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    • This weekend was mostly spent preparing our living room for a new paint job. Thorough clean-up of everything, and degreasing and cleaning the walls as well. On Sunday we started painting the accent wall grey. We're going for grey and off-white (as opposed to the previous brown and beige), making everything lighter than it was.   But of course, I also watched the football matches and the Tour de France. And some Wimbledon highlights.   I correctly predicted the first two quarter final football matches at the Euros. There's a prediction website at work where you get points for each correctly predicted match result (win/draw/loss in the group stage, but also the goals in the knockout stages). Over 600 colleagues are participating. The two quarter final matches that I got completely correct (including the goals scored) propelled me from position 108 to 28. On the next two I didn't fare as well and dropped to #56. No matter, only the top 5 win something, and I'd pretty much have to nail both semi final results AND the final result to have a shot at a prize. It's just for fun. On Saturday, I happened to fall asleep during the first half of the England - Switzerland match. Good thing I did. Turned out I didn't miss anything. What a boring match that was. Sleep recovery trumps that any day. 😅   Haven't been doing that well foodwise this weekend. We ordered Chinese food on Friday when brother-in-law came over. Wound up overeating bigtime. Saturday was more reasonable, but it included a large ice cream, which pushed me over the 3K mark. On Sunday there was breakfast (croissants!), we had pancakes in the afternoon, and went out to dinner in the evening. While I just took a poke bowl, I still overdid it by eating the leftover spaghetti of the kids afterwards.       Week 3:   Week 3   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 5h31 Steps               Avg. steps 11.0K Distance 33.91 Workouts 0.0 Days with (mini-)workouts 0 ALL THE THINGS!                 Didn't play Hogwarts Legacy on Friday because I was too tired. But it's the only day I went to bed at a good hour, so it's the only day to score well on "ALL THE THINGS!". Lunch break walk on Friday was shorter than it should have been due to the rain. My weekly steps average was still okay, because of a *very* long walk on Thursday. Didn't sleep enough all week. I can blame "just one more quest" on Hogwarts Legacy for that. Especially on Saturday...   Contemplated going for a couple of "infamous foes" which are supposedly difficult boss battles in Hogwarts Legacy, but decided to wait until I have all the Unforgivable Curses. That way I can just bulldoze through the really tough ones with an Avada Kedavra. Because they're only "unforgivable" for NPCs in the game, and I don't care much for boss battles... 😅       Walk to Mordor   Distance walked last week: 33.91 km (21.07 miles) Road to Mordor: total 1201.4 miles - Lothlórien to Rauros - Feb. 21 - Day 6 since Lothlórien - Still paddling in the lowlands between downs and the Emyn Muil.       In other news, we watched "Inside Out" again, because we're going to see the sequel in the cinema on Friday. I've seen it four times now, and it gets me every time. Which becomes something of a running gag in the house. Whenever there's an emotional scene, TimovieSon very conspicuously turns around to look at my face to see if I'm crying. Which I am because damn it, Pixar, EVERY TIME! 😇 Chances are that I'll be weeping in the cinema on Friday... and will be mocked by two family members... 🙃       At Alcatraz, Dokken has apparently cancelled. They've been replaced by "Dio Disciples" - Ronnie James Dio's remaining band members playing covers of Black Sabbath, Rainbow and Dio. They're playing at the same time as "Bizkit Park" which is a Belgian cover band that mainly does Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, Slipknot and System of a Down songs. I'm more interested in Dio Disciples, but the problem is that the main attraction in Dio was really Ronnie James himself. That man's voice was a thing of beauty! And without him, it's just a cover band. I've seen Dio back in 2004 at Graspop. The only negative thing about that concert was that the guitarist and the drummer each got a 3-minute solo moment. In a one-hour afternoon gig. Damnit, I wanted two more Dio songs instead! 😅 Given the choice between both cover bands, I'll probably still go see Dio Disciples. So here's a Dio song.   Dio - Rainbow in the Dark
    • I stayed off the booze. It is 10.30pm. In 45 mins i will drive to the airport to pick my sister up as her plane was delayed and she will miss the transport home. I dont mind, i like driving at night and i can listen to music.    I had therapy this eve. It was needed. It helped a bit.    The dispute with the old landlord has gone crazy. He is basically lying massively and it is upsetting and frustrating. I want to cry and scream and punch him.    I have the union helping me though. So i will try to keep calm.    xx
    • I'm late to this challenge!!!      The cadence of this story is everything. Shocking confession, hard pivot to delicious carbs. 5/5 stars.     I have no advice re: safety. Dating is hellish but also something that some parts of us need?? I tell my lady friends to only dating women, but choosing to be gay isn't so much a thing, which is bullshit. Also when I say this, every sapphic lady in the room levels a thousand yard stare at me.     What's the renovation that's happening? Sorry if I missed that in an earlier challenge.  
    • I'm rather enjoying the diffuse narrative you're laying down with these images. 5/5 stars, would recommend.     Uffdah. Does the visitor density at least support odd businesses being open that otherwise couldn't survive on local custom alone??      I feel this. There's times when a character is frustrating to read, but also realistic, and those are terrible. But frustrating to read AND unrealistic and I need to throw the book against the wall.     I support relaxing, and rabbit shifters sound delightful.     I found Harkness' Discovery soooo soothing. The plot was whatever, but it strung together so many scenes of the author meditating on some beautiful  through her characters. Dunno if it's even a "good" book, whatever that means, but it's certainly soothing and lovely. I didn't go back for other books in the series tho, kinda worried that THE PLOT would supplant everything I enjoyed in book 1.
    • Hello!    Things are really good thanks! The car did get sorted! I have my freedom again and I will celebrate that by leaving my house as infrequently as possible. I haven't been updating but I have still been doing my challenge and I actually earned my first prize today so it's timely you checked up on me!      I can also get my second prize tomorrow - I didn't expect to be doing so well but here we are!     
    • That is what I've heard. I was unsuccessful at that, but I had a friend whose raspberry bushes were wonderful
    • I would 100% be asking them to leave the second it happened. Politely, but firmly. It's dangerous and it's violent, and without consent it's absolutely assault. Trust withdrawn. I would not want to be touched at all after that.
    • It's hard to resist bbq but it seems like this no-stress is working well enough.  Got to enjoy life too!     Great progress!     vacation is hard!  And coming back to routines is hard too.  
    • Starting Weight (6/14) 252.8  W1 6/17: 252.3 (-0.5) W2 6/24: 251.0 (-1.3) W3 7/2: 254.8 (+3.8) W4 7/8: 251.7 (-3.1)   Almost recovered from my long weekend trip to Seattle.  I was with my college bestie and our eating habits did not mesh well.  She was a bad influence but I own my choices.  No worries though, I dropped the vacation weight very quickly but then more poor choices this weekend.  I'm hoping to get back to normal again and have the scale recover again.  I am seeing weigh ins in the 250 range so I am pretty sure today's weigh in includes some additional bloat from my weekend and am not that worried.     We officially move in 2 weeks so making an effort to eat out of the freezer.  Some of the freezer food fits my meal plan well, others don't really but we plan to get through as much as we can.  
    • Yuck.  Get rest, feel better.
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