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    • Brilliant `rookie and Winnie!!!!! ❤️ xx
    • Your father's silly. Al didn't invent global warming; he invented the internet.
    • I was too bold in posting that s’shot, my macros plummeted after remembering there was strawberry pie in the fridge! It was really good pie though  And i took the black dogs for an extra, post-dinner walk powered by pie.   oof, today will be busy. the good news is that the heat wave seems finally to have broken and the day is blue sky and crisp. Also perusing the program site for the conference I’m attending this week and it looks pretty great!   Today then: shower, get cute Dogwalk prep lunches (sheet pan chicken, should have been done y’day) 😬  breakfast, track, brush teeth walk to school morning meeting 1030 am gym, liftings lunch, track update membership for professional society prof society meeting 2 pm  write cover letter for Slippery Paper submit Slippery Paper!!! dance around in joy or otherwise take a beat to celebrate the above finalize talk (slides) for conference mentally sketch out first few minutes of the talk editorial pomodoro, 2 new suggested reviewers Walk home, pick up milk on the way Early bed, I’m really tired!!
    • An efficient treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) is Cenforce 120. Men who are looking for a dependable way to improve their sexual health may find that Cenforce 120mg is an invaluable ally. This article examines the importance of Cenforce 120 in treating ED and how it affects men's general health. Cenforce 120 is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) that contains sildenafil citrate as its active component. It functions by enhancing nitric oxide's effects, which are naturally occurring during sexual stimulation. An enzyme known as guanylate cyclase is activated by nitric oxide, which raises the concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Improved blood flow to the erectile tissues is made possible by this procedure, which relaxes the smooth muscles in the penile arteries.
    • Same! But mostly because my gym time is "my time" and if anyone walks in while I am doing it, it really feels like an imposition.      Urgh this is the worst thing about amusement parks. They'd be so much better without all the damn people.   
    • Does the moon affect your sleep? I notice a full moon causes more than the usual struggle for me to get enough sleep.
    • Challenge Day 7: Sunday, June 23rd   Nutrition Weight: 95,5kg (+1,3 kg). Oh wow. Guess those 2200 calories from the day before came back to bite me on my ass 😅 Fasting: Pushed it to 18,5 hours. Maybe I was subconsciously trying to extend the fast in hopes of more fat getting burned, I dunno. Tracking: Ate some 2460 calories because apparently I'm not a fast learner. With no concerts on this day and lots of heat outside, I barely got any steps in. 5 glasses of water (1,25L).   Workout Might as well remove this bit by this point.   Sleep Went to bed at a reasonable time but despite the long weekend, I woke up at 6,5 hours today to one of my cats making a mess (also biting my feet). Did a few chores around the house and went to bed again for a few more hours, giving me an aggregate of the full 8 hours of sleep.   Non-tracked things: Duolingo and Album of the Day were done.
    • I don't really think it's going to be a hard disk problem, though. But if it is, then I'll definitely never finish Divinity: Original Sin which got abandoned last year when I was close to the endgame. Or The Witcher: Enhanced Edition where I was halfway - again. Oh well, to be honest, I'm tired of dark fantasy themed RPG games. They all wish they were Lord of the Rings anyway. 😇   I kind of got that feeling. Fortunately, though, in this case, I don't feel like I have to make a *choice* regarding what I'll watch at the festival. This is more like I have *options*. 😅   Metalheads unite! 🤘   Ranger's gonna ranger... 😅   An irrational mental block preventing me from doing workouts in front of the missus or the kids. Especially since my workout level is still on the low side. I probably wouldn't mind so much if half the exercises were "look at what I can do" instead of "look away, I'm struggling here". 🙃 I'm always reluctant to workout when it's not in private... 😅       I've been low on spoons these past couple of days. The laptop thing probably has something to do with that. Despite having my work laptop for internet and the likes, not having the *option* of my gaming laptop feels like I'm missing an appendage or something...   Didn't even have the spoons to do a weigh-in on Friday. I'm skipping this week. Probably wouldn't have been a good weigh-in with last weekend's food shenanigans. Although next week's is probably going to be even worse. I have been somewhat indulgent this weekend, and yesterday evening we had fries, and I had some crisps while watching football. Plus there's a team building event at work tomorrow evening. Which will involve all-you-can-eat ribs... 😅     Completely mistimed my lunch break walk on Friday. Got caught up in work for a bit, and had to cut the walk short a little as a consequence. Planned on doing a second walk in the evening, but brother-in-law showed up earlier than expected, so that didn't happen either. Watched the football together in the evening. Played some Stray afterwards.   Saturday was a day with little to do, so got a good walk in then. I fell asleep immediately afterwards, though, during the afternoon football match (while Mrs. Movieman was taking TimovieSon and TimovieDaughter to the barbershop). The rest of the day was just watching football and playing - and finishing! - Stray after the missus had gone to bed. Finishing Stray pushed me past my curfew, though, because we had to get up relatively early on Sunday to go to an amusement park with TimovieSon's football team mates and their parents.   Sunday was spent at amusement park Bellewaerde. Since this was the first Sunday in quite a while with nice and sunny weather, it was *very* crowded. Only got to go on 8 rides during the entire day. Spent most of our time waiting in line. Fortunately we were in a large group. TimovieDaughter was slightly clingy during the day, but at least she overcame her fear and joined me on the rollercoaster that has multiple loops in it. She even did it twice!   When we got home in the evening, we went for fries and watched the football afterwards. Well, *I* did. TimovieSon and TimovieDaughter had to go to bed because they have school today. And Mrs. Movieman did what she mostly does when the football is on: solving jigsaw puzzles.   Played some more Playstation afterwards. My second attempt at Hogwarts Legacy, after abandoning it last year. Or rather: after not getting back to it after we went on vacation. This one will *really* mess with my curfew... 😅
    • What a Fun thing to do! Looks like you both had a great time. Hope your wrist feels beter quickly.
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