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    • Well the next days run was even worse. I knew it would be. I was not in the right space mentally at all. Might as well not have bothered. The new shoes are great but I did a lot of it on concrete and cobble stones along the river path, and I found them nuch more slippery than my old ones when the ground was wet. Assuming this is just because they are new and that when the soles are abraded a bit that'll be less of a problem. Hope so anyway.    OK, mentally reconfiguring the last week before taper. I'm thinking long run on Monday, early, short run on Wednesday, long run on Saturday (but maybe less long - say a half marathon?)    I'm at the ancestral home now. Beer successfully avoided and I have some extra food with me to avoid things like marmalade on toast for breakfast. I did a yoga session in my room (well, my brother's old room actually, but that's another story!) first thing. Very hard on the abs, Jesus. And I'm doing some hard-mode gardening. Moving 4 hydrangea bushes to a new location. Those buggers don't want to come out of the ground. Burning calories like a fiend.     
    • Yep! They're nice. I actually tend not to have trouble with new shoes chafing or whatever it definitely wanted to get a sense of whether they were comfortable and stable in genderal. I could fall back on the old ones if need be but they're trail shoes and not really designed for hard surfaces. 
    • Hair has a mind of its own.     I have heard the no combing/brushing, touching while dry thing so many times now, and my brain cannot compute.  It's sure I'll end up looking like Bellatrix Lestrange     It would be tolerable if I only smelled it while washing, but the scent is so strong it follows me for days.  My hair doesn't need washing again yet, but I want to just to get rid of the smell.  The new one is very herbal, rosemary and basil notes.  I am very excited to try.
    • It's home day!!!   I don't know why I thought it was an hour drive from the party location to the hotel lol it was 10 minutes. We got back on around 10:30. Not too bad but I could not fall asleep! I was way too chilly and wide awake. It got so cold last night.. Everyone looked like they were dressed for winter
    • Final total for yesterday: 3.77 miles, 8479 steps, 24 flights of stairs. I slept well, from midnight to seven.  This is good.   I did five squats while making tea, and I could totally feel the activities from yesterday. It was a good stretch, and I took my time with the holds.  Apparently in the hustle and bustle of yesterday, I forgot to actually push play  on the dishwasher last night after I loaded the dishes, so I did that this morning, then put in a load of gym-things laundry and filled up one of the gym-soap containers, organized a bit of the detritus that had gotten scattered about with clean towels (I folded them and put them in a basket in the downstairs bathroom now that there is room for that on a shelf) and collected a bunch of odds and ends in a basket that I also set on a shelf.    My house is clean. My homework is done for now.   Speaking of homework, James wrote yesterday to say that Neal had contacted him about a date for finalizing the Qualifying Exam questions. Apparently Neal is looking at the end of November, which gives James and I a little breathing room to work some more on philosophy of democracy and philosophy of education things before we dive in. The expectation is apparently that I will write the qualifying exam questions “over the break,” and James and I are pretty certain this means over winter Break, and not over Thanksgiving Break. All of this is fine and good.   I still have four essays by Dewey to read, but I have four days to do that. This morning I’m enjoying the Loft and the Library and tea. All is well. 🫖 
    • back leg rsises 🐝 clenchies 🐝
    • That's good to hear.     I don't mind cables. Beehives are just cables. But my main problem is that hand knits stretch out considerably, so I don't suppose these would look good except for that initial photograph.
    • Core (toes to bar) 5 reps, then immediately squat (BW) 5 reps. Did that 4 or 5 times over the day.   Feeling a bit sick. Early night tonight.
    • we are having the most immense storm here at the moment. Defiantly opening storm season with a bang this year. Lots of lightning and incredibly heavy rain. We have had to have the lights on all morning because it was so dark.    Just realised I've kind of let most of my goals slip a bit …oops?   having guests over has completely thrown everything out of whack too vis a vis trying to not inhale treats 😆 it is difficult to say no when we all go for ice cream.   so. Trying to get back on track a bit. Put some stuff in the rehoming box (which felt good as it was stuff i wanted shot of but the family was of the opinion i should keep. I am taking the villain option and just slinging it in the box, guilt free)   am going to try and get the clear the tbr book shelf back online. Have made a small pile i want to read through next. I struggle to tandem read things (my brain does not work this way) so that is clearly a dead end option (but i tried it, so now i know). just finished Phantasma (amazing book btw, highly recommend) so i am going to to pick a soft back to dig into next.  using the book as as daily gratitudes has been nice. Is quick, feels positive and also less of an afterthought when it’s in its own book. Haven't done the first journal entry yet. Suspect I'm kind of putting it off slightly (chief procrastinator here).       
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