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    • Thanks! Looks like I'll get to use it more in the coming weeks (see my upcoming update)   Velkommen. I'm currently reading Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (which is based off a different TV show of the same name than I thought it was when I bought it) as my physical book and Do Not Disturb by Frieda McFadden as my ebook     Welcome @Jarric.   I resisted the PF card game for a long time for some reason, but it ended up being a lot of fun. It helps that Hubs and another friend handle all the set up stuff so I just have to worry about playing my character.    Part of my issue with the board game nights is that I don't have time for an actual dinner. So not only am I eating a ton of junk, I don't even get any real food. I'm not looking to be perfect, just better than 2k cals of garbage foods in an evening. We are also getting more and more game nights going (board games most Tuesdays at one friends house, PF most Sundays at our house, and a bigger monthly board game night at our place) and I don't want all of them to be so farr off track
    • Went for an extended lunch break walk yesterday. My "usual" tour around the lake. The inner tour again, which I greatly prefer since it's right next to the water. Office day today, biked to work through the rain, but luckily it stopped raining during the morning. Lunch break walk happened as well.       "ALL THE THINGS!" update:   Forum posting Didn't update my own thread this weekend, despite being active on the forums.   Sports watching Have watched almost all the European Championship matches. Only caught highlights of the Tour de France so far. That should change in the coming days, because there's a couple of days without football now. Which should make Mrs. Movieman happy as well. 😁 I'm tracking the Wimbledon results so far, but haven't actually seen any tennis yet. Will happen as time allows.   Alcatraz prep The Alcatraz festival has finally released its actual timetable, so I've adjusted my list of bands I'd like to see, and prepared their most likely set lists - close to 500 songs! The songs have been added to a Spotify list, which is what I'll be listening to pretty much non-stop for the coming 6 weeks... 🤘   Darts practice Didn't happen. Mrs. Movieman is in a jigsaw puzzling phase at the moment (mostly because of the football on TV), and that rules out darts because she's pretty much sitting in the darts trajectory for that... 🤣 Plus, I'm in front of the TV because football. Maybe I'm juggling one too many things? 😇   Chess Have been keeping up with this. Number of matches have decreased, which makes it easier and easier. I generally end the day with no moves to be made within a 40+ hour period.   Words of Wonders Have been keeping up with this. Maxed out an in-game resource even!   The Crew 2 TimovieSon hasn't played this in a couple of weeks, so I'm pulling the plug as well. He was the only reason I started playing this again - despite my heart not really being into it - so if I can get if off my plate, I happily do so.   Hogwarts Legacy Have gone a little overboard with the exploration in the "safe" areas of the game. Hogsmeade has been thoroughly explored, Hogwarts is in the middle of cleanup at the moment. Then it's time to venture outside a bit more - which will significantly ramp up the amount of action I'll see, since I've mostly avoided it for now. The exploration has increased my character's level plenty, so I should be overpowered for the rest of the game, which suits me fine. I'm not into games like this for the action... 😅   Tennis Elbow 4 Now that I have a new laptop, this has started up again. Will make an update about my in-game exploits later today. 🙃
    • Doing this on my phone so not quoting separately or trying to write in norsk   A friend randomly decided to learn and said it was one of the easiest languages for an English speaker to learn. Since I'm definitely of Scandinavian decent I thought it would be fun. And now my mom, youngest sibling and I are planning on going to Norway next year.   I'm liking the course so far, but I definitely need other resources. I'm decent at reading and writing (within the vocabulary I've learned so far) but garbage at listening or speaking. And I need more guidance on rules.   I haven't seen those stories yet, I'll have to check them out. Thanks for telling me about them!   I finally feel like I'm not completely overwhelmed at life. My old job was a huge energy suck with insane busy seasons. But I'm also kid-free and mostly work from home, I don't know how some people do it with extra family obligations 
    • a. What'd you end up playing?  b. Is it possible to bring your own chair?  c. you're a badass.     Nope. Laura literally stayed home from a funeral yesterday for the same reason.     Mood.     a. I support both wolves as they chase their dreams. And their tails. b. Preeach!! Vintage shops were designed for tiny people. Sumbitch.     Sign, StS, seriously?? You can't brag about an epic bead horde and then not show off the best find from the grave goods!! 
    • Thanks. It would have been an hour plus of standing guaranteed. For me, on a bad day (like today). Even 10 mins of standing is a big ask.   I did have a pair of heavy noise cancelling loops. Can i find the dratted things? Of course not. It is like they have evaporated into the either or something. So annoying.   Thanks 😄  my wolves are more hippy/surfer style vs edgy asymetric cut vaguely metal looking style. So yes, my jewellery hoard is very eclectic. Refinding my style clothing wise is an ongoing project for this year as im able to fit back into more of my wardrobe and have come to the conclusion that many things in there werent me any more. Getting nice clothes when you have your own style round here is a bit complicated though. Much charity shop diving is currently the ongoing plan. At some point i will b able to actually fit into vintage stuff as there are many lovely vintage shops round here. But right now that is a no go . i do actually have a single lampwork bead on a leather thong i wear on and off. Its by a local glasswork artist and looks like a tiny planet (think, jupiter, but in blue/green). 
    • Yesterday was physically very hard and there just wasn't much steam left after I got home   Plan for after work yesterday   Go home✔️ Feed cats✔️ Shower✔️ Shred and portion chicken Have salad with shredded chicken for dinner Prep to cook food in morning     Today is likely to be physically taxing too,  But tomorrow is Chair day! I need to clear the place for it so it can be placed upon delivery.   Plan after work today Get Maggie from hospital and take her home Go home Feed cats Shower Make space for chair Shred and portion chicken  
    • Yesterday was a blue day - always is when I wfh after having a very social weekend. I've also failed to make any plans this week as I had so much going on at the weekend so I'm going to a friend's tomorrow eve. I'm interviewing the next three days so I'll be wfh as it's difficult to interview in the office, so I'm seeing someone in the eve. Back on track with food, run, cycle, physio, darebee, weights and walking to pilates. Even got to bed and read for 15mins - slightly past 11pm but wanted to get to a sensible place to stop!   Yesterday: 🥗 10pts 💧 5pts 🏃‍♀️ 10pts 🚲 5pts 🚶‍♀️ 5pts 🦵 5pts 🐝 5pts 🧘‍♂️ 5pts 🏋️‍♀️ 5pts 📚 15pts (YASS chonky points) Total: 465pts   I did not get offered the internal promotion job so I guess I'm leaving for a side step then! I guess nice that I don't have to make the difficult decision but annoying as I definitely would have been great at that job. Ah well, their loss.
    • It can be hard to go the "other way" yes. It is an amazing movie and while they didn't land the movie actors for the TV Show (obviously) they did a great job casting actors that were really close. I think Marvel has us spoiled with using the same cast between the TV Shows and Movies in their "multi-verse".
    • Thank you! Appreciate it   It ended up being a phone discord date or hangout lol.  He was able to geek out over The Thing. Shocked I never been told about this moving especially since I used to study social sciences (this would 100% been a good movie for a team communication report).  I found my brain melted at one point because i realized it's been awhile since I chatted with someone that long and deeply.  He also ended up buying me Stardew Valley, so I will be getting a gaming area setup in my living room. I have a desk I got for free last December that is perfect for a standuo situation (and buying a desk treadmill...). 
    • Oooh - my sister has an air fryer, but we've barely done anything with it because we never think of it until we're halfway through cooking. Might have to toss a couple burgers in there as a test run.
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