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    • Friday--down to Disney for a drink, then home again. Saturday--I don't really remember what I did Saturday? Oh yeah--quite a bit of yard work. I mean, not a LOT, but a good, maintenance-type amount. Puttered around in the sewing room a bit. I was supposed to do A Day lifts, and just...forgot? 7/22 Sunday--Finished up a thing for an Etsy order, then finally dyed my hair. Roots were getting out of hand, for sure. Did some crockpot meatballs for dinner, which we'll have leftovers for dinner tonight. Monday--A walk (including to the post office) and I've gotten my belated A Day lifts completed 8/22   Squats DB OHP Seated Cable Rows   I added a working set for squats and increased my reps from 6 to 8 on said working sets. Next time, I'll repeat this work and then if all still feels good, increase reps the workout after that. DB OHP and Cable Rows were cautiously performed in preemptive deference to elbow nonsense. It was ridiculously humid in the garage (though not as humid as outside) despite being before 10a. I will be happy whenever the weather decides to break. Or perhaps I need to start doing my workouts before 8a and see if that helps. I don't historically do well with having a first-thing-in-the-morning workout, so TBD. Perhaps I'll just suck it up for another couple of weeks.   Sleep has been less-than-great the past few nights--my brain is fixated on a thing and is refusing to settle. I'll have to see what I can do to address that. It probably means that I have something somewhere that is looming and feels undone and is manifesting in weird ways since that's what typically happens. If I can figure out the thing and either do it or dismiss it, I should be fine.
    • Idunno your sketch caught it really well. I kinda like the effect of the water has from your linework.     Shutterfly or vistaprints could get you there!     I like you more than at least six of my siblings, but you're so so incorrect. But tbf, currywurst is a rare treat here and I'm sure the novelty goes into why I like it so much. Meanwhile I find my local street food, like a Chicago dog or walking tacos, are just meh.  
    • So happy to talk food and recipes at any time ❤️ I used this base recipe https://dishingouthealth.com/slow-cooker-sweet-potato-black-bean-chili/ except: 1. made it on the stovetop in a le creuset as I don't have a slow cooker 2. added a tablespoon or so of olive oil to sauté the onion and garlic in (probably can skip if you use slow cooker) 3. added a pound of ground turkey 4. boosted chili powder from 2T to 6T, boosted garlic and smoked paprika a bit too 5. added 1-2 T of unsweetened cocoa powder for that mole vibe   bon appétit!
    • Ooh, that chili recipe sounds amazing.  Do you mind sharing?
    • That's a tough call, really.  I don't think I would put my goals on pause for the dress but also probably wouldn't be putting a lot of effort to push myself on the goals.   Whatever you lose in 6 weeks will be great in the long run but probably not too much that it will harm the dress fit.   
    • Hey Timo, thanks for asking!     Weekend was ok. I cant really remember much? But i watched three great films.    Late night with the Devil - excellent, creepy, strange.  Fallen Leaves - slow paced but brilliant. Finnish film. The Hypnosis - absolutely fantastic. Loved this so much. Swedish film.      I also read, i ate and drank good stuff. And i walked Bronze twice. Sundays walk was 90 mins in the rain, gorgeous walk through the woods next to a nature reserve.    Also football of course, some good games to watch.    All in all, it was fine. good in parts and also had anxiety other times.    xx
    • Feeling meh. Decided to play hookie today. Feeling a little bit guilty about it, but not too much.
    • #DruidThoughts: Many Southern coastal communities like Galveston, Texas are scrambling to find ways to shore up seawall and other engineering mechanism to protect the community from the rising sea. These are not merely theoretical concerns of some far-off future event: In Galveston, the sea has risen .6 inch every year since 2010. The construction of seawalls and pumps (that would help mitigate flooding during increasingly common massive storms) and the resotration of beaches is largely being footed by federal grants and state dollars (more federal than state; this is still Texas we're talking about, here). Meanwhile, the private real estate appetite for coastal living is somehow, mindbogglingly, increasing. The profits from real estate are largely private affairs, as is common throughout the United States, and condos are being planned for coastal places, even Galveston. It kind of makes me wonder if FEMA ought to have the authority in conjunction with the Department of the Interior to mark certain lands as Federal Preserves, very similar to Federal Parks, becuase the cost to the coastline, the natural habitat, and the potential cost in sheer dollars for disaster relief are off the charts.    Anyway, this is what I'm thinking about as I get ready for the upcoming appointment, which is actually giving me the jitters apparently. Also, a pinball friend texted to ask if I want to go to dinner tonight after work, and I said yes -- bonus points for social things.
    • Maybe pick one or two exercises and just do 5 minutes to maintain your habit and destress a little, then relax?
    • Your hand quilting is so neat!  Mine always looks like chicken scratch.
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