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    • Thanks! It's good to get that reassurance.   This is very true and not how I had been thinking of things. Thank you for that insight.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday, I did not do 1 &2. Or 5, for that matter. But I did do a 30 minute GMB session for the first time in I don't know how long, and a guided meditation session through an app.   Today was a contrast to yesterday. I woke up a horrid mess of anxious thoughts, mostly work-related in some way. I have no explanation for this. I spent a good hour trying to get them under control, and in the end had to just pick a thing that I could actually do something about and then get up and do it. The anxiety lasted for several hours, again, for no obvious reason. Quick meditation moments were needed just to get by early on. I did my two journallings. I had a conversation with someone, and haven't yet answered a message I received from another. I did not take a walk though, as it started to rain shortly after I got home, and I am still kind of achey from yesterday, so I didn't want to do another session of GMB. Mostly it's the wrists. I don't want to put weight on them again so soon.
    • Time for hot chocolate. Better make it quick, the coffee shop is closing for tonight.   Maybe we'll all go out for virtual lunch tomorrow. Anyone know any good places in London?
    • I killed a big ol' spider that was crawling on my wall. Then a few minutes later, on the other side of the room, I feel like I need to brush something off my arm.    yep. Another big ol' spider. Crawling on my arm. So if anyone needs me I'm just going to light myself on fucking fire because I'm going insane now thinking they're all over me. Jury's out on whether I'll actually be able to fall asleep tonight. ☠️
    • Day 2 (82 to go)   I got up on time, but I still felt rushed, but got more workout done... skipped fewer sets. Though I think I should skip more. I might be overdoing a few things.   Did a little better on lunch today. Still need to bring more carbs and protein. Finished the day with PRO and CHO on point and low on Fat and calories, though still within 100 calories of goal.   More time at the desk today kept my step count closer to 3K.   Tomorrow I'm skipping weights and  just going for a walk. I've lifted 3 days in a row.
    • Good evening!   I'm about to hop in a shower and attempt to wash away the cares of today.   Training went well. We got to access computers and try our hands at using the system I actually comprehend after a long morning shift of watching people use the system for detailed work that I have not been quick to grasp. Well, the other girl got to do it. It's my turn tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.   I drove home, and managed to stay in a good headspace despite the downtown traffic. I nixed my plan to go hunting for blue light glasses because despite my head hurting every day, I don't think having tinted lenses distorting my vision will necessarily help.    When I got home, I watched a hail storm pass through with Cid. Then I went outside to explore because it was a winter wonderland (he made a Wyoming joke because I'd read that every time the travelers on the Oregon Trail passed through Wyoming it would be hail season, and it was always worth mentioning in the diaries and letters home 😆).   I took pics, some of which included vehicle damage. It's the first time I've taken significant damage from hail, but to be fair I did watch it last five minutes, and they did get as big as golf balls at the largest.     I spent the rest of the evening making dinner for the two of us, even though we weren't feeling that hungry, advising Cid to call his family members (I texted mine), filing the claim, following up on an email thread I'd been neglecting, and folding laundry. Now that shower sounds nice. 😆   What I didn't do was spend the evening looking at how to handle my deceased PC from Monday (oh, I should tell you guys what happened), and I haven't played ACNH today to clear up more ground space. Both can wait. This training has me tired. Oh! But I still climbed the five flights of stairs in the carpark! 🥳   The Curse of Strahd update I gave a friend earlier today:   Glad to have you! Maerad
    • Steps: 🚶‍♀️ ended the day with 3500 steps!    Deficit: ❌ had a bit too much at lunch   Spending: 👀 we decided to travel to my work Christmas party so I'm slowly booking stuff 🙃❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ this is going to be expensive. It will probably be the first and last time I go just because it doesn't make sense for me being out of province. 
    • It's back up to summer weather this week apparently! 26C for them.    I personally love this weather where generally its 22-26 during the day and maybe 16-22 overnight. Just lovely ☺️
    • 2024 - Year of Progression Word of the Year: Consistency  Sleep: 9 Hrs Weight: 237.9 lbs. Water: 1.5/4   Meals:  9:00am - Coffee, Cereal 12:00pm - Diet Soda, Bratwurst roll 4:00pm - Coffee, cookies 6:00pm - Sausage and pasta, broccoli   Fitness: 1/4 Walk   Meditation: 5 Min   Notes: Things continue, working on accepting that work is just going to be like this for a while. Going to just do the best I can.
    • Date: 24/09/24   All is solved by walking Total min exercise   20 Walk 30-60 min   20   Good job. Keep going. 0.5   The strong anvil 5 min Hindu pushup     5 min Hindu squat     5 min  bridge             Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man Jacket and tie   P A nice close shave         0.5   Dawn is friend to the muses Kept 8-10 schedule   N Kept 10-12 schedule   P Kept 12-2 schedule   P Kept 2-4 schedule   P Kept 4-6 schedule   P   An improvement. 2   Rest is the best medicine 6-8 hours of sleep   Y In bed by midnight   N AM writing exercise   N AM meditation   N PM writing exercise     PM meditation     Interoception meditation         1  
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