Can’t Sit Down Or Use Stairs. But in fact it eased off to DOMS Lvl Slightly Stiff, and thank goodness because if I was dealing with both DOMS and menstrual pain I would be a very sad panda.    Home and hobbies, I spent an hour cutting grass by hand in my veggie patch and at the edges of flower beds where we don’t like to run the electric mower. We had a string trimmer but it quit working reliably last year so it went in the big dump run and I’ll hopefully replace it before next spring. I also made time for sewing and music and D&D prep (finally finished keying the dungeon they’re moving through, now I can quit stalling as they explore). I also spent a delightful half hour spinning in the garden with a gin cocktail and a favourite playlist. I freaking love having a backyard, especially one with such a nice mix of light shade and full sun. I might need to get a board to balance the spinning wheel on, though, because the ground isn’t super even and the footman was smacking the heck out of the treadle when the treadle didn’t descend fully.    I turned down the opportunity to host board games last night, put people off until July so I can count on next Saturday for an Adventure (currently thinking I’ll bike the rail trail as far as it goes and just…see what’s at the end). It was a decision made with much hemming and hawing and a major feeling I was letting friends down (someone else suggested it and I hate to say “sorry I can’t host” when I just don’t feel like it) but then my morning tea date went for over four hours and I was rather over-socialed, haha. We’ve been playing Legendary just the three of us, though, which is fun. G has been doing an online challenge through Reddit and got fired up to get a bunch more sets so there’s lots of new cards to try.    This week is the last week of school! Four more contact days, and then Friday is goodbyes in the morning and cleaning in the afternoon. I am SO READY. I’ll be working in the summer too, but I’ll have a week off in July and 2.5 in August, plus assorted short Fridays when the family I look after heads to the cabin for the weekend.    I’m offering myself a one-time bonus of 2🌟 available only this coming week, if I get the plants in the ground that are currently drying out in the yard. They are so sad! Sorry borage! Sorry tomatoes! I will get you in the ground!    A couple pics under the cut!  
    • [WEEK 1] Day 6 (6/22/24)   I went to hang out with my brother & we discussed a lot of side hustle stuff lol also played dnd! Diet - O - Eggs & Pancakes -  Cherries - almost an entire bag - Porkchop & Chips     Fitness - O Walking   Sidequest - A I slept 8 hours (10 pm to 6:30 am)!
    • So far, not a single cat has entered "the box". I have left one of the older boxes there and it's slowly getting dirtier. Here's hoping they use the new one before I can't stand the stench from the old one. I had even put a few bits from the stinky box in the new one so it will "smell right". One of the kitties I'm pretty sure has a compromised sense of smell and sight - but he can absolutely hear just fine (Teal'c - the kitty that has seizures - which are WAY down since I can properly dose him better with actual CBD treats rather than coating treats with CBD oil). So trying to get them to use the box without traumatizing them (or me). There's a 90 day return window so HOPEFULLY they'll all be using it in the next week or so - so I can finally have a cleaner and easier method of dealing with their literal excrement - and so can Mom when she's taking care of kitties if\when I'm out of town. On another front - Excursion brakes are now fixed. I MAY have neglected to mention that JUST before we went to NOLA - the right rear caliper pretty much exploded. We THANKFULLY had gone to dinner on the mountain (not down to the valley) and made it home before ALL of the brake fluid apparently squirted out. Like.... just barely. Hubby didn't realize something was wrong until the brakes weren't working quite as well on our way home - and didn't say anything until we were home. I'm cringing thinking about losing our brakes almost anywhere even on that drive. Anyhoo - the last of the parts came in last week. All new calipers, new rotors and pads on the rear (because one side was completely ruined, thankful they worked as long as they did) AND new, metal brake lines rather than the aging rubber ones (it IS a 2001 and all of that was original). Since we needed stuff NOW, hubby is not amused that we have red calipers and green pads showing - I just laughed and mentioned it'll all be black in a couple of months anyway. I don't care if they're hot pink as long as the vehicle STOPS when it's supposed to Since we aren't going to Hawaii, we're looking to finally put his Dad's property in Florida through probate so we can unload it. Hopefully before property values tank. If we can get what I think we can for that piece, we can get some "real" farm implements for our TN property and FINALLY pay off that last credit card - and maybe sock $$ away to redo the HVAC to boot. At least.... that's the plan if we can hop to it and get it done.
    • Again with not being able to fall asleep last night. FitBit says I finally was actually asleep just after 4. I slept until 8:30, but man, a girl can’t live like that.   There was nothing that needed doing, which was a relief.  I puttered about with dog things and tea, cleaning and packing as I went since today is the last day at the doghouse. I settled in with some knitting to watch a few episodes, which was nice. I got a text at 10:30 that The People would be back early, and I spent fifteen minutes finishing the packing and cleaning, loaded everything in the car, and settled in to finish the episode with tea and knitting, then relocated back to the Loft.   Gosh, I love my space. I have a new client meet and greet on the far end of town at 6. I’ve unpacked and settled in. The knitting (a basic stocking cap) is just at the point of starting the decreases, so I might knit a bit and then nap before I head to the next thing. This morning I decided that I’m going to close my bookings to existing clients soon — I just really enjoy my space and I’ve developed a nice clientele so far. This is about as many as I can handle without diminishing returns.   ❤️ 
    • Love the pics of Bronze living her beach life 😍 😍 😍  You are such a rockstar for a whole year sober!!! 
    • Dinner and dessert (pie heaven) still to come but check my macros so far!! 🤩 
    • I (34 FF/DDDD or 36F/DDD) can also recommend the Shock Absorber bras (I think I mostly used the Ultimate Run) and right now I have a Panache molded cup one that I like a lot. The only issue I have with it is that the clip to make a faux-racerback, the straps are nowhere near long enough to make it functional in my size.  Not as cheap as the Torrid one though. 😭 but sometimes you can grab a discontinued colour for a discount. 
    • At church this morning, I got an unexpected mid service promotion to Cantor. Our pastor is sick and two retired pastors were coving this morning. The presiding pastor got lost. Wasn't directly mic-ed, but apparently I project well enough for the room mic to pick me up. Video, should be cued to the relevant point.   Three of the vests I ordered arrived Friday. All of them actually fit fairly well, and I like two of them.  There are two things I don't like about the vest I wore today; it has these pocket that I hate, and an odd like cut out at the bottom. The front and the back don't align. One of the ladies is going to remove the pockets for me, and try to round the step some. Pictures I do like the way the front of it folds. It also has a hood, but I doubt I'll ever use that. 
    • @Scaly Freak it's This one.
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